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The UK banking system

phildwyer said:
I'm in Miami Beach, for one day and night (sitting in Kafka's Kafe for those who know SoBe. So now I'm off for a swim. Colombia tomorrow.
In Bloom said:
Leaving aside everything else, what evidence exists for any of the above?

The Monarchy -- it hides behind the economic system. Untouched, allowing the economic system to naturally expand across the globe. We allow the system to act through us and demand expansion in order to sustain ourselves. Global dominance is the end game, doing empirial work.
zArk said:
The Monarchy -- it hides behind the economic system. Untouched, allowing the economic system to naturally expand across the globe. We allow the system to act through us and demand expansion in order to sustain ourselves. Global dominance is the end game, doing empirial work.
The monarchy is a small group of rich people getting all of their money off the state, they have no real political power. For fucks sake, this is genuinely surreal.
In Bloom said:
The monarchy is a small group of rich people getting all of their money off the state, they have no real political power. For fucks sake, this is genuinely surreal.

The government are subserviant to the Monarchy. The Head of the Church of England [in england] has, through this Church structure; Ministers, Prime Ministers, Lords, Civil servants, HM Treasury, HM Customs and Excise etc etc.

The Head of the Church exists outside the economy, untouched.

The Monarchy has the power to refuse any request by the government - this is the law. The Monarch opens parliament and is who dissolves parliament.

The Monarch rules all and the government protects this position.

The Monarch claims ownership of the land called the UK, and everyone pays rent to it.
government departments
HM offices
Ministerial positions
HM Treasury
House of Lords
House of Commons

Where is the public interest?
Where are the public within this structure?

Look at how these departments describe themselves and then refer to everyone else as "The Public".

The entire structure is privately owned and gladly a servant to HM.

Public services are what are dished out to us and we should act "grateful". Who owns this ludicrous system - or actually who claims ownership of this system?

The Bank of England is a private corporation but only part of this gigantic private system. Hence the reason i was specific to say 'the economy is simulacrae' - not money as such or the bank of england.

When member of the public is 'elevated' in to the bastions of this system, who do they swear allegiance to? Not us, the public, who voted for them. They are elevated into a system that clearly defines itself as separate from the public. These ex-public people then protect the interests of the system not the public interest.

HM is the head of the Church of England, Ministers of the HM are servants, Prime Minister is made to report to HM. HM Treasury, HM Inland Revenue & Customs, HM Government Family Records

It all functions to make sure you know who is in charge and HM tells us to vote for this shit.

The English Civil War was hijacked by Oliver Cromwell, in 1649 the diggers, the levellers and the people of this land were double-crossed
So QEII actually rules this country, instead of being a well-paid figurehead?


Oh yeah, I forgot ... steam-driven version of Google ... :D

This is a class thread, btw. Sort of CT-extravaganza: Bank of England, Marx and other philosophers, lizards, satan, monarchy, oil and GM foods.
zArk said:
The government are subserviant to the Monarchy. The Head of the Church of England [in england] has, through this Church structure; Ministers, Prime Ministers, Lords, Civil servants, HM Treasury, HM Customs and Excise etc etc.

The Head of the Church exists outside the economy, untouched.

The Monarchy has the power to refuse any request by the government - this is the law. The Monarch opens parliament and is who dissolves parliament.

The Monarch rules all and the government protects this position.

The Monarch claims ownership of the land called the UK, and everyone pays rent to it.
She's a fucking figurehead! The Queen couldn't really prevent legislation from passing anymore than she could have you executed as a traitor for calling for a republic.

I'm not denying that the state serves the interests of the bosses, but to suggest this grand conspiracy of bankers and aristocrats, as you do, is absurd and lacks any positive evidence whatsoever.
White Lotus said:
So QEII actually rules this country, instead of being a well-paid figurehead?


how blinded most people are

we are enslaved by a debt based economic system and this system demands global expansion to survive.

