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Things on T.V that scared you as a child.

Two episodes of Tales of the Unexpected... to a lesser extent, the one where the man eats too much Royal Jelly and turns into a bee.

But the one that really scared me involved a man who feigns being dead to get out of prison in a coffin - making a deal with the coffin-maker to bury him together with the next inmate who dies at the jail. The coffin-maker is then to come and dig him up later after the funeral and release him from the coffin - leaving just the actual dead inmate inside. It is all going really well until the funeral is finished and the man gets out his lighter to see (out of curiosity) with whom he has been buried and sees the coffin maker lying next to him. The camera pans back as you hear the man scream.

I must have been really quite young when I saw that but it has stuck with me ever since.

I never saw that, but just reading it makes me shudder.
Two episodes of Tales of the Unexpected... to a lesser extent, the one where the man eats too much Royal Jelly and turns into a bee.

But the one that really scared me involved a man who feigns being dead to get out of prison in a coffin - making a deal with the coffin-maker to bury him together with the next inmate who dies at the jail. The coffin-maker is then to come and dig him up later after the funeral and release him from the coffin - leaving just the actual dead inmate inside. It is all going really well until the funeral is finished and the man gets out his lighter to see (out of curiosity) with whom he has been buried and sees the coffin maker lying next to him. The camera pans back as you hear the man scream.

I must have been really quite young when I saw that but it has stuck with me ever since.

Oh God yeah! I'd forgotten about them.

Escape into the Night aka Marriane Dreams - absolutely terrified me

The end of Catspaw in Star Trek (the below is just a clip - it was the transformation at the end that scared me)

and of course, the evil dwarf in the Singing Ringing Tree
some kids' drama serial which featured some things called the 'ugglie wugglies' - these kids'd made people (to act as an audience?) out of old clothes and newspaper and stuff, like a scarecrow or a guy... and they came to life, like zombies.

i was properly traumatised (i think maybe about 6 years old?) and my sisters tortured me relentlessly. just the words 'uggly wuggly' were enough to make me cry.
O lawks, I remember that too.

This thread is traumatising me all over again, loads of stuff here I'd buried!
Oooh, speaking of the Outer Limits, I was a teenager rather than a small child but there was a episode with David Hyde Pierce (Niles from Frasier) that freaked the fuck out of me. He creates a virtual prison where people are sentenced according to their own feelings of guilt and he somehow ends up convicting himself to an eternity inside his own mental prison. I still think about it weirdly often.
Superdupastupor said:
it's been so long that I can't remember--

it's the hall of faces that spooOooked me :eek:

It was a hall of cabinets with heads in so the evil queen can change heads.
The Wheelers were her minions.
They were men in crazy suits with long arms that reached the floor with wheels on (and their feet) and they had manic laughs :eek:

Day of the Triffids had me pretty panic stricken at the time. The music still rates as the scariest of anything ever on tv imo followed swiftly by the music of World in Action. :D
Herve Villechaize from fantasy island used to scare the crap out of me for some reason :D

That fucking child catcher ^
This man trap:

and on Nationwide in the 70's (I think) there was a story about a werewolf in Northumbria. A real fucking werewolf, loose. Real. I was about 5 and it scared me for years aferwards.
A real fucking werwolf, on the news.
and on Nationwide in the 70's (I think) there was a story about a werewolf in Northumbria. A real fucking werewolf, loose. Real. I was about 5 and it scared me for years aferwards.
A real fucking werwolf, on the news.

I think someone else said that on this thread.
I don't remember it :D
I remember a public information film about Rabies that scared the shit out of me. (can someone try to search and link for me please? Can't do it from this machine. Was on TV mid - late '70s iirc. Scary dobermans foaming at the mouth etc).
A british tv show or movie I saw in the Sixties. It was an ordinary British flat; but for some reason, a giant spider spun a web in a doorframe. Someone walks in and is caught: next thing you know, the spider is moving in to eat the person.

I was traumatized about spiders for decades after that. Still am, in fact. :)
This was the closet one to having an infected dog in it :D

All the others on youtube just explained the damage it could cause and there was one with some nasty images of black kids dying from it in hospital :(
They were real, it was the news ffs. :D

I cannot find anything about it by googling, only people on forums saying they were scared of it :D

If you search for 'UK 70's news report werewolf', it gives you the Nationwide Wiki page, which has nothing about werewolves anywhere on it.

Google keeps doing this recently, you search for something and it sends you too a wiki page that doesn't contain any of the words you searched for :mad:
I found the same report on a a different site but the only link to Nationwide is a source reference at the bottom.
There is nothing about the programme.

Apparently it's the story that the programme item was investigating (mentioned in a h2g2 article and somewhere in the Fortean Times forum), but no, no details of the programme itself (seems it was broadcast 20th Feb. 1976).
It was a hall of cabinets with heads in so the evil queen can change heads.
The Wheelers were her minions.
They were men in crazy suits with long arms that reached the floor with wheels on (and their feet) and they had manic laughs :eek:

oh god yes, that was a scary, scary film!

Can't remember what the name of the programme was but it was some kind of early evening kids' telly where mechanical things and pylons came alive to attack humans. So traumatic that I'm still a bit scared of pylons now.

It might have been the Tomorrow People.


i remember being very scared by this:

and petrified by this:
Ok I'm in bed but can't sleep.
Tufty, I loved The Moondial (my friends named their cat Minty after that), that, Tom's Midnight Garden and The Children of Green Knowe.
They were all pretty scary as a kid but I bloody loved them and read the books.

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