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The Pro-Putin Left

Does anyone else find themselves sometimes seeing one of the thickest, most useless twats in the world on social media and then finding themselves compelled from time to time to see what they're up to now? I suspect the answer's yes, from the number of people posting updates about Galloway's up to. Anyway, my current horrified-car-crash-viewing account recently posted something like "Every time people say 'there are fascists in Russia too!' I'm like 'yeah, people like Navalny'." MAKES YOU THINK, YEAH?
Omfg! Checkmate Putin haters :D
Does anyone else find themselves sometimes seeing one of the thickest, most useless twats in the world on social media and then finding themselves compelled from time to time to see what they're up to now? I suspect the answer's yes, from the number of people posting updates about Galloway's up to. Anyway, my current horrified-car-crash-viewing account recently posted something like "Every time people say 'there are fascists in Russia too!' I'm like 'yeah, people like Navalny'." MAKES YOU THINK, YEAH?

Yeah, I've got Covid but it's not making me feel sick enough, so took a look at Galloway's Twitter to help.
It's also worth bearing in mind that it's much more of a thing in other parts of the world. Spanish language left twitter for example tends to echo RT's version of anti-imperialism. Russian infowars aren't necessarily just, or primarily, aimed at the UK and US.

Yeah, RT type stuff is very big in parts of Africa, as is support for Putin and the Russian State.
may i introduce the SPUSA

We further call for an immediate end to US, EU, and NATO provocations against Russia

and ...

As this crisis continues to develop, we must remember that the cycle of bloodshed ultimately started with the United States and its NATO allies’ insatiable desire for control. As they seek to represent the interests of capitalism, we must stand up for the interests of the international working class in both Russia and Ukraine, as well in the United States where countless people will be sent to fight and die in the name of western imperialism if this conflict descends into a global war.

because russia isn't an imperialist state too, and putin hasn't sent russian workers to die by the thousand already while biden ... well, i won't say it.
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may i introduce the SPUSA

We further call for an immediate end to US, EU, and NATO provocations against Russia

and ...

As this crisis continues to develop, we must remember that the cycle of bloodshed ultimately started with the United States and its NATO allies’ insatiable desire for control. As they seek to represent the interests of capitalism, we must stand up for the interests of the international working class in both Russia and Ukraine, as well in the United States where countless people will be sent to fight and die in the name of western imperialism if this conflict descends into a global war.

because russia isn't an imperialist state too, and putin hasn't already sent russian workers to die by the thousand already while biden ... well, i won't say it.
I though septic loonspudery was limited to the right and to fash... Every day's a school day.
I though septic loonspudery was limited to the right and to fash

certainly not.
apols for the murdoch link. you'll have to edit heavily as you read it but focus on her own quotes.


(more context: a murdoch joint is pro-ukraine, which will be difficult with their friends like Trump.)
may i introduce the SPUSA

We further call for an immediate end to US, EU, and NATO provocations against Russia

and ...

As this crisis continues to develop, we must remember that the cycle of bloodshed ultimately started with the United States and its NATO allies’ insatiable desire for control. As they seek to represent the interests of capitalism, we must stand up for the interests of the international working class in both Russia and Ukraine, as well in the United States where countless people will be sent to fight and die in the name of western imperialism if this conflict descends into a global war.

because russia isn't an imperialist state too, and putin hasn't already sent russian workers to die by the thousand already while biden ... well, i won't say it.
Voltaire had the right take:
Cet animal est très méchant
Quand on l'attaque, il se défend

(This animal is very vicious - when you attack it, it defends itself)
It's also worth bearing in mind that it's much more of a thing in other parts of the world. Spanish language left twitter for example tends to echo RT's version of anti-imperialism. Russian infowars aren't necessarily just, or primarily, aimed at the UK and US.
Parts of the Italian left likewise, including, it seems, the ML factions in control of some of the COBAS type unions…
Parts of the Italian left likewise, including, it seems, the ML factions control of some of the COBAS type unions…
India too. OK, not pro-Russia but 'neutral'. 'Both sides' or something, right.

Paywall busted (no, really: the headline is "Russia praises India's neutrality on Ukraine invasions"
India too. OK, not pro-Russia but 'neutral'. 'Both sides' or something, right.

Paywall busted (no, really: the headline is "Russia praises India's neutrality on Ukraine invasions"
I found this podcast on the Indian response quite interesting.

What a twat, making his kid wear that.

Quite a lot worse than 'twat' I think.

Making your child (as surely it wasn't his choice) have an arguably fascist (if not that then a highly militaristic and nationalist) symbol shaved into his hair, and then take a photo for your own social media, at the time as those wearing that symbol are being accused of war crimes in Ukraine is about as low as you can get.

Someone that plenty of the left seem happy to like, or maybe at most giggle about with an, 'Oh George Galloway, he's a character!' And someone that many in CND, Stop the War, as well as Corbyn and more are very happy to continue to share a platform with and consider as broadly on the same side.
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I though septic loonspudery was limited to the right and to fash... Every day's a school day.
Nah, I think if anything they tend to be worse than other places - at the heart of a lot of this "but NATO" shit is a worldview that always sees the American state as the only actual actor in the world and everyone else as just responding to them (or run by them, so movements like Maidan in Ukraine, HK against the policing bill, Syrians against Assad and so on all just vanish into "the CIA dunnit!"). It's a form of brainrot that can affect anyone, but I think it's more widespread on the US left - my reading of it would be that people are brought up with a US exceptionalist/America first worldview, and then just flip that into "America is the most important country in the world, but in a bad way not a good way."

Anyway, most recent infuriating interaction I've seen (that's not on the Oxford StW thread) was a comrade in Kyiv posting about some of their frustrations, and a useless yank lefty fuckwit popping up to call them "anti-Russian and anticommunist" and saying they just believe everything they see on the news. The Ukrainian just responded with "Did you know that war can take place in reality, and not just in the news?"
I'm actually going to really struggle to hold my shit together if I come across one of these types in real life tbh, I don't mean a 'it's all NATOs fault' idiots, but one of the proper Putin supporters. There's a few CPGB-ML types near here, but I'm unlikely to see them, although I bet they'll be doing a stall about this in the city nearby.
Nah, I think if anything they tend to be worse than other places - at the heart of a lot of this "but NATO" shit is a worldview that always sees the American state as the only actual actor in the world and everyone else as just responding to them (or run by them, so movements like Maidan in Ukraine, HK against the policing bill, Syrians against Assad and so on all just vanish into "the CIA dunnit!"). It's a form of brainrot that can affect anyone, but I think it's more widespread on the US left - my reading of it would be that people are brought up with a US exceptionalist/America first worldview, and then just flip that into "America is the most important country in the world, but in a bad way not a good way."

Anyway, most recent infuriating interaction I've seen (that's not on the Oxford StW thread) was a comrade in Kyiv posting about some of their frustrations, and a useless yank lefty fuckwit popping up to call them "anti-Russian and anticommunist" and saying they just believe everything they see on the news. The Ukrainian just responded with "Did you know that war can take place in reality, and not just in the news?"
I was going to like this but it didn't feel right, so I'll just say what a fucking prick.

Not you obviously.
I'm actually going to really struggle to hold my shit together if I come across one of these types in real life tbh, I don't mean a 'it's all NATOs fault' idiots, but one of the proper Putin supporters. There's a few CPGB-ML types near here, but I'm unlikely to see them, although I bet they'll be doing a stall about this in the city nearby.
I thought I had hit peak fury with the anti-vax nutters, but apparently I still had some room to be more pissed off.

Wouldn't surprise me if there was quite a bit of overlap though.
I'm actually going to really struggle to hold my shit together if I come across one of these types in real life tbh, I don't mean a 'it's all NATOs fault' idiots, but one of the proper Putin supporters. There's a few CPGB-ML types near here, but I'm unlikely to see them, although I bet they'll be doing a stall about this in the city nearby.
I do remember seeing some flyposting along these lines around on a trip to Leeds some years back (didn't get a photo, but it was along these general lines):

Wonder if they'll be doing the same again?
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