In actual fact Attica has said more than you, Kropotkin. At least his posts are combative rather than just demanding:'withdraw those filthy lies, you scoundrel!'
I have a lot of respect for the stuff posted up by rednblack and catch; they are the only anarchists to say anything political. Both have been among the best of the anarchist posters in various threads since I've been coming on here. But let us not forget that, far from attempting to take apart anarchism, or trying to 'smear all who come from your tradition', this thread mushroomed only after I merely agreed with a poster who made the perfectly reasonable observation that anarchism does not register with almost anybody outside the anarchist movement. What seems to have sparked all the outrage is that I said that anarchist principles seem to lead to a preference for keeping it that way, something that was confirmed by anarchist posters who admitted that they don't really push anarchist ideas when they carry out practical political activity and the confusion that ensued when somebody brought up the subject of anarchist ideas regarding leadership and so on. I did not say that anarchists do nothing to publicise anarchism; what was implied in my posts was that what they do doesn't seem able to lift anarchism out of the ghetto in which it finds itself. Where did I claim that you 'all think the same,' by the way?
As for Class War, it was Attica who came on acusing me of saying things that I hadn't - and then carried on doing so. Class War has only any significance to this thread in as much as they too, in my own experience, register with the public little more than any other anarchist group, and nowhere near as much as some of its members seem to believe.
But at least Atticus has, along with catch and rnb, tried to argue politically. The wounded and paranoid tone of some of the other anarchists in response to even the mildest criticism has been little short of amazing.
It would be interesting to see how some anarchists would fare were a real test of their politics ever to come along if that is how hard they find it to cope with inoffensive comments on an internet forum.