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They all possibly went on Holiday at same time because they all knew and wanted others to cop for the blame


Slightly disgruntled
The three Tories who were all on Holiday at the same time all possibly knew what was going to happen and they possibly went to avoid having to do their job, and so that another of them would cop for it all. Typically of them, they all possibly knew it, and all of them possibly went to leave the other in it. However when they all went, it made it even worse. Ultimately Raab copped for it as it was his job. He avoided answering the question, nine times, as to when he went on holiday at the inquest.
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I think they went on holiday at the same time because it was August and parliament was in recess, so it's when they go on holiday. Events moved a lot quicker than anyone was expecting - before the withdrawal, the gloomier reports were expecting the Taliban in Kabul by Christmas iirc
But that would require an organizational skillset beyond the capability of any members of the current government.
The Tories are congenital with avoiding blame. They are always clever enough to have excuses and scapegoats. Raab possibly refused to answer the date at which he went on holiday ( nine times ) because it was booked at the last minute as he ran off holding his trilby hat on his head, but that is conjecture. Apparently this was the biggest event of such since the second world war, and three of the top Tories were conveniently on Holiday. Better than a fridge.
I think they went on holiday at the same time because it was August and parliament was in recess, so it's when they go on holiday. Events moved a lot quicker than anyone was expecting - before the withdrawal, the gloomier reports were expecting the Taliban in Kabul by Christmas iirc
Quite possibly. However when I watched all this in the News, and Raab refusing to answer the date he went on Holiday, that set me wondering.
What do you imagine he was hoping to avoid? Do you think he's managed it?
I think he may have had an inkling as to what was about to happen, because they are privvy to things we arent. All this is alleged, of course, I am not saying any of this thread is true. He may have known what was going to occur. What got me wondering was when he refused, nine times, at the investigation to give the date that he left to go on holiday. Again, I am only speculating and not saying any of it is true. What you posted earlier in the thread may very well be true. With such a big event happening, at the very least they should have been present.
What would I know anyway. I am just a Peasant. I should pay more attention to doing my hair and watch loose women instead. 😛
Quite possibly. However when I watched all this in the News, and Raab refusing to answer the date he went on Holiday, that set me wondering.
He flew out to Crete on the 8th of August (according to the tweet from some random who was on the same flight and ranting about Raab).

I'm not buying any notion that these 'top' tories conspired to be away when the SHTF, but 2 things from yesterday do strike me as noteworthy:
1. Tugendhat's killer revelation of the July FCO internal memo demonstrated that Raab quite possibly should not even have considered an August break &
2. Tories defending Raab with the 'every family has the right to a holiday away' line when they preside over a society in which at least 50% of poorer families cannot afford any holiday away from the home.
I think he may have had an inkling as to what was about to happen, because they are privvy to things we arent.
Right. (I don't think so though - everyone was obviously caught on the hop) - but what benefit do you think he imagined he'd gain by being on holiday while Afghanistan collapsed? The whole episode has been disastrous for Raab politically, it's made him look like a total buffoon.
He flew out to Crete on the 8th of August (according to the tweet from some random who was on the same flight and ranting about Raab).

I'm not buying any notion that these 'top' tories conspired to be away when the SHTF, but 2 things from yesterday do strike me as noteworthy:
1. Tugendhat's killer revelation of the July FCO internal memo demonstrated that Raab quite possibly should not even have considered an August break &
2. Tories defending Raab with the 'every family has the right to a holiday away' line when they preside over a society in which at least 50% of poorer families cannot afford any holiday away from the home.
OK well, point taken. I should stick to putting my rollers in and making pots of Tea.
Right. (I don't think so though - everyone was obviously caught on the hop) - but what benefit do you think he imagined he'd gain by being on holiday while Afghanistan collapsed? The whole episode has been disastrous for Raab politically, it's made him look like a total buffoon.
He refused to give the date he left for holiday. Why??
Because he's an idiot. He thinks that if he stalls and bluffs this will go away, not realising that him stalling and bluffing has become almost as much of a story as his apparent inattentiveness to whole his job/Afghanistan interface.
Quite possibly. I still am wondering if thats the reason he refused nine times to say what date he left to go on holiday. Also " inattentiveness ", youd make a good Tory spin doctor 🤣
So the drift is, that its only Raab in question. And that the crux of the matter is when it was that he went on Holiday, knowing that this was coming up, and with other cabinet members already on Holiday at this time. The date he went on Holiday needs to be established.
I think we can all take it has read that Raab is a buffoon, who has neither the ability nor the motivation to do his job properly. I suspect the reason he won't give straight answers (apart from the fact he's a politician) is he knows he hasn't come out of this affair looking good and is being a bit evasive. I wouldn't assume conspiracy when incompetence neatly explains everything.
I think we can all take it has read that Raab is a buffoon, who has neither the ability nor the motivation to do his job properly. I suspect the reason he won't give straight answers (apart from the fact he's a politician) is he knows he hasn't come out of this affair looking good and is being a bit evasive. I wouldn't assume conspiracy when incompetence neatly explains everything.
yeh cock-up always explains things more simply than conspiracy
More likely they go on holiday for the whole or most of the recess so bound to be away at the same time.

Actually who is deputy PM? I don't even know. Presumably we can't have all the leaders out of the country they rule at the same time.
More likely they go on holiday for the whole or most of the recess so bound to be away at the same time.

Actually who is deputy PM? I don't even know. Presumably we can't have all the leaders out of the country they rule at the same time.
When blustercunt failed to die back in the Spring, it was Raab who took hold of the tiller of the ship of state.
Actually who is deputy PM? I don't even know. Presumably we can't have all the leaders out of the country they rule at the same time.
Quite possibly it is that backbencher with the frizzy hair like an Alpacca, who has been asked to " cover " for PM on a lower wage to save money, and without any training.
If you want to take something from this, when the first winnits headed towards the fan Raab should have come home, he didn't, I reckon his wife said something along the lines of, "This is a family holiday and you are not going to let work spoil it." He didn't even need to come back to the UK, could have set up a command centre in the British Consulate in Heraklion, about 20 minutes cab ride from his hotel. But he didn't even do that.
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More likely they go on holiday for the whole or most of the recess so bound to be away at the same time.

Actually who is deputy PM? I don't even know. Presumably we can't have all the leaders out of the country they rule at the same time.

Raab was in charge when Johnson had Covid and was in hospital...
I think they went on holiday at the same time because it was August and parliament was in recess, so it's when they go on holiday. Events moved a lot quicker than anyone was expecting - before the withdrawal, the gloomier reports were expecting the Taliban in Kabul by Christmas iirc
This. Plus they don't really give much of a fuck for the lives of others, co couldn't be arsed to sort it out whilst on hols.
Wasnt there any correspondence/communication with Biden or the US as this was approaching?
Right. (I don't think so though - everyone was obviously caught on the hop) - but what benefit do you think he imagined he'd gain by being on holiday while Afghanistan collapsed? The whole episode has been disastrous for Raab politically, it's made him look like a total buffoon.
I think the thinking in the OP is he imagined one his colleagues would be asked to head up the response in his absence, so that person would shoulder the blame.
Actually who is deputy PM? I don't even know. Presumably we can't have all the leaders out of the country they rule at the same time.
There isn’t one, as is usually the case. Last one was that wiberal whose name I forget.
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