I hear ya
Racism pure and simple, and you're too thick to even see itThe cunt in the article claims to spend time working as a mini cab driver in london therefore pakistanti/afghan taxi drivers are legitmate targets.
Racism pure and simple, and you're too thick to even see itThe cunt in the article claims to spend time working as a mini cab driver in london therefore pakistanti/afghan taxi drivers are legitmate targets.
Oh, utter crap. It's not our country, and the world has had enough of us invading other people's countries at will and ordering them around. The simplest way to beat terror is to address and remove the grievances.the world tried that it desended into horror and became a base for fuckers to attack us from thats why we are there not because we enjoy killing random brown people.
The cunt in the article claims to spend time working as a mini cab driver in london therefore pakistanti/afghan taxi drivers are legitmate targets.
Who says that's what he thinks? It's more than likely he just despises occupying troops doing what they do in Afghanistan. Christ knows, there good enough cause for almost any Afghani to hate them after all the random bombings/shellings/killingsYou don't see it as a little... I dunno... weak? If you're willing to kill for your cause, surely you're not then willing to smile and nod at the very people you despise? Surely you'd struggle to even be around the 'enemy'?
the world tried that it desended into horror and became a base for fuckers to attack us from thats why we are there not because we enjoy killing random brown people.
The cunt in the article claims to spend time working as a mini cab driver in london therefore pakistanti/afghan taxi drivers are legitmate targets.
Christ what a borderline illiterate halfwit you are, and an unpleasant one at that.
You do realise that the British Empire often specialised in turning natives of the same country against each other. It's a bit precious to take the moral high ground when we've repeatedly help to fuck over and destabilise their countries, killing more innocent bystanders and non combatants that an army can shake a stick at.
Save your faux outrage eh. It makes you look even less considered and more stupid than usual
the world tried that it desended into horror and became a base for fuckers to attack us from thats why we are there not because we enjoy killing random brown people.
The cunt in the article claims to spend time working as a mini cab driver in london therefore pakistanti/afghan taxi drivers are legitmate targets.
the world tried that it desended into horror and became a base for fuckers to attack us from thats why we are there not because we enjoy killing random brown people.
The cunt in the article claims to spend time working as a mini cab driver in london therefore pakistanti/afghan taxi drivers are legitmate targets.
you utter fucking psychopath. And what are the british troops doing there, chucking flowers at them?fuck the lot of you cunts.
you support people who shoot at british troops so fuck you
afganistan like somalis is a fuck hole that no good comes out of fuck we got trident lets fucking use it problem solved in under 3 minutes
some cultres just need removing from the planet.
you thick racist cunt.fuck the lot of you cunts.
you support people who shoot at british troops so fuck you
afganistan like somalis is a fuck hole that no good comes out of fuck we got trident lets fucking use it problem solved in under 3 minutes
some cultres just need removing from the planet.
you do know the taliban banned opium cultivation, don't you? It only resumed AFTER we invaded?good go and die
90% of the uk heroin comes form afganistan a perfectly good reason to glass it
It's got nothing to do with guilt. It's about the right of people not to be occupied, bombed and harrassed by the US and UK's armed forces. Did you actually read the article? It's staggering a so-called socialist can be so blind to what our armed forces are doing there. You're a disgraceand others can save their 'faux empire guilt', believe me, you and Spion , the prince of anti-imperialism are in a very small minority defending such behaviour, thank fuck!
fuck the lot of you cunts.
you support people who shoot at british troops so fuck you
afganistan like somalis is a fuck hole that no good comes out of fuck we got trident lets fucking use it problem solved in under 3 minutes
some cultres just need removing from the planet.
an insult from you has no relevance, most left minded people don't support UK citizens joining the Taliban, you think they are the same as the working class men who joined the International Brigade, madness!
fuck the lot of you cunts.
you support people who shoot at british troops so fuck you
afganistan like somalis is a fuck hole that no good comes out of fuck we got trident lets fucking use it problem solved in under 3 minutes
some cultres just need removing from the planet.
fuck off you self cunts who thin a member of thge taliban should be allowed to live in the UK are cunts of the highest order
It wouldn't make any difference to you or that headcase if they were the same, the fact that they are fighting British troops is all that counts to the likes of you and him irrespective of whether they are right or wrong
]Violence gets you nowhere, Liam.