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Reminds of Moonlighting.

Hey, petee is there much discussion of climate change over there? Asking because when we get ABC it's never really mentioned on the news bulletins.
Reminds of Moonlighting.

Hey, petee is there much discussion of climate change over there? Asking because when we get ABC it's never really mentioned on the news bulletins.

depends i think on where you're reading, there is plenty of discussion but not on the nightly news please:

Gloninger announced on Wednesday that he is "bidding farewell to TV to embark on a new journey dedicated to helping solve the climate crisis."

The reasons, he said, were "a death threat stemming from my climate coverage last year and resulting PTSD, in addition to family health issues."

Gloninger received a steady stream of threatening and harassing emails from one individual starting last summer, as he shared on Twitter at the time. A 63-year-old Iowa man pleaded guilty to third-degree harassment several months later.

depends i think on where you're reading, there is plenty of discussion but not on the nightly news please:

Gloninger announced on Wednesday that he is "bidding farewell to TV to embark on a new journey dedicated to helping solve the climate crisis."

The reasons, he said, were "a death threat stemming from my climate coverage last year and resulting PTSD, in addition to family health issues."

Gloninger received a steady stream of threatening and harassing emails from one individual starting last summer, as he shared on Twitter at the time. A 63-year-old Iowa man pleaded guilty to third-degree harassment several months later.

Thanks petee. Tbf, we only get a few minutes on NHK and when the stories are weather related it's David in the studio and Ginger outside...
depends i think on where you're reading, there is plenty of discussion but not on the nightly news please:

Gloninger announced on Wednesday that he is "bidding farewell to TV to embark on a new journey dedicated to helping solve the climate crisis."

The reasons, he said, were "a death threat stemming from my climate coverage last year and resulting PTSD, in addition to family health issues."

Gloninger received a steady stream of threatening and harassing emails from one individual starting last summer, as he shared on Twitter at the time. A 63-year-old Iowa man pleaded guilty to third-degree harassment several months later.

Thanks! I was just going to post that.
Reminds of Moonlighting.

Hey, petee is there much discussion of climate change over there? Asking because when we get ABC it's never really mentioned on the news bulletins.

It might be mentioned on the national news when there's a heatwave, but its quickly forgotten after. Mostly I see climate change new in "preaching to the choir" sites. When it comes up, its quickly followed by commentors saying its not real.

It's amazing we're getting anything done given the politics, but we're quietly seeing change. Nebraska currently has enough solar power in construction to power 19% of our needs. Windpower 19% and nuclear about 14%. The remaining percentage is mostly coal. So we're already about 50% carbon neutral in a deep red state. There's a lot of solar in the planning stage so that could rise dramatically in the next decade. The thing is, when you present this information to the public here, they double down on climate change not being real and line up in opposition to any change, claiming it's both expensive and not feasible. Despite this Nebraska has some of the lowest electric rates in the country.

Like most places, we need improvements in transmission line infrastructure and some advancements in battery technology.
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AP are good for climate reporting but that probably falls under preaching to the converted too.
depends i think on where you're reading, there is plenty of discussion but not on the nightly news please:

Gloninger announced on Wednesday that he is "bidding farewell to TV to embark on a new journey dedicated to helping solve the climate crisis."

The reasons, he said, were "a death threat stemming from my climate coverage last year and resulting PTSD, in addition to family health issues."

Gloninger received a steady stream of threatening and harassing emails from one individual starting last summer, as he shared on Twitter at the time. A 63-year-old Iowa man pleaded guilty to third-degree harassment several months later.

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This is a lot to take in. Hawaii has lost a large part of one of its most beautiful cities. Lahaina Maui went up in smoke overnight likely due to record drought conditions and exceptionally dry and intense downslope winds fuelled by hurricane Dora passing 750 miles to the South of the islands.

Fuck, this is proper grim...a taste of things to become some sort of norm, I suppose?
I won’t post it up, but there’s another video from the waterfront. Absolutely fuck all left, & theres this older chap sat in a folding chair (alive thank god), just sat there motionless staring out to sea as the video pans by & moves on to show more blackened destruction.
I won’t post it up, but there’s another video from the waterfront. Absolutely fuck all left, & theres this older chap sat in a folding chair (alive thank god), just sat there motionless staring out to sea as the video pans by & moves on to show more blackened destruction.
They were attempting escape into the sea, just like at herculaneum and pompeii in 79AD
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