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The Olympics Are Utter Shit...

I was in Greenwich earlier today and the place is looking a right mess, no point in returning until Oct/Nov.
I fucking hate it. At work it's like THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAH! And we're expected to have all hands on the deck. After which they'll repay us by announcing another round of redundancies. Probably a massive attack on the unions which they've been unable to perform due to this really important thing. People should just smell the coffee and pay them back for the inevitable job losses by fucking it all up. Sadly, the workers are generally kinder than the management.
billions spent on a running and jumping festival? fuck the olympics.

And the london logo looks like lisa simpson giving a blow job.

Just glad it's mostly 200 and odd miles away from me.
FUCK the olympics!! I feel a summer of embittered rage ahead. Seb Coe is a fucking asshat cunt too. Oh-LAME-pix I reckon!!11eleven!!!
also - how did boris's massive rings on tower bridge cost 200,000 quid. I could have been done about 5k. it only has to last a couple of months

By street artist Mau Mau apparently
they are blocking off a section of the river lea near me for 'security reasons' which has fucked me off - even though on the whole I do like Olympics
Dellingpole is not a nice chap, but nevertheless you might enjoy this bonkers rant.


What Cameron must do is declare war on the IOC: he must paint out the Olympic rings on their Zil lanes; he must remove the Olympic rings from Tower Bridge; he must cancel the tax-holidays [not a phrase you'd normally hear me use but difficult times call for exceptional measures] for all those businesses which have been battering us to death like baby seals with the ginormous blood-stained, brain-spattered club of their noisome Olympic sponsorship tie-in credentials; and then – damn it, why not – he should announce the immediate cancellation of the games on health n safety n finance grounds because let's face it a) we can't afford them b) our creaking infrastructure can't cope, especially not now the M4 is broken and wouldn't it be, like, so awfully tragic if some Olympic Fat Cat in his armoured Zil (or whatever it is the bastards have chosen as their OFFICIAL OLYMPIC SPONSOR VEHICLE TM this year) were to plunge through a crack in the Chiswick flyover? and c) the whole business is tacky and unedifying and horrible and nationally humiliating, like being invaded by the Disney Corporation and everyone being forced to wear mouse ears in solidarity with the Dear Leader.

But what's different about other countries and us is that we're British. We haven't been invaded and conquered since 1066. This means that unlike any other country in the world we've had almost a thousand years of being used to do things our way – (well, pretending for a moment we're not in the EU) – rather than Johnny Foreigners'. And we're, what, expected to give up our ancient freedoms in order to sate the Nero-like whims of a bunch of pampered, greasy, crypto-fascist sports administrators in return for the dubious privilege of forking out billions of our taxpayer pounds to watch our athletes get thrashed in all the serious track and field events, while only picking up gold for the really weird sports that no one cares about?
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