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The Pro-Putin Left


Don't know if this is actually a good idea tbh. But I thought I'd start a thread on this as this topic has come up quite regularly and there has been accusations of Stop the War and some in the RMT of being 'Pro-Putin'.

I guess I'm really asking for Urbz to post any evidence of this and anything else relating to the pro-Putin left.
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Socialist Action have published this on Ukraine so I guess they qualify as pro-Putin.

I don't think I've actually encountered one in the wild, only people blowing their gasket about them constantly (one so regularly I've muted him, it's literally the only thing the weirdo talks about)
Socialist Action have published this on Ukraine so I guess they qualify as pro-Putin.

fucking hell.
I wonder what Socialst Appeal's position is?
Vaguely denialist

"They then proceed to describe in great detail the latest atrocities – real or imaginary – committed by the barbarous Russian invaders"

Vaguely denialist

"They then proceed to describe in great detail the latest atrocities – real or imaginary – committed by the barbarous Russian invaders"

That's much worse than vaguely denialist, it's outright conspiratorial and completely bonkers. Some bits of the left really are showing themselves to be poisonous scum.
Socialist Action have published this on Ukraine so I guess they qualify as pro-Putin.

Never recovered from their degenerated state analysis and large salaries under Livingston .
Never recovered from their degenerated state analysis and large salaries under Livingston .
I worked with a few round different stuff in the 80s/early 90s and as far as trot groups went, they seemed an amiable sort and weren't that bad when working in unions.

Lots of old skool trots now seem to be really digging a bit of Stalin.
I worked with a few round different stuff in the 80s/early 90s and as far as trot groups went, they seemed an amiable sort and weren't that bad when working in unions.

Lots of old skool trots now seem to be really digging a bit of Stalin.
Yes knew a few as far back as IMG days . Bread and butter issues generally ok but don’t let them get started on the nature of the former state cap states . Will end in tears .
Stretching the definition of the left, but Galloway (not surprisingly) and the Workers Party GB are pretty much pro-Putin.
I conducted an interesting experiment the other day in the chat of a George Galloway YouTube livestream. I first posted a load of absurd and OTT pro-Putin/Russia and homophobic stuff for a while- absolutely fine, nothing happened at all. I then switched accounts and posted just one thing : Nuke fascist Russia! Instantly banned from commenting for some reason.
I worked with a few round different stuff in the 80s/early 90s and as far as trot groups went, they seemed an amiable sort and weren't that bad when working in unions.

Lots of old skool trots now seem to be really digging a bit of Stalin.
I'd be surprised if they have many decent union activists left now, the ones I've encountered seemed to be on the student left -> fulltime politico job pipeline. Although it's a wonder they've ever recruited any members at all, with the combination of being incredibly secretive and also having very shit politics. They always seemed to me like they had a serious case of basing their politics around looking up to the Big Man - when I knew some back in the distant 2000s it was all Ken and Hugo, maybe a bit of George as well.
On the RMT specifically, Dempsey is proper fucking dodgy on this stuff and has been for years, see:
Profile of the Assassinated Rebel Militia Leader Mozgovoy
As has been documented on here in the past, Dempsey along with Alex Gordon did security for a Vanessa Beeley meeting on Syria in London in 2017, the two of them are now RMT AGS and President respectively.

More generally, I suppose you can distinguish between "hard" and "soft" pro-Putin positions - being explicitly pro-Putin is pretty rare, although it does happen, but I think that... the vast majority of the left can probably all basically agree that "Russia invading Ukraine is bad, NATO does bad things as well, there are some nazis in Ukraine", and indeed also "to the extent that we can affect anything we're more able to influence Johnson than we are Putin", but then that leaves a lot of room for difference in emphasis, from people who think it's currently more important to stress "Russia invading Ukraine is bad" more than anything else, to people who want to emphasise "Russia and NATO both do bad things" an equal amount, to people who will go through the motions of condemning the invasion but get it out of the way as quickly as possible before concentrating on their main points about NATO being bad and how there are nazis in Ukraine.
On the RMT specifically, Dempsey is proper fucking dodgy on this stuff and has been for years, see:
Profile of the Assassinated Rebel Militia Leader Mozgovoy
As has been documented on here in the past, Dempsey along with Alex Gordon did security for a Vanessa Beeley meeting on Syria in London in 2017, the two of them are now RMT AGS and President respectively.

More generally, I suppose you can distinguish between "hard" and "soft" pro-Putin positions - being explicitly pro-Putin is pretty rare, although it does happen, but I think that... the vast majority of the left can probably all basically agree that "Russia invading Ukraine is bad, NATO does bad things as well, there are some nazis in Ukraine", and indeed also "to the extent that we can affect anything we're more able to influence Johnson than we are Putin", but then that leaves a lot of room for difference in emphasis, from people who think it's currently more important to stress "Russia invading Ukraine is bad" more than anything else, to people who want to emphasise "Russia and NATO both do bad things" an equal amount, to people who will go through the motions of condemning the invasion but get it out of the way as quickly as possible before concentrating on their main points about NATO being bad and how there are nazis in Ukraine.
Gordon is a particularly strange case - from fresh faced young anarchosyndicalist member of DAM (forerunner of Sol Fed - IWA) to union bureaucrat on hefty pay, doing a good impersonation of a Stalinist. Have vague memories of him having some Ukrainian connection (family?) back in his DAM days…
Gordon is a particularly strange case - from fresh faced young anarchosyndicalist member of DAM (forerunner of Sol Fed - IWA) to union bureaucrat on hefty pay, doing a good impersonation of a Stalinist. Have vague memories of him having some Ukrainian connection (family?) back in his DAM days…
Did not know he was ex-DAM. Was Hedley also vaguely affiliated with them at some point?
On the RMT specifically, Dempsey is proper fucking dodgy on this stuff and has been for years, see:
Profile of the Assassinated Rebel Militia Leader Mozgovoy
As has been documented on here in the past, Dempsey along with Alex Gordon did security for a Vanessa Beeley meeting on Syria in London in 2017, the two of them are now RMT AGS and President respectively.

More generally, I suppose you can distinguish between "hard" and "soft" pro-Putin positions - being explicitly pro-Putin is pretty rare, although it does happen, but I think that... the vast majority of the left can probably all basically agree that "Russia invading Ukraine is bad, NATO does bad things as well, there are some nazis in Ukraine", and indeed also "to the extent that we can affect anything we're more able to influence Johnson than we are Putin", but then that leaves a lot of room for difference in emphasis, from people who think it's currently more important to stress "Russia invading Ukraine is bad" more than anything else, to people who want to emphasise "Russia and NATO both do bad things" an equal amount, to people who will go through the motions of condemning the invasion but get it out of the way as quickly as possible before concentrating on their main points about NATO being bad and how there are nazis in Ukraine.
I sort of agree but... which are the hard , soft and pro positions?

I'm a Russia should withdraw /NATO shouldn't expand/sanction Russia / yes there are fascists in Ukraine /the US aren't helping anyone but themselves/ not a fan of Zelenksy type/wish that it was all over type btw
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