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The Pro-Putin Left

think it might be useful to think of the RMT/wider left Putinism stuff as being similar to the Labour antisemitism argument in some ways - obviously it's being cynically exploited by vile dicks, and there are going to be cases of stuff that's borderline and could be read as being innocent, taken out of context or whatever, but there is some noxious shit there, and it should be challenged imo. If for no other reason, then at least to make Telegraph/Mail journos' jobs slightly harder the next time they want to find a reason to have a pop at railworkers.

This is bang on the money. Yes, it’ll be exploited, twisted and used (quite successfully ime) to smear the rest of us. And, the reason it will work is because there is some substance to it. For that reason the more these pricks are challenged - by our side - the better.
To be fair to him, apart from the miserable misanthropic pessimism, he isn't exactly wrong in his diagnosis of where we are.

However, unlike him, I still think there is hope for a way forward. It requires genuine internationalism though, which means shedding a lot of old 20th Century dogmas and seeing things as they are. Perhaps we are a long way from it, but the possibility of building a new international political movement has never been more real. It just requires work, serious thought, and an ability to reduce goals down to a culturally non-specific universality.

If we learned nothing from the last century of Actual Existing Socialism, it is that institutions matter. Liberal Democratic revolutions have succeeded where they put thought into effective institutions and checks on power. Marxist Leninist parties thought in mechanistic terms that when the party of the working class gains power, a working class state will develop organically. It didn't, and any progressive content from 1917 was undermined by the lack of any institutional safeguards against unlimited central power.

I think focusing on political revolution which can create more space for popular participation and working class representation can create the conditions for a social revolution in the relations of production, and can also create the conditions for common cause between social movements in liberal democracies and those in authoritarian states (which are steadily converging anyway IMO and will likely continue to). This isn't happening because what remains of the radical left is either focused on "anti-imperialism" fantasies, looking for saviours abroad in the absence of any signs of salvation at home, OR they are focused on repeating the 19th and 20th Century mode of labour organisation, but globalisation and the atomisation of communal life has fundamentally weakened the conditions that made this possible. It has, however, opened up the possibilities of a more universal and global movement, which is, to me, the main ray of hope.

Perhaps I am more optimistic than R2D2 becuase I am younger than he is, but jaded old men aren't exactly renowned for their role in forging a new zeitgeist, yet new zeitgeists are forged all the same throughout history.
History seems mainly a documentation of rises and falls of tribes/empires, except for one thing and that's mans ability to wreck stuff, there's no cycle in that aspect just an ever increasing competence for destruction of resources to fuel growth, I can't remember who said it or the exact words, but we seem programmed to destroy what actually sustains us and no doubt we'll take a lot of other species out on our way (well we've already done a fair bit of that)

I wish I shared your optimism for the future with a universal global movement as you put it, but thousands of years of history dont bode well for that scenario and In my short time on the planet I have seen little evidence of increasing human concern for its fellow man
..happy trails;)
This is bang on the money. Yes, it’ll be exploited, twisted and used (quite successfully ime) to smear the rest of us. And, the reason it will work is because there is some substance to it. For that reason the more these pricks are challenged - by our side - the better.

I do think the obviousness of this is starting to sink in. The dissonance of stanning for putin whilst claiming a ‘left’ position, and the political toxicity of doing so, is going to be bigger than with the A/S clusterfuck
The state of this fucker

where does greenwald fall anymore? i saw some anti-anti-putin stuff from him today but it's too vile to post.
I do think the obviousness of this is starting to sink in. The dissonance of stanning for putin whilst claiming a ‘left’ position, and the political toxicity of doing so, is going to be bigger than with the A/S clusterfuck

The maddeningly obstinate impulse of NUS Liberation (bet they’re fun to be around) to provide gifts to various evil bastards (The Tories, the Zionists, hospital- and care-home-bombing ‘anti-imperialist’ tyrants et al) does suggest I jumped the gun with that post
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Christ, it took me a minute to realise exactly how bad that title is. Although the alternative title, “Russia’s right to self-defence against Imperialism- Marxists speak out” is at least slightly clearer on what they're getting at. Think I may give the full 106 minutes a miss.
George Galloway seems to have posted a photo on Twitter of his 7 year old son with a Z shaved into the side of his haircut.

I mean how many kinds of fucked up can he actually get? Maybe it was some kind of weird April Fool, but not sure that's even any better?
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Galloway seems to have happily jumped out from that hesitant to criticise/whataboutery/anti-imperialist campism that many have, full force into pro-Putin/Russian State cheerleading.

It's a small pool; much of the same suspects that were pro-Assad, Covid denying types.
Depends if you consider Galloway left

Yeah for sure, to me he clearly isn't on the same side as me whatever her thinks he is or gets defined as, but he definitely attracts a crowd that would very much say they were, which is what matters. Corbyn, Lowkey, and CND etc. still very much happy to be associated with him so he definitely still lives and appears in that sphere politically.
Havnt watched RT for a while now, is Salmond still a on there talking crap?
Christ, it took me a minute to realise exactly how bad that title is. Although the alternative title, “Russia’s right to self-defence against Imperialism- Marxists speak out” is at least slightly clearer on what they're getting at. Think I may give the full 106 minutes a miss.
What 'self defence against imperialism'?
Does anyone else find themselves sometimes seeing one of the thickest, most useless twats in the world on social media and then finding themselves compelled from time to time to see what they're up to now? I suspect the answer's yes, from the number of people posting updates about Galloway's up to. Anyway, my current horrified-car-crash-viewing account recently posted something like "Every time people say 'there are fascists in Russia too!' I'm like 'yeah, people like Navalny'." MAKES YOU THINK, YEAH?
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