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The tax on sugary drinks!?

sorry you lost me :oops:
in order to function the govenment raises loans on the bond market -people buying these underwrites new money they print. So they do not get ripped off the people they borrow off stipulate that the interest of the loans is tied to things like the retail price index (a measure of what a variety of every day goods cost) - the link is supposed to protect against inflation (if HMG prints a shed load of money for example). But if you add tax to something on the retail price index then so does the amount they have to pay the bond holders. The payment owed to the bond hoders is twice the amount they raise off the public in the tax.
People are saying what they introduced today is a weak measure ..

It's a nonsense. Especially when you consider the hardline society takes with fags, booze and other drugs, and the fact that shit food is the only dangerous substance that can actually be marketed at and bought by kids.
Have they actually introduced it yet? Because I've not noticed any shortage of 2-for-1 deals and such in the shops.
Why can't people just drink water when they're thirsty?
Perhaps, instead of a levy on sugary drinks, we should have rewards for drinking water.
Two words

Fever Tree

Mrs Voltz's favourite tonic is becoming increasingly difficult to buy in the preferred 8 x 150ml tins as a result of this farce
Why can't people just drink water when they're thirsty?
Perhaps, instead of a levy on sugary drinks, we should have rewards for drinking water.

Probably for the same reason that most people don't just eat the same cheap and bland yet nutritionally-complete goop every day, and instead eat a variety of meals over the week. This sort of secular neo-Puritanism can go fuck itself, because if you follow it to the logical conclusion then one can basically use it as an argument against having anything beyond merely the basics of survival.
Probably for the same reason that most people don't just eat the same cheap and bland yet nutritionally-complete goop every day, and instead eat a variety of meals over the week. This sort of secular neo-Puritanism can go fuck itself, because if you follow it to the logical conclusion then one can basically use it as an argument against having anything beyond merely the basics of survival.
it's different though - we need to water ourselves all day. people have got too used to drinking sugary drinks just to fulfil that need. It used to be just a treat rather than the default thirst-quencher.
it's different though - we need to water ourselves all day. people have got too used to drinking sugary drinks just to fulfil that need. It used to be just a treat rather than the default thirst-quencher.

It's not different. We need to eat every day too.

[neo-Puritan]People have got too used to eating a variety of foods, and they clearly abuse that privilege as evidenced by the obesity epidemic. For their own good we must ban anything too salty, too fatty etc and replace all food with a nutritionally complete oatmeal paste.[/neo-Puritan]
It's not different. We need to eat every day too.

[neo-Puritan]People have got too used to eating a variety of foods, and they clearly abuse that privilege as evidenced by the obesity epidemic. For their own good we must ban anything too salty, too fatty etc and replace all food with a nutritionally complete oatmeal paste.[/neo-Puritan]
nah, it's different with water as it's something you need to do all day and if you drink a can of coke every time you feel thirsty, you're gonna be in trouble.
nah, it's different with water as it's something you need to do all day and if you drink a can of coke every time you feel thirsty, you're gonna be in trouble.

You're wrong, it's not something one needs to do "all day". I've gone for an entire day without touching water, and I doubt I'm the only one.

I bet you still believe that "you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day" myth as well. That's bollocks. Just drink when you're thirsty.
if you spend all day talking to people and on your feet, you get thirsty a lot.

That's exactly what I do for a living right now. I certainly don't feel like I have to drink water all the time. You're talking absolute shite, as usual.
That's exactly what I do for a living right now. I certainly don't feel like I have to drink water all the time. You're talking absolute shite, as usual.
you seem to be some sort of weird food libertarian that doesn't believe in any health information, credible or not. we need to keep hydrated. I've seen someone fit in front of me cos they hadn't had enough water to drink.
you seem to be some sort of weird food libertarian that doesn't believe in any health information, credible or not. we need to keep hydrated. I've seen someone fit in front of me cos they hadn't had enough water to drink.

Whereas you seem to believe in any sort of "health advice" rubbish going, even when it's been shown to be bollocks. We don't need to drink water all day, certainly not in the kind of climate we get here in the UK.
i never made that claim, you have constructed a straw man.

You most certainly did say that we should be drinking water all day. Here, let me quote you:

nah, it's different with water as it's something you need to do all day and if you drink a can of coke every time you feel thirsty, you're gonna be in trouble.

[emphasis added]

While you didn't make the specific claim of eight glasses, drinking water all day could easily add up to that many glasses of the stuff, if not more.

So the claim you actually made could well be even more ridiculous than the "eight glasses" myth.
You most certainly did say that we should be drinking water all day. Here, let me quote you:

[emphasis added]

While you didn't make the specific claim of eight glasses, drinking water all day could easily add up to that many glasses of the stuff, if not more.

So the claim you actually made could well be even more ridiculous than the "eight glasses" myth.
all i'm saying is you should drink plenty of water, but I am not prescriptive about the amount - of course it differs for everyone - your body knows when it's thirsty, but it would be better to reach for a glass of water than a can of coke every time you felt thirsty.
Due to a history of kidney stones I have to drink a lot. I drink about 4-5 litres of diet coke every day. I couldn't drink 4-5 litres of water.

Even though diet drinks are not affected by this sugar tax, I think it is a regressive tax.
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