Buckingham Palace -- what the fuck is that all about?
Kneeling down in front of her --- what the fuck is that all about?
All parliamentarians swear allegiance to the Crown -- what the fuck is all that about?

Its in plain sight.

HM Treasury --- hmmmm
HM Customs and Excise -- hmmmm
zArk said:

how blinded most people are

we are enslaved by a debt based economic system and this system demands global expansion to survive.

Buckingham Palace -- what the fuck is that all about?
Kneeling down in front of her --- what the fuck is that all about?
All parliamentarians swear allegiance to the Crown -- what the fuck is all that about?

Its in plain sight.

HM Treasury --- hmmmm
HM Customs and Excise -- hmmmm
It's symbolism, ritual. It doesn't really mean anything.

You'll be telling us that Morris Dancers are a bunch of pagans next :rolleyes:
In Bloom said:
She's a fucking figurehead! The Queen couldn't really prevent legislation from passing anymore than she could have you executed as a traitor for calling for a republic.

I'm not denying that the state serves the interests of the bosses, but to suggest this grand conspiracy of bankers and aristocrats, as you do, is absurd and lacks any positive evidence whatsoever.

you are sadly mistaken. The Monarch has overall power. Research the facts

grand conspiracy????

dont you read what i have been writing about

simulation -- internalisation -- the simulation acting through us

The bankers and aristocrats dont need to do anything, the system itself does the work.

"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests." - Rothschild Brothers of London communiqué to associates in New York June 25, 1863

If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." - Hazard Circular - London Times 1865

Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits." - Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920's, the second richest man in Britain
zArk said:

how blinded most people are

we are enslaved by a debt based economic system and this system demands global expansion to survive.

Buckingham Palace -- what the fuck is that all about?
Kneeling down in front of her --- what the fuck is that all about?
All parliamentarians swear allegiance to the Crown -- what the fuck is all that about?

Its in plain sight.

HM Treasury --- hmmmm
HM Customs and Excise -- hmmmm


:D :D :D

You win the prize as the biggest loonspud on urban so far this year.

Here you go :)

White Lotus said:
This is a class thread, btw. Sort of CT-extravaganza: Bank of England, Marx and other philosophers, lizards, satan, monarchy, oil and GM foods.

White Lotus, you have not retracted this (fallacious) assertion;

White Lotus said:
However, it is not a private individual or institution that issues money, it is the government itself.

I think this is a class thread too, particularly because those who were originally sneering are finding that they don't actually understand the banking system at all.
ok explain this clever clogs

you borrow £100 from the Bank of England and it charges you 4% interest.

How can you ever pay back the money

you have £100 but owe £104

work that out slave of your own making

do you think that the Monarchy pays interest? heh, they dont borrow money, like us, they get given it and we pay it back. Like that system do you, slave?

how about you borrow £100 from the bank with 4% interest

you give me £50 and you pay back the £104 in total

like that do you slave?
"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests."

Rothschild Brothers of London communiqué to associates in New York June 25, 1863

great quote zark and it bears repeating... White Lotus, slaar, others, guess what, they mean you. You've been lumbered here in the category of 'great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending...' unless you shape up and pay proper attention. Still want to sneer? :)
zArk said:

do you think that the Monarchy pays interest? heh, they dont borrow money, like us, they get given it and we pay it back. Like that system do you, slave?

how about you borrow £100 from the bank with 4% interest

you give me £50 and you pay back the £104 in total

like that do you slave?

then when you realise that you cant pay back the loan without borrowing again from the very bank you owe money to, you go out and plunder the earth.

all the while i am sitting pretty being given free money

yeah, its totally sane
We live in a capitalist society - it's controlled by money. Well, no shit sherlock! This thread's gone on for 24 pages and there's not been a single revelation other than that.

