fela fan said:
That's good! There's a lot more living round my way too deep, you'd like it here.
And you know, it's easy to say that i know everything and i know nothing at the same time.
And as soon as i've worked something out, i realise i haven't at all.
And as soon as i reckon i'm right about something, i realise i'm wrong.
It's akin to feeling that my body is going to implode rather than explode. That my body has become an out of control vortex that will end up becoming less than a single atom.
I know nothing, and i'm a nobody. And when that is the case, life is just fucking dandy! Nothing matters, and i don't care about anything. Equals no problems. No expectations means no disappointments. No success means no failure.
Of course i'd not want that 100% of the time, but it's a damn good guide to live by.
Language really is only a vehicle, it just is not the main thing. I think when i can say opposites are true in one sentence, it's because one belongs to language and the other is undefinable because it is beyond language. Therefore what appears contradictory (ie i know everything and i know nothing), is only so if we look at it from a language vantage point.
100% agree
I recon I'd love Thailand. But then again I love SE Kent too. Thailand would help me to feel less seperate from everything else though and oneness is the feeling we all crave though right now I feel a million miles away from it tbh. Im getting back there though.
In the end it isn’t something to do with understanding, it is more to do with intuition. It is like a leap, a sudden seeing of something that was already known. ‘Oh Yes, I already know this'. ... You see, this is about a love affair. It’s to do with a total intimacy just with the wonder of this. It’s like a child on the beach building sandcastles, and there’s nothing else that exists but the sand and the sea and the saltiness; that’s all there is - there isn’t anything else. It’s the wonder of that simplicity, the wonder of this, which blows everything about concepts out of the window. It’s the timeless wonder of what we are.
People can have an idea that if they listen to enlightened words, if they succeed in understanding the nature of what they are, they can then fall into that. But it doesn’t work like that, because the nature of what we are is totally beyond understanding. In fact, it is understanding that falls away before clear seeing happens. Clear seeing has nothing to do with understanding.
The only thing that can happen, in terms of understanding, is the dropping of the ideas you have about enlightenment, about what you think you are. The ideas can drop away and you can be left with no idea, with nothing. And when you’re left with nothing, what emerges is this. What emerges is the invitation. All of the sensory messages that you’re getting touching, smelling, seeing - are all the lover inviting you to see that there is only oneness.
Tony parsons.
That in my view is why words fail. Some things I just read occasionally and they strike a chord so deep I feel, "that is the truth." That is how I feel about the above text. Anyone asking me right now why words fail to explain the deepest feeling of all has just had my answer via that text.
It is also another way of saying what you were explaining about becoming less that a single atom fela which I really like btw.