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The Pro-Putin Left

Ive been temporarily banned from "clash fans agasint the right" for calling one of admins out for arguing that The Iraq War was far worse than Russia invading Ukraine - (cos NATO, Azov etc) . WTF is wrong with some people - cant they see that BOTH were absolutely fucking terrible? - and why are they keener on defending hussians vile regime that was widely hated by its own people then a democratic country whose people are very keen to defend themselves?
Fucking cartoon politics - "reporting of atrocities is a big propaganda drive by the MI complex and nato and US who want to keep the war going to hurt putin and make a profit" - when absolutely nobody wanted this war bar fucking voldemort in the kremlin and their is no solid consensus and much debate about what " the west" should do. The "stop the war" left have their head up their arse - and the shroud waving about how NATO et al want WW3 (when - unsurprisingly - every single country in the alliance is grappling with avoiding that at all costs whilst supporting Ukraine's resistance ) is essentially repeating and reinforcing putins nuclear sabre rattling.

So much of that around - to me, the people who keep focusing on Ukraine's pre-invasion issues instead of the invasion itself sound a lot like the people who keep piping up "Well, he was no angel" when American cops murder a Black man.
Ive been temporarily banned from "clash fans agasint the right" for calling one of admins out for arguing that The Iraq War was far worse than Russia invading Ukraine - (cos NATO, Azov etc) . WTF is wrong with some people - cant they see that BOTH were absolutely fucking terrible? - and why are they keener on defending hussians vile regime that was widely hated by its own people then a democratic country whose people are very keen to defend themselves?
Fucking cartoon politics - "reporting of atrocities is a big propaganda drive by the MI complex and nato and US who want to keep the war going to hurt putin and make a profit" - when absolutely nobody wanted this war bar fucking voldemort in the kremlin and their is no solid consensus and much debate about what " the west" should do. The "stop the war" left have their head up their arse - and the shroud waving about how NATO et al want WW3 (when - unsurprisingly - every single country in the alliance is grappling with avoiding that at all costs whilst supporting Ukraine's resistance ) is essentially repeating and reinforcing putins nuclear sabre rattling.
I know they're a bunch of irrelevant cranks, but I went on the Skwawkbox Twitter page earlier after Galloway retweeted them, and they're now calling out the BBC for being 'collaborators' for not saying that Azov are neonazis. Nothing to say about Putin or Russia though, obviously. Oh, apart from some shite about 'Corbyn was right', or something.

This is just a load of phrases strung together and doesn't actually mean anything.

Why not start by explaining what you mean by:

And I'm not sure you ever explained what you meant by 'Ukraine region' either..?
Like I said
I haven't got the time effort energy or inclination to get into day/week long debates here!
You'll have to find someone else to play with!
I'm just commenting/replying to comments made or applied at me!
If you're going to post stuff, at least post coherent stuff.

And this isn't about 'playing'. It's about discussing politics. Or not.
Who are you to tell me or nyone else for that matter what they should or should not do?
Ive been temporarily banned from "clash fans agasint the right" for calling one of admins out for arguing that The Iraq War was far worse than Russia invading Ukraine - (cos NATO, Azov etc) . WTF is wrong with some people - cant they see that BOTH were absolutely fucking terrible? - and why are they keener on defending hussians vile regime that was widely hated by its own people then a democratic country whose people are very keen to defend themselves?
Fucking cartoon politics - "reporting of atrocities is a big propaganda drive by the MI complex and nato and US who want to keep the war going to hurt putin and make a profit" - when absolutely nobody wanted this war bar fucking voldemort in the kremlin and their is no solid consensus and much debate about what " the west" should do. The "stop the war" left have their head up their arse - and the shroud waving about how NATO et al want WW3 (when - unsurprisingly - every single country in the alliance is grappling with avoiding that at all costs whilst supporting Ukraine's resistance ) is essentially repeating and reinforcing putins nuclear sabre rattling.
It's been a while since we had a board war :D but excuse me for laughing at the fact that there's a group called "clash fans agasint the right". Why don't you start a group called Anti right Clash fans and see if you can poach everyone away from this deluded admin bod?

