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    Lazy Llama

the neoliberal vision of the future

Oi! We get just as much sunshine as the rest of the fucking world! It's just a bit unevenly distributed is all....

Bollocks. Everybody knows it's dark all year round and full of people committing suicide by throwing themselves out of windows and that.
From that blog: Muslims take over in hitherto stable and well run Ivory coast (I must have imagined the civil war then) and The sensational brave and sincere pastor Terry Jones. Don't think I need to read any more of that one.
ONAN. I love onan, I think he's the best poster we've ever had here. Will Filipino prostitutes be encouraged to move to his free state? How will race and gender discrimination be tackled? When the inevitable sexual abuse scandals emerge, what mechanisms will be in place to address them? So many questions to ask him!
Be interesting to see one of those guys actually try to argue their stuff straight though.

Without recourse to the 'asserting that black is white until they give up' stuff ...
On yahoo news it's saying that Garry Glitter is the first celebrity to publicly sign up to Onan's free state initiative.
It's a really mental place that Norway. Must be the lack of sunshine. Or summat.

We're not all like that, Onar and his freaky cheersquad freak me out. And all who oppose are socialists (read fascists, nazis and so on and so forth.) However, his blog is... how do I say this without making him more into a selfproclaimed martyr than he already is... Special, is the word.
when everything in the world is gonna change, including our very lives and safety---

Quantify what you mean by "lives" and "safety", please.

the enemies of the West is gathering forces...soon the shadow will be over us...

The enemies of "the west" have always been among us, their leech-hands dipping into our pockets, their imperatives governing our lives.

and who are u socialists going to support?

Ah, another schnorrer who calls people "socialists" without having a clue as to their politics.

Our enemies or our precious civilization...the most advanced and developed culture this planet has ever seen?

Compared to what. We have an advanced and developed technological culture, but in terms of cultural forms such as art, we've been decadent for a couple of centuries, so please don't declaim on things you're obviously poorly-informed about, or you'll look as foolish as Onar has made himself look.
I've just had another look at the translated version of his blog comments. Not entirely easy to make out what's going on, but there seems to be a sensible chap called 'Christian' (I'm guessing an urbanite who can speak Norwegian?) trying to explain that you can't really have a sensible conversation with people who redefine the terms you're discussing to make the results come out the way they want, and a bunch of angry objectivists yelling at him.

Here's a sample. Did google translate get this right I wonder? From one Thomas Kenworthy
All three are supporters of state roads, healthcare, schools, elderly care, pensions, pengevsen, ownership of oil, ownership of water power etc. which qualify them to be National Socialists with a solid margin.
I totally love this thread! A lot of bad wordings here, but then again it's the internet.
It is obviously a lot of knowledge behind quite a few nicks here, and I totally love reading how you wont even bother to explain basics.
But it's obvious isn't it?
If you don't get the basics, why bother to discuss on a civilised level.
Then Onarchy can sit in his country stating that he does not answer name-callers, and you all can sit in your countries and state that you do not explain basics to self-proclaimed know-it-alls.

I LOVE this thread :D
As I mentioned in a previous post, it makes a whole lot more sense to talk about individual fascist laws than some coherent fascist policy.

But everyone except you are socialists?

Is there a specific reason why fascism has do be dealt with on a sub-level like this, while "everyone" is a "socialist"? You know - "Socialist" - the big term with NOT differentiation what so ever.
Well, I don't think there's any issue with explaining basics. There's a thread around here where someone (Edie?) was asking basic questions a few days ago and getting polite answers.

I can't speak for anyone else, but the problem I was having trying to communicate with onarchy is that he persistently redefines words that have a well established meaning in political discourse to mean something completely different, but more suitable to his peculiar worldview and takes wild liberties with well-established facts, again to support his rather odd viewpoint.

This causes a lot of pointless confusion at best, and after a while tends to make people decide they're dealing with some sort of dogmatic cultist rather than a rational being keen to explore other points of view.
No answer to this simple question as yet. Not a peep about the vast amount of people mutilated and tortured under the Pinochet regime either.

"I do not answer to name-calling and innuendo".
Would that sorta cover it?

The latter probably covering most of it. You know - like he calls everyone a socialist. That's not innuendo, by the way. Rules does not have to go both ways.
I totally love this thread! A lot of bad wordings here, but then again it's the internet.
It is obviously a lot of knowledge behind quite a few nicks here, and I totally love reading how you wont even bother to explain basics.
But it's obvious isn't it?
If you don't get the basics, why bother to discuss on a civilised level.
Then Onarchy can sit in his country stating that he does not answer name-callers, and you all can sit in your countries and state that you do not explain basics to self-proclaimed know-it-alls.

I LOVE this thread :D

You appear to be missing the point, molo.

Where Onar has been in error as to his definitions, descriptions and analyses, he's been informed of the basics, mostly politely. He ignores anything that doesn't accord to the world as he wishes it to be (as opposed to the world as it actually is), and therefore feels free to misuse words such "fascist" and "communist" in order to represent his own conclusions as something other than what they are.

By the way tovarisch, there are very few "self-proclaimed know-it-alls". Who would be foolish enough to proclaim that they know everything, when even knowing a fraction of "everything" is impossible? So, name names, or retract the comment, please.

Thanks awfully!
"I do not answer to name-calling and innuendo".
Would that sorta cover it?

The latter probably covering most of it. You know - like he calls everyone a socialist. That's not innuendo, by the way. Rules does not have to go both ways.

I'm guessing that English isn't your first language (I'm asking because it would be unfair to tax you with poor usage of English if it isn't your first language)?
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