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The weather in the USA...

If you're thinking you're at liberty to rock up into this forum and post a load of moronic, anti science, climate-denying tosh you're very much mistaken. Either back up your claims with credible sources or GTFO.
WTF are you on about. I quoted from a BBC Newsnight article which proved to be wrong. That's not my fault or opinion it is just wrong
WTF are you on about. I quoted from a BBC Newsnight article which proved to be wrong. That's not my fault or opinion it is just wrong
You understand how science works, yes? It's constantly changing as new discoveries are made and new studies are released. Posting up outdated articles is both stupid and pointless.

If you wish to challenge the current scientific consensus on climate change, try producing some credible new studies or fuck off quickly.
You understand how science works, yes? It's constantly changing as new discoveries are made and new studies are released. Posting up outdated articles is both stupid and pointless.

If you wish to challenge the current scientific consensus on climate change, try producing some credible new studies or fuck off quickly.
Well I haven't seen any studies so far in the posts I've read let alone
some credible new studies
Well I haven't seen any studies so far in the posts I've read let alone
I posted this reply to you only a few hours ago. If you're just going to ignore considered responses to your claims, there's absolutely no point you being here

Another one that blew my kind a bit was when they found water vapour in outer space. Mot in an icy comet or planetary polar cap, but somehow associated with a distant black hole. And not boiling away as water is expected to do in outer space.

But I‘m not sure what happened to this story, whether it’s been verified or any further research has been done.
story - Regarding your comment about atmospheric rivers: It was the first time I too have heard the phrase. But didn't associate it with other terminology (like gulf stream).

I had the opportunity to read the article (via yahoo) and it's a "phenomenon" that will bring "heavy rain and high-elevation snow" to varying parts of California.

Pulling from the article, "While atmospheric rivers can be life-threatening, not all of them are dangerous. Most are actually beneficial and carry rain or snow that is crucial to the water supply, and the rivers are an important feature of the global water cycle [...] "An atmospheric river is a long, narrow channel of moisture in the atmosphere that often extends from the tropics to higher latitudes," Sitowski said. "Those that contain the largest amount of water vapor with little movement can lead to extreme flooding. It is somewhat analogous to a band of lake-effect snow hammering the same location with snowfall.""

The level of rain and snow are going to be "beneficially hazardous" in some parts of the state.. I think because it's more prone to worse flooding?

(unrelated to this thread, but related to a comment) On the news about water vapor in space - anyone catch the article about Mars and it's "winter wonderland"?

Regarding the 34 people dead from the Buffalo snowstorm - I work with someone from the Ohio area, and she said there was a terrible multi car accident over the weekend that caused loss of lives in the frigid temperatures, including a pregnant woman. The woman had her two small children in the car with her, and they somehow survived as their mother (and fetus) did not. The children did have frostbite and not life threatening injuries, but how sad to have been in the car and not know what was going on.

I found the article about the Ohio accident - a news station reported it here.
How sad... the video of the houses "frozen in time" from the ice and snow coming off the water (The images of Niagara Falls is amazing though).

Your heart breaks for those affected by this storm because of the simple fact they're so trapped and powerless (no pun intended due to loss of electricity). Winter is no joke / force to be reckoned with, and unfortunately, the whole Buffalo area always seems to get the raw deal every winter. I remember hearing the news even when I lived in Massachusetts... how upstate NY always got shat on with storms. Yet, we haven't even turned into the major part of snow season yet, so it's far from over. :(
How sad... the video of the houses "frozen in time" from the ice and snow coming off the water (The images of Niagara Falls is amazing though).

Your heart breaks for those affected by this storm because of the simple fact they're so trapped and powerless (no pun intended due to loss of electricity). Winter is no joke / force to be reckoned with, and unfortunately, the whole Buffalo area always seems to get the raw deal every winter. I remember hearing the news even when I lived in Massachusetts... how upstate NY always got shat on with storms. Yet, we haven't even turned into the major part of snow season yet, so it's far from over. :(

No, it's not over. Its just beginning. I managed to rent a car and run home for a couple of days. Decided to skedaddle early because there's another storm rolling in, and another behind that is worse. I managed to beat the ice storm home by an hour.
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No, it's not over. Its just beginning. I managed to rent a car and run home for a couple of days. Decided to skedaddle early because there's another storm rolling in, and another behind that is worse. I managed to beat the ice storm home by an hour.
That's why I said "we haven't even turned into the major part of snow season yet"... I know it's just the beginning. I used to live in it and I have friends who are currently in it and tell me things every day.

You're lucky you made it home safe and before the storm. I've seen one storm bring it's friends over a few weeks' time span... for me it was usually Worcester county, so I was lucky some years too.
Speaking of climate chaos. One week after the storm most of the snow (at least in my town) is gone after a warm front gave us a couple 10C days, thick fog along most of the north shore of lake Ontario, and 25mm of rain.


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