I thought the board and the board won.
Don't 100% agree with your assesements, however points you bring up are very important in understanding the situation and how the conflict with Russian military intervention came about!Interesting point on
Slavic identiy, agree in some way, consider Serb Nationalism at the end of cold war, blatantly re-invented, much on historical mythology of conflicts with previous Empires; Ottoman, Hapsburg etc. to justify ethnic cleansing among other negative directions and actions!
However, like the Proxy war in Ukraine they were following the lead from EU and Western Imperialism: Predominantely German financial strategies through trade finance & banking thaat led to splitting and recognition of Slovenia & Croatia as western; predominately EU allies leading to Balkanisation of Yugoslavia, before Milosovic opportunistically encouraged Chauvanism & Reactionary Nationalism in Kosova and slightly later Bosnia!

what a load of unmitigated claptrap

said in such a tone of authority as well :D

it's more low grade concrete poetry than political analysis
Another outfit I'd never heard of before Home - Toward Freedom
Anyone know owt about them? The writing style reminded me of the sort of thing I'd see on Spiked Online, back when I could be bothered to look at it. One-sided, half-truths, ignoring the big picture whilst claiming to be exposing the big picture, rarely stating an actual political position whilst implying it.
It's been a while since we had a board war :D but excuse me for laughing at the fact that there's a group called "clash fans agasint the right". Why don't you start a group called Anti right Clash fans and see if you can poach everyone away from this deluded admin bod?

I thought the board and the board won.

In my experience there is nothing to be gained from getting into a political row with Facebook group admins/‘super fans’ of bands with ‘radical politics’. Their status as admins/super fans already marks them out, and they believe their status affords them a deeper insight into what the band would have thought on any given political matter.
In my experience there is nothing to be gained from getting into a political row with Facebook group admins/‘super fans’ of bands with ‘radical politics’. Their status as admins/super fans already marks them out, and they believe their status affords them a deeper insight into what the band would have thought on any given political matter.
Nothing to be gained...what about watching them spin out of control:D
to me, the people who keep focusing on Ukraine's pre-invasion issues instead of the invasion itself sound a lot like the people who keep piping up "Well, he was no angel" when American cops murder a Black man.
a broad point:
political events are always best understood through, if not a long view , then at least a medium term view of history
the endless day to day chasing of the news cycle leads to dizzyness - or in the case of Ukraine invasion to conclusions such as Putin Has Gone Mad.

I'd argue in general there's too much concentration on the immediate and not enough on longer trends - awareness of this over focus on the present - on the power of the daily news to create a dislocated narrative - has led to a tactic actively embraced by the right to sow confusion and nurture low level despondence about the possibility of fundamental positive change.

of course its not either-or, but id argue while we are probably in a golden age of event reporting thanks to the internet, what is lacking by comparison is that mid-term and long-term perspective and narrative. it allows all kinds of batshit interpretation of the latest event.

If you want radical change, ie change from the roots, you've got to focus on the roots that need pulling up, not the latest bud on the tree

of course fuck the pro-putin left, in case there is any doubt
I know they're a bunch of irrelevant cranks, but I went on the Skwawkbox Twitter page earlier after Galloway retweeted them, and they're now calling out the BBC for being 'collaborators' for not saying that Azov are neonazis. Nothing to say about Putin or Russia though, obviously. Oh, apart from some shite about 'Corbyn was right', or something.

theres a large degree of truth to that i expect....i was at my mums the other day and she has BBC TV news on all day, and their representation of Marine Le Pen was shocking in its normalisation of her politics
theres a large degree of truth to that i expect....i was at my mums the other day and she has BBC TV news on all day, and their representation of Marine Le Pen was shocking in its normalisation of her politics
Le Pen and her politics have become normalised though. Whatever you think of the BBC, they're presumably just reflecting that reality?
theres a large degree of truth to that i expect....i was at my mums the other day and she has BBC TV news on all day, and their representation of Marine Le Pen was shocking in its normalisation of her politics
Yes, the BBC are collaborating with Neo-Nazis, completely normal and accurate from Skwawkbox.
theres a large degree of truth to that i expect....i was at my mums the other day and she has BBC TV news on all day, and their representation of Marine Le Pen was shocking in its normalisation of her politics
At least the BBC call her far right which is more than they do for Azov which apparently are only 'controversial'
Yes, the BBC are collaborating with Neo-Nazis, completely normal and accurate from Skwawkbox.
Or maybe you swallow everything the BBC tell you. They are our state broadcaster and with Dories now involved please don’t tell me they’re neutral
i think we have discussed this subject at considerable length, if not ad nauseam, on numerous other threads
Well perhaps we all need reminding that our news is going to be full of propaganda and that it’s healthy to look beyond the narrative especially when we are engaged in a proxy war.
Well perhaps we all need reminding that our news is going to be full of propaganda and that it’s healthy to look beyond the narrative especially when we are engaged in a proxy war.
from march 6:
Yeh we are being lied to by all sides
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