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In regards to the hospital spread stuff, the SAGE minutes of 17th December, which would have looked at the aforementioned modelling group paper, said:
SAGE 73 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 17 December 2020
Record of the discussion that took place at SAGE's seventy-third meeting.
Data considered by SPI-M shows that nosocomial infection across England has steadily increased throughout October and November. This is supported by CO-CIN analysis. This will lead to onward transmission within the community and will worsen overall mortality. Measures to limit aerosol transmission should be considered as part of infection prevention and control. It will be important to understand the epidemiology of spread amongst healthcare workers.
ACTION: Cath Noakes to discuss with Hospital Onset COVID-19 infection working group potential approaches to identifying and limiting airborne transmission in hospitals and provide advice to the NHS through that group as required.
ACTION: Mark Wilcox and Angela McLean to identify what work is underway to identify and monitor transmission in healthcare workers and assess whether there are any research gaps which need to be addressed.