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The Taliban taxi drivers of London ... this reads like a Chris Morris spoof...

So your first instinct in such a situation would be to side with the fascists and to attack the darkies?

All Muslims are darkies /all EDL are fash?

if you are uneasy about what i would do what if a pro working class Asian did the same , would that be alright or would he be also be a tool of the fash?
Again, why not start by asking him to do that instead of suggesting that he wants to 'attack the darkies'?

Is that such a far fetched thing to do? Or an unreasonable thing to expect?
It's reasonable to expect someone to be careful to phrase their posts so that their motives are clear.
The rightness or otherwise of any view is not defined by the amount of people that agree with it.

I don't see how a position like open borders can be assessed for its 'rightness' until someone proposing it makes a prediction on its likely outcome.
It's reasonable to expect someone to be careful to phrase their posts so that their motives are clear.

It's reasonable for someone like you to ask a few questions first, to establish what, why etc. I rarely see it happening though - i see the default position that if you disagree with me you're a racist and want to 'attack the darkies'.

You're not a child so why you adopt this approach i don't know.
I don't see how a position like open borders can be assessed for its 'rightness' until someone proposing it makes a prediction on its likely outcome.
You can make an assessment of the nature of the state and from that flows practical conclusions about whether or not you wish to see its role in immigration control strengthened.

Why not just tell me why your first instinct in the context of an EDL/MAC clash is to attack the Muslims?

Why would you say that i am attacking Muslims by grabbing one of their flags rather than I am attacking people whose message I find repugnant.
Why would you say that i am attacking Muslims by grabbing one of their flags rather than I am attacking people whose message I find repugnant.
The context you set out was an EDL/MAC clash. Why was attacking the Muslim flag your stated first instinct in such a scenario? That's what I'm having trouble grasping here
You can make an assessment of the nature of the state and from that flows practical conclusions about whether or not you wish to see its role in immigration control strengthened.

So what do you predict would happen if immigration policy headed towards one of open borders?
The thing is anyone who belives in tribes or clans or honour isn't really fit to live in the 21st centuary .
human rights freedom of expression tolerance fairly alien to them
The thing is anyone who belives in tribes or clans or honour isn't really fit to live in the 21st centuary .
human rights freedom of expression tolerance fairly alien to them

Then tolerate them living the way they want in their own country.
The thing is anyone who belives in tribes or clans or honour isn't really fit to live in the 21st centuary .
But that's exactly the mindset you've demonstrated on this thread. You said all Pak/Afgh taxi drivers were legitimate targets for violence because some Pak/Afgh taxi drivers fought against British soldiers. That is exactly the kind tribal mindset that says, "One of them attacks one of us and we attack one of them regardless of what that individual has actually done'"

You really need to think through what you're saying
The thing is anyone who belives in tribes or clans or honour isn't really fit to live in the 21st centuary .
If that was the culture you were brought up in, with attendant social values and moral codes, what makes you think you would be any different? And is the concept of tribe and clan that far from one of Community?
The context you set out was an EDL/MAC clash. Why was attacking the Muslim flag your stated first instinct in such a scenario? That's what I'm having trouble grasping here

its not THE Muslim flag , in the same way that in grabbing one of MACs flag one is not attacking Muslims. Why was it my first instinct ? Because I can't stand the twats and their actions have allowed the EDL to gain a degree of legitimacy in some quarters.
problem is it does'nt scale up so you can have an effective state.
reason we don't have tribes in europe and lifes better here.
the negatives outway the postives.
like castes this isn't a tribal or caste bases society come over here realize that or fuck off.
You know, there were a few reported posts about this thread, and I'd thought "er what is this mentalism? okay let's treat it as being an unrepresentative brainfart for the moment and see whether it turns out to reflect some sort of actual race-murder position".
EDIT: Oh. I've just added another report, sorry.

why anyone Chris?
Generally speaking I think it would be nice if everyone could go and live in whatever part of the world they would like to.

fuck the lot of you cunts.
you support people who shoot at british troops so fuck you

afganistan like somalis is a fuck hole that no good comes out of fuck we got trident lets fucking use it problem solved in under 3 minutes
some cultres just need removing from the planet.
Post reported.
The thing is anyone who belives in tribes or clans or honour isn't really fit to live in the 21st centuary .
We all live in tribes - several at the same time, social, political, cultural, regional, etc, etc. And we abide by their traditions and rules.

They've just changed as our society has changed, is all. Human beings and society has not evolved beyond tribalism.
patronising bullshit
I don't have a fucking tribal elder who I defer too and vote as I'm told too or just give my vote as they are the elders and will fill it in as they see fit.
I'm talking about a "proper tribe" that you are born in and have to obey not ones you choose yourself or get dreamt up by marketers
goth lefties single speed riders do not corrupt politcs or try to kill thier daughters if they deciude to marry a lib democrat mountain biker
problem is it does'nt scale up so you can have an effective state.
reason we don't have tribes in europe and lifes better here.
the negatives outway the postives.
like castes this isn't a tribal or caste bases society come over here realize that or fuck off.
you think we don't have tribes here? or that there's that big a difference between the concepts of social class and caste? Err, yeah, right!:facepalm:
I'm talking about a "proper tribe" that you are born in and have to obey not ones you choose yourself or get dreamt up by marketers
there are just as strong forces of social control and compulsion at work in British society - they're just different, and possibly more subtle
there are just as strong forces of social control and compulsion at work in British society - they're just different, and possibly more subtle

And culturally 'normal' for those who live within it. cf the 'strange things that German/British/Canadian people do' threads.
patronising bullshit
I don't have a fucking tribal elder who I defer too and vote as I'm told too or just give my vote as they are the elders and will fill it in as they see fit.
Do you think that great export of the British empire the regimental structure was other than a device by which to recreate tribalism and in partic blind, unthinking tribal loyalty? It's an utterly bogus construct but yer squaaddie warrior has understood and died for 'the Regiment' for hundreds of years.

Sounds like you bought into that nonsense yourself - which tribe?
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