i have just had the most ridiculous note-based exchange with some bitch who works in the same building (not same company).
someone has been stealing my milk from the shared kitchen. not a couple of cups of tea worth, a couple of bowls of cereal worth. so i put a note on saying stop stealing this.
the bitch then put a note on saying 'only if you stop cutting your nails into the sink in the toilets' *
i didn't think it was that likely it was her stealing the milk, but i pretended to believe that and responded with 'and that concerns you HOW, thief?'
she then left practically an essay about my unhygenic ways.
i removed all the notes except for the first and look forward to encountering her in the communal areas!
my extreme rage has diminished enough that i am now planning to patronise her about how she should have spoken to me directly like a grown-up.
* this is indeed something i've done a few times due to the good lighting. i'm aware that some people might consider this unhygenic but my hands are clean and the sinks get cleaned every single day. also, i wash them down the sink, i'm not an animal.