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The job hunting support thread

Yay to job offer :)

There's absolutely no harm in applying for one or both of the other roles. There's also no harm in accepting the job offer you have right now and seeing how things go. It might not work out, but you'll have been earning for a bit, and in the meantime something else might come along that suits you better.

My experience is that companies move a lot slower than is optimal for this type of thing.

Thanks - didn't notice this last week

Still nothing on paper to confirm last week's offer (don't see anything sinister in this - sounds like their HR process is kinda :facepalm:) - big snag with that one is it will mean moving house (or at least renting somewhere near where it is short term - and :( to the whole renting process)

I did apply for the other (more local) one which had Sunday as closing date, interview invite landed this afternoon, interview wednesday. For the public sector, this is quite :eek: in terms of speed.

Second (and more local) has closing date next week but still intend to apply.
I just found a job which matches my skill set almost perfectly. Shame it is in a Private Member's Club in Mayfair :facepalm:
was a 'creditable second place' in the above mentioned interview.

i has an interview friday for the very local one. and they want me to do a presentation as part of the interview. :eek:

and the thing that's been