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The UK banking system

In Bloom said:
You haven't actually answered my post, just saying "You obviously haven't read enough books, therefore I'm right" is a shite argument based upon bollocks assumptions. That said, I've wasted enough time on your smug, self-righteous arrogance and I have a seminar first thing tomorrow.

Night all :)

yeah, run run run little one , you know best.. after all you are younger and therefore better. Hitlers youth has gone to bed
trashpony said:
When did I say 'it doesn't make sense but'? :confused:

I understand. But it's a bit dull engaging with you frankly. This isn't debate - it's a rant. Do you understand the difference?

explain explain explain

money is a commodiity -- how does this affect capitalism

come on all knowing one. Be bored and dull just for one post of exquisite knowledge
zark, the best way to make your case is to provide clear refererences to academically respectable texts. Otherwise you won't be taken seriously.
zArk said:
yeah, run run run little one , you know best.. after all you are younger and therefore better. Hitlers youth has gone to bed

Okay - you've really fucking pissed me off now. Retract that last comment - which is utterly unjustified right now.

Let me explain to you how I feel about this thread. I'm sick and tired of you acting like you have a source of wisdom that none of the rest of us have access to, that you understand things we're not privvy to and that, if we would only just listen, we'd be hugely enriched.

Nothing you're saying is new. You haven't found the key to dismantling capitalism - you've read a few books and have dreamt up a half-arsed theory which you're convinced is utterly correct. And despite pages and pages of cogent argument deconstructing your theory and pointing out its flaws, you've flatly refused to hear any other point of view or to take on board any of the entirely reasonable criticisms. And so people are, very understandably, losing patience.

Not that hard to grasp why, is it?
Bernie Gunther said:
zark, the best way to make your case is to provide clear refererences to academically respectable texts. Otherwise you won't be taken seriously.

bernie gunther --- check out 23 pages of it.

quotes, references, links,

knock yourself out
aghgh i cant take all the abiuse i have given zark,

explain explain explain

money is a commodiity -- how does this affect capitalism?

come on all knowing one. Be bored and dull just for one post of exquisite knowledge
Blagsta said:
Hmmmm...who do I think understands more. Slaar who has a degree in economics from Cambridge or you who believes that lizards rule the world. Hmmmm...

*scratches head*
1. I've certainly never said I believe lizards rule the world. :rolleyes:
2. Slaar isn't the only poster that went to Cambridge around here.
3. The fact that even someone with an economics degree from Cambridge didn't appreciate that banks create credit out of thin air - doesn't that tell you something?
Bernie Gunther said:
All I'm seeing there are links to places like gnn. Not good enough to convince.
I've made plenty of good links. Need I repeat them?
Bernie Gunther said:
The criterion for me is whether your analysis provides any useful tools.

Does it?

just start from the start --- check out all the abuse i was getting and how i was patient and continually explained everything i stated.

so you are not answering this below?

money is a commodiity -- how does this affect capitalism?
Say something useful, which I suspect you could if you put your mind to it, instead of making conpiranoid noises, and maybe someone will take you seriously.
You see Jazz, Bernie like all the others is out to provoke and turn discussion away from the issue.

They dont want to approach the issue.

Bernie - read the thread from the start. Its all there, references, quotes, explanations, time after time.


answer this question

"money is a commodiity -- how does this affect capitalism?"
Bernie Gunther said:
Say something useful, which I suspect you could if you put your mind to it, instead of making conpiranoid noises, and maybe someone will take you seriously.
If you had bothered to read my posts on this thread BG you would see that I have concerned myself exclusively with revealing the fraud of the banking system. If that's 'conspiranoid noise' to you, and therefore not worth thinking about, then your mind is already made up, and your invitation a sham.

Poor show.
You should know by now Jazzz that I'm precise and don't say things like that lightly. I've read this thread. I don't see anything terribly convincing just yet.

I'm wlling to be convinced by someone who has their act together though ...

Show me ...
so you are not even going to acknowledge the question

"money is a commodiity -- how does this affect capitalism?"

Well yes, money is a commodity, but so what?

What is the indicated strategy for resisting capitalism?

Being shocked at awful conspiracies? Who cares, let's do something effective.
Please note the edit in my last post Bernie. I'm a bit pissed to tell you the truth that I talk exclusively about the issue here, providing quotes from bankers themselves, and you lazily imply I've been going on about the illuminati or whatever. The alternative being of course that you can't be convinced no matter what is put in front you, because it's 'conspiranoid'.
I think you and your friends have made some fairly interesting arguments, but links from prisonplanet and gnn do not convince me of anything much.

Call me a hard-ass if you like, but I am unlikely to support arguments that use such sources.
Bernie Gunther said:
Well yes, money is a commodity, but so what?

What is the indicated strategy for resisting capitalism?

well, due to this capitalism is a fraud. It doesnt exist. Literally, capitalisms formation as a concept is debased.

The entire economc system is based upon "signs" [baudrillard]

ergo --- capital, capitalists, ideology, politics, tories, new labour, class is based upon "sign", therefore it is myth.
Fuck, stop whining and propose some worthwhile concrete alternative and maybe I'll take you seriously. Otherwise, just bugger off to davidicke.com.
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