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The Wire comes to BBC2 (Spoiler free, please)

Plus, there is nothing much that compares to lying on the couch watching 6 episodes +

i don't have a telly so am now completely indoctrinated into the Way of The Boxset. really can't imagine watching anything episode by episode now. which is a shame in a way, because you lose the anticipation factor, but i think the sheer indulgent pleasure of six episodes in a row makes up for it.

(btw, i'm four episodes into season two disc by disc at the moment and would really beg all of you to watch for even the suggestion of a spoiler in this thread. i don't want to know about anything that might happen in two season's time! i want it all to be a glorious involuntary- gasping surprise! i already know that *something bad happens* to *someone especially awesome* at *some point in the future*, you know, that thing, and if i think about that too much it harshes my mellow in a major way).
i don't have a telly so am now completely indoctrinated into the Way of The Boxset. really can't imagine watching anything episode by episode now. which is a shame in a way, because you lose the anticipation factor, but i think the sheer indulgent pleasure of six episodes in a row makes up for it.
there's a bit on a commentary on one of the episodes of (iirr) Six Feet Under, where the director goes on about how he gets pissed off with people watching like that. It's not just the lack of anticipation, it's also not seeing what other shows, of much lesser quality, are on inbetween. Just how great each episode really is doesn't stand out in the same way. Also, you can sometimes just get too much plot if you watch loads at once, and it can seem almost ridiculous (the bit where Omar gets a dirty bomb and wipes out South Baltimore springs to mind)
also not seeing what other shows, of much lesser quality, are on inbetween

That's ridiculous! I only watch good TV, and I don't need to watch the shit to know it's good!
there's a bit on a commentary on one of the episodes of (iirr) Six Feet Under, where the director goes on about how he gets pissed off with people watching like that. It's not just the lack of anticipation, it's also not seeing what other shows, of much lesser quality, are on inbetween. Just how great each episode really is doesn't stand out in the same way. Also, you can sometimes just get too much plot if you watch loads at once, and it can seem almost ridiculous
yes, but it bears repeated watching, which is why boxsets are so popular
That's ridiculous! I only watch good TV, and I don't need to watch the shit to know it's good!
you never catch anything but prime HBO?? Even the other 'good stuff' pales into comparison. Other things may be good, but they aint sublime
yes, but it bears repeated watching, which is why boxsets are so popular

oh yeah, that is one reason why I own them all! That and their lack of being shown on a reasonable channel over here. But we did make a point of taking two years to watch them all, drawing them out to make them last good and proper.
oh yeah, that is one reason why I own them all! That and their lack of being shown on a reasonable channel over here. But we did make a point of taking two years to watch them all, drawing them out to make them last good and proper.

two years??? :eek: jesus christ, that's some fierce restraint you showed there :D

well I go to bed at 9ish each night, and missed loads of interesting stuff that was shown late at night, and I've now caught up with it all thanks to ondemand and boxsets

I like the autonomy it gives you
It's not just the lack of anticipation, it's also not seeing what other shows, of much lesser quality, are on inbetween.

lol. i got rid of my telly so i could spend less time watching mediocre programmes. and this dude wants me to watch *more*? whatever.

and actually now i come to think of it, the 'lack of anticipation' thing is nonsense. i'm going to argue with myself. i'm currently anticipating the hell out of madmen coming to dvd; waiting for the wire boxsets to turn up at the library has been a nightmare of anticipation. i've got to the stage where i'm asking where i am on the waiting list for the wire every other day. i'm kind of worried that i might be losing a little bit of my dignity and that the librarians see me heading towards the info desk and do a little laugh. 'oh, she's back again...' so yeah, i was talking nonsense, but so was 6 feet under dude.
two years??? :eek: jesus christ, that's some fierce restraint you showed there :D

they were only up to season three when i got the first set, so that was part of the reason. and was skint when 5 came out and had to wait till this christmas!
I did drag them out tho, only two a year. Glad I did, can pretty much start them all over again straight away!

(Tho we still have Mad Men, Battlestar Galactica and the last three of the Shield to do as well...)
lol. i got rid of my telly so i could spend less time watching mediocre programmes. and this dude wants me to watch *more*? whatever.

and actually now i come to think of it, the 'lack of anticipation' thing is nonsense. i'm going to argue with myself. i'm currently anticipating the hell out of madmen coming to dvd; waiting for the wire boxsets to turn up at the library has been a nightmare of anticipation. i've got to the stage where i'm asking where i am on the waiting list for the wire every other day. i'm kind of worried that i might be losing a little bit of my dignity and that the librarians see me heading towards the info desk and do a little laugh. 'oh, she's back again...' so yeah, i was talking nonsense, but so was 6 feet under dude.

This post has made me smile so much! :)
I did drag them out tho, only two a year. Glad I did, can pretty much start them all over again straight away!

(Tho we still have Mad Men, Battlestar Galactica and the last three of the Shield to do as well...)
God, just finished the shield a few weeks ago after putting off the final series for as long as possible.

Really excited that friends of mine will start talking about the wire!
I did drag them out tho, only two a year. Glad I did, can pretty much start them all over again straight away!

(Tho we still have Mad Men, Battlestar Galactica and the last three of the Shield to do as well...)

Can I introduce you to True Blood if you havent seen it? :)

BSG is patchy, but I envy you watching the sublime Mad Men for the first time. Its perfect.
i was talking nonsense, but so was 6 feet under dude.
that's slightly unfair on him.

when he wrote the series, DVD Boxed Sets were only just getting going really, he wrote it to be viewed n a weekly basis, had he made it for DVD, he'd have done it differently.

Mike Leigh made a similar point last night in an interview. He'd rather Abigail's Party had been wiped after broadcast. It's not that it's bad play or anything, but the production on it was so bad that it embarrasses him. he does have a point.

I curse god for not letting me enjoy stuff like that

god! :mad:

they're all on lovefilm, that's how we watch them.

Can I introduce you to True Blood if you havent seen it? :)

BSG is patchy, but I envy you watching the sublime Mad Men for the first time. Its perfect.

not another, please! We'll have the next Big Love and undoubtedly something new by the time we get through that lot.
True Blood is shithot Belboid. Highest stateside viewing figures for any prog since Sopranos apparently

It involves southern gothic, hot sex, vampires and solid plotting and characterisations.

It's well good
True Blood is shithot Belboid. Highest stateside viewing figures for any prog since Sopranos apparently

It involves southern gothic, hot sex, vampires and solid plotting and characterisations.

It's well good

bastard, I'm sold now.

Much better selling from you there DC! :) You made it sound attractive!

What's Big Love people?

Mormon drama about the trials and tribulations of the polygamist lifestyle.
I'm not reading this thread in fear of spoilers but I just had to voice my opinion on how great this is. I need to take myself outside and give myself a good hiding for missing out on this till now.
Me and the missus are slowly working our way through the first series of Mad Men at the moment. We like it a lot.

Any thoughts on Deadwood, people? Could be next on the list.
Me and the missus are slowly working our way through the first series of Mad Men at the moment. We like it a lot.

Any thoughts on Deadwood, people? Could be next on the list.

watched first episode and thought it was ok, not bothering with the other series, more to do with me being skint than anything else though.
Is there a site with the script? It's one of those programmes where you need to understand all the dialogue. You can tell a novelist wrote it because every word matters.

You also have to pause it occasionally so you can look things up at urbandictionary.com. (Am I showing my age?)
Is there a site with the script? It's one of those programmes where you need to understand all the dialogue. You can tell a novelist wrote it because every word matters.

You also have to pause it occasionally so you can look things up at urbandictionary.com. (Am I showing my age?)

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