Not exactly a big fucking surprise, is it? :rolleyes:
zArk said:
you are sadly mistaken. The Monarch has overall power. Research the facts

grand conspiracy????

dont you read what i have been writing about

simulation -- internalisation -- the simulation acting through us

The bankers and aristocrats dont need to do anything, the system itself does the work.
All you are doing is describing capitalism, adding in an extra ranty bit about interest that isn't actually relevant to real life and then limiting the scope of the boss class to "the aristocracy and 13 families of bankers" or some such bollocks, with no explanation as to why.
wait wait wait

you say capitalist society -- yet for capitalism to exist it requires money to be an exchange mechanism

Money, although, is a prioduce. The Bank of England is a factory that produces it. Money is a commodity not an exchange mechanism

Capitalism is a fraud.
come on surely you see the problem with the term capitalism when money is a commodity

you must, it is crystal clear
zArk said:
wait wait wait

you say capitalist society -- yet for capitalism to exist it requires money to be an exchange mechanism

Money, although, is a prioduce. The Bank of England is a factory that produces it. Money is a commodity not an exchange mechanism

Capitalism is a fraud.
I am not saying that capitalism makes sense, or that it serves the interests of the vast majority of people.

The point is that even if you get rid of interest rates, you still have exploitation, you still have war, you still have the state, what have you actually changed?
Jazzz said:
I think this is a class thread too, particularly because those who were originally sneering are finding that they don't actually understand the banking system at all.

Hmmmm...who do I think understands more. Slaar who has a degree in economics from Cambridge or you who believes that lizards rule the world. Hmmmm...

*scratches head*
In Bloom said:
I am not saying that capitalism makes sense, or that it serves the interests of the vast majority of people.

The point is that even if you get rid of interest rates, you still have exploitation, you still have war, you still have the state, what have you actually changed?


I am not saying that capitalism makes sense,

why dont you go back to the books and examine how "capitalism" is created.

go go go , read read read

its important to know how keywords you use are formulated.

Dont come at me with misinformed arguments of sociology, culture and psychanalysis.

You must understand how important the foundations of these schools of thought are and how they function.
Blagsta said:
Hmmmm...who do I think understands more. Slaar who has a degree in economics from Cambridge or you who believes that lizards rule the world. Hmmmm...

*scratches head*


envoking "cultural capital"

The eocnomy has become God, it has inflitrated everything. It speaks through you

"In the beginning was the word and word is God"
zArk - we understand all that. We've read all the books. That's why this isn't the massive revelation for us that this appears to be to you. Sorry to disappoint.
trashpony said:
zArk - we understand all that. We've read all the books. That's why this isn't the massive revelation for us that this appears to be to you. Sorry to disappoint.

clealy you havent because you dont understand the implications of money being a commodity.

saying "it doesnt make sense but..." indicates a total lack of understand and a failure to engage with the issue
zArk said:
clealy you havent because you dont understand the implications of money being a commodity.

saying "it doesnt make sense but..." indicates a total lack of understand and a failure to engage with the issue

When did I say 'it doesn't make sense but'? :confused:

I understand. But it's a bit dull engaging with you frankly. This isn't debate - it's a rant. Do you understand the difference?
zArk said:

I am not saying that capitalism makes sense,

why dont you go back to the books and examine how "capitalism" is created.

go go go , read read read

its important to know how keywords you use are formulated.

Dont come at me with misinformed arguments of sociology, culture and psychanalysis.

You must understand how important the foundations of these schools of thought are and how they function.
You haven't actually answered my post, just saying "You obviously haven't read enough books, therefore I'm right" is a shite argument based upon bollocks assumptions. That said, I've wasted enough time on your smug, self-righteous arrogance and I have a seminar first thing tomorrow.

Night all :)
i am sick of getting shit off you lot.

I have offered nothing but patience and good manners to all of you throughout this thread.

Gone over and over the points with you and in the end you claim you have knowledge of the economic system, sociology, culture and psychoanalysis but produce no indication that you know anything at all.

you throw around terms like

"use value"

but clearly cannot explain how Money being a Commodity affects the foundations of social theory, cultural theory or psychoanalysis.

You are ingoramuses and i am sick of it.

wake up and listen to people who are trying to explain things to you. Stop giving them shit, stop abusing them.

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