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The "who are you voting for on May 3" thread

Who are you going to be voting for on May 3?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Tom A

Goat among sheep
Simple really. Who are you putting your cross next to on a week Thursday.

Let the fun begin...
The Greens seem to have done an awful lot in Lancaster, especially in Marsh where I am and nice to see them so powerful so I will be supporting them:cool:
Ah, but for that poll to work in Scotland and Wales it needs to be multi-option. You can potentially vote for 6 different parties this time round.
i am cheating because i dont have a vote this time but that's how i would have voted green ;)
I mean, does anyone HONESTLY believe that the Greens are going to get anywhere?

Just vote Labour for God's sake. Anything else isn't big and it definitely isn't clever.
it's not about getting the Greens "Somewhere". It's about not voting or voting Greens for me.

FFS it's only local elections anyway. Not like they're gonna change anything radically.
Then don't vote. There's no point in you wasting the fuel/shoe leather.

Maybe I'm kidding but still..
Live in Tory held area - refuse to vote Labour but would have voted Respect if they'd put up candidate. Will spoil my ballot paper
Not even sure who I have to choose from in the nationals tbh. Probably go for an independent in the council ones though. Certainly NOT labour or snp(at either level)
I only have the choice...yet again, of the Big '3' and the comedy independent turn who always produces the funniest campaign manifesto

There's really little point, normally around a 15% turnout and you could put a monkey in a red suit and thse people would vote for it

I'm going to Lib Dem since they're the only ones that have bothered to actually personally canvas. The Tories have admitted defeat for the 5th time in a row by not canvassing at all...not even a leaflet
Hi-ASL said:
I mean, does anyone HONESTLY believe that the Greens are going to get anywhere?

Just vote Labour for God's sake. Anything else isn't big and it definitely isn't clever.
Soooo I shouldn't vote Labour because the leader's wife is ugly (and, less pertinently, consorts with the Italian centre-right), and because it's leader is in America's pocket like, um, every British leader in living memory? Because of this I should welcome back the Tories and the attendant misery and havoc? Hmmm.
imposs1904 said:
A write in vote for the SPGB.
Ah, how spiritually rewarding it must be to feel so noble and disenfranchised.

Can any of you say: pragmatism? What do the words 'reality check' mean to you?
Hi-ASL said:
I mean, does anyone HONESTLY believe that the Greens are going to get anywhere?

Just vote Labour for God's sake. Anything else isn't big and it definitely isn't clever.
In 1999 five Greens were elected to the City Council for the first time. Since then they have won a seat on Lancashire County Council and in 2003 increased the number of Green Councillors on the City Council to seven. :p
Anyway-is this meant to be a thread slagging off other people's choices?
cyberfairy said:
In 1999 five Greens were elected to the City Council for the first time. Since then they have won a seat on Lancashire County Council and in 2003 increased the number of Green Councillors on the City Council to seven. :p
Then clearly the Lancashire Green vote is effective. My comments are aimed at those who waste their votes by putting idealistic principles before reality.
Anyway-is this meant to be a thread slagging off other people's choices?

But it's sort of, um, become a thread where I attempt to dissuade some people from voting disastrously. Isn't such a thing the very essence of a forum like this?
This poll shouldn't be public, that's contrary to the spirit of secret ballots, surely? Obviously people aren't compelled to vote in it so I'm just being uptight...

I have a quandary this year- my favoured party are fielding a candidate whom I know personally, and I think he's a complete tosswad. IMO he's got the charsima of an arse-cheek and absolutely no social skills and shouldn't be allowed to represent anything or anyone (think John Major, only younger, more religious, and possibly less interesting, with a more annoying voice). Somehow he's myvered his way into local politics and now I'm faced with a terrible choice.
I have no faith in him to do anything because I've witnessed his conversation skills, and can't see how he can sit on a council and cause anything to be achieved. ARGGGG!
What to do?
Hi-ASL said:
Soooo I shouldn't vote Labour because the leader's wife is ugly (and, less pertinently, consorts with the Italian centre-right), and because it's leader is in America's pocket like, um, every British leader in living memory? Because of this I should welcome back the Tories and the attendant misery and havoc? Hmmm.

Ah, how spiritually rewarding it must be to feel so noble and disenfranchised.

Can any of you say: pragmatism? What do the words 'reality check' mean to you?

"Ignorant Northern Prole" . . . pragmatism . . . 'reality check'

Can I be the first person to welcome Ian McCartney to Urban 75 forums. The clue is in the eating.
Labour. Reluctantly.

We've got the LibDems running the council here in Bristol, and a more incompetent shower of prats it would be difficult to imagine, taking some really bad, bad, BAD decisions.......

Would consider Greens, never vote respect, even if they were standing... but will be Labour on the day.....
Hi-ASL said:
Soooo I shouldn't vote Labour because the leader's wife is ugly
The moment I hear someone use the term "ugly" in the context of another human being I know to disregard their puerile opinions.
gentlegreen said:
The moment I hear someone use the term "ugly" in the context of another human being I know to disregard their puerile opinions.
Sorry, but I do demand a certain level of attractiveness in my politicians. I'm very much into personality politics. For me, Blair is the Labour movement. I found your pictures very persuasive.

Do you have any photos of La Ciccolina?
In my ward (Thorpe, Southend) I have a choice of four: Tory, Labour, Lib Dem and an "independent" (whatever one of those is). Spoilt ballot paper it is then. :(
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