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The "who are you voting for on May 3" thread

Who are you going to be voting for on May 3?

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JoePolitix said:
I live in Bristol and the Lib dem controlled council has pushed through privitisations that the labour run council would never have dreamed of.
Hoho, do you think?
BTW, I have heard from a good friend (who happens to be standing as a Green himself in Lancaster) that the Leeds Greens who supported the Tories' neo-liberal agenda have been made pariahs within their own party.

Just though you would like to know. You may have reason to think that's bollocks but I trust my friends judgement on this one.
Tom A said:
BTW, I have heard from a good friend (who happens to be standing as a Green himself in Lancaster) that the Leeds Greens who supported the Tories' neo-liberal agenda have been made pariahs within their own party.

Just though you would like to know. You may have reason to think that's bollocks but I trust my friends judgement on this one.

Sure. No doubt it's because they are pariahs that they are trumpeted as one of the 'successes' in 'influential positions' on the official Green Party website .


The Green Parties in the UK now have more elected representatives in more influential positions than ever before.

The Green Party holds the balance of power, is part of a ruling coalition or otherwise holds a 'cabinet' position on a number of Councils, including Castle Morpeth B.C., Islington L.B.C., Lancaster City Council, Leeds City Council, Malvern Hills D.C., Norwich City Council and Oxford City Council.

Emphasis added.

To be fair that press release is just a statement of fact.

However, this is one of the few criticisms of the Greens by RESPECT that I think is entirely fair. I don't agree that the Leeds councillors have been made into pariahs - the worst that has happened to them is that people mumble a bit when talking about it and look a bit sheepish. Which, quite frankly, isn't good enough. If I had my way something would be done. The fact that nothing is being done is one of the reasons that I helped found Green Left.

However - extrapolating right-wing behaviour on the part of all Greens because of the actions of one local party is neither fair nor balanced. Most Green councillors, and Green candidates are well to the left of the mainstream, and a good progressive choice.

Thats my view anyway, but I don't get a vote this year!

Pete the Greek said:

slightly more sensible spending, less chance of council tax going awol....oh yeah, and better planning decisions.

Everyone knows Tory councils are run better.

Maybe you should ask the residents of a borough that recently changed hands to the tories and they are having their library service decimated. They are also cutting back on the mobile and home visit service for the elderly. Bastards. People who served this country in peace and in war are now going to be left without the only regular contact with the outside world the mobile libriarian.

Still if you vote for shit you get shit services. Not that I think NL councils are any better. And as for the lib dems.....:mad:

Slighlty off topic I've just been over on the BBC Speak Your Brains site and I'm surprised at the amount of people who are saying they would vote bnp. I counted about 5 in two pages or so. Very worrying.
I am not left-wing but I will vote for the local Socialist Party incumbent as I know him to be a principled individual who has a good track record in standing up for the less well off and giving the council bigwigs some well-deserved stick.

Would sooner eat a plate of cold sick than vote Labour.
I don't want to vote tory or labour, so the lib-dems are the 'least bad' option where I live.
KeyboardJockey said:
I was looking at that earlier scary isn't it?
Looks like the 'internet warriors' of the BNP have launched another bid to flood this HYS so as to create a false impression that they're the big news. Truth is, tha vast majority of people reject their easy, lazy scapegoating and sloganeering - the only danger is if that majority stay home, so let's all make sure we vote!

Sick Of Extremists, York

i hope to god that this chap/chapess is right
Well I wasn't going to bother, but I see both the BNP, UKIP and some loon religious group are standing where I am.

I was so keen to vote against ^ that lot, I turned up at the polling station and then realised it was Wednesday. :oops: :D
In Bloom said:
Hoho, do you think?

Mate, I don't think - I know. With regards to homecare Labour didnt vote for privatisation. Yes, its true that they let the private agencies pick up work as the Home Care market expanded in Bristol. They also let the pensions and shopping and laundry work go to the agencies.

But they never tried to do what the Lib Dems are attempting now. When Labour were in control of Bristol they never tried to privatise personal care against the wishes of the workforce and the service users. Labour councilllors have backed the home care workers. See:


Being a deluded reformist (and not an evil Bukuninite idealist/hypocrite like you and your crypto-Bukuninite poodle Mk12) I voted acordingly. Not that it matters though. Bristol West (where I live) has become so gentrified with students and yuppy filth the lib dems are bound to get re-elected. With any luck though the slimbag for Easton will get his just desserts.:mad:
Being a deluded reformist (and not an evil Bukuninite idealist/hypocrite like you and your crypto-Bukuninite poodle Mk12) I voted acordingly

There's no election where I live :D
JoePolitix said:
But and yuppy filth the lib dems are bound to get re-elected. With any luck though the slimbag for Easton will get his just desserts.:mad:

Fortunately not, they lost 2 seats in Bristol, including Kiely in Easton :D :D and (amazingly) labour took 29% of votes, LibDems 27% & Tories only 25% across the parts of the city that voted... worryingly high votes for BNP tho :( ...
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