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The Outdoorsy "Sofa".

Yeah they do reach a point where they just stop reproofing. As mentioned already on the thread I'm loving the new Paramo. Very different to a conventional waterproof in that even if you get a bit damp, you are still comfy. And they dry on you much faster.
I think their not up a mountain gear is exactly what I need for work. I'm not putting over-trousers on and off every half hour between visits and anyway I HATE boil in the bag waterproofs with a fiery passion. Obvs I also want all the up a mountain gear too :oops: Thanks, kebabking too.

I'm mostly good for coats but work trousers are my everest.
I'm not putting over-trousers on and off every half hour between visits and anyway I HATE boil in the bag waterproofs with a fiery passion.
Quick drying trousers are much better than waterproofs unless you're going to be in heavy rain for ages. I have a few pairs of Montane Terras (their factory shop isn't far from me :thumbs:) which are great for everyday use as well as up mountains.

I accidentally ordered a Hilleberg brochure a few weeks ago and it was on my doormat when I got back last night. I'm getting ideas about buying a new tent now :oops:
Just ordered some Haglofs trainers. Not that I'm doing much outdoor stuff at the moment. Needed a new pair of something for work though and figured I may as well get something I'll get other use of down the line. Only £35 so worth a punt if just as something slightly smarter for work

Terra Nova are having a pretty epic sale on tents right now. I'm supposed to be being paying stuff off at the moment, but it's very tempting. Especially as I've another trip to Scotland on the cards when lockdown is over...

Doesn't the latest guidance say that driving somewhere for exercise is ok so long as you spend more time exercising than driving?
The guidance is quite vague - perhaps deliberately so as it's impossible to be precise unless you dedicate a team of lawyers to create a detailed policy.

I have been considering driving up to the moor for a walk tomorrow. It's only 30 minutes away.
I ended up making the drive. Didn't feel to guilty. Hardly saw anyone up, a stark contrast to running along the canal from my house. Was rather wonderful even if the weather wasn't quite as nice as it has been. The dog enjoyed it as well.
Woop. Going back up to Scotland for more canoe camping. We're doing the Great Glen. Be less technical then the trip I did last year but with paddling along Loch Ness and others will probably be more work. Need to investigate getting a sail on the boat. Although if I spend money there will probably be no wind when I want it. Also definitely buying a new tent for this trip. Although it's funny, OH wants to go away for a long weekend in August with the dog and the idea of staying in camp site if we can afford a B&B is far less appealing. I've gone soft.
Did some very tame family camping over the weekend. Decided I need a kettle. A tiny lightweight solo cookset can't cope with the endless brews of the campsite life.

I fancy an MSR Pika or Primus LiTech.

If you have a car I'd look a cheapie thats not from an outdoor brand.

Or use it as an excuse to buy a MSR Reactor. :D
Was meant to be going to Scotland today, but we looked at the weather and bailed. 8 hours drive to walk in the rain and see nothing but cloud and come back to a tent seemed less appealing.

So going to snowdonia instead for a few days. OK we will walk round in the rain and clouds, but it's only a couple of hours and my favourite budget bunkhouse is open. Although they have put the prices up to a tenner a night. Going to do Cneifion tomorrow and hopefully a few Carnedd's on Wednesday.

Sad to hear that Doug Scott passed away yesterday.

A few years ago I met him completely by accident. A mate had been collecting some stuff for his charity in Nepal and we were dropping it off at an address in the Lakes while we were over there for the day. I assumed was just an office or something, but when we got there it turned out to be his house. He invited us in and was telling us some stories from his autobiography* which he was writing at the time :cool:

I was wearing a shitty pair of Merrils at the time (we weren't doing any serious walking) which he was quite disgusted by and insisted on giving me a pair of Scarpas from his massive store room :D

* I have a copy sat on a shelf which I should really get around to reading :oops:
Can someone recommend a decent headtorch please? Something fairly small and lightweight with decent battery life, don't need three different coloured lights that come on in twenty different combinations but a couple brightness settings would be good, must be properly chuckaboutable. Ta :)
Can someone recommend a decent headtorch please? Something fairly small and lightweight with decent battery life, don't need three different coloured lights that come on in twenty different combinations but a couple brightness settings would be good, must be properly chuckaboutable. Ta :)

My Petzl Tikka is over 10 years old and still going strong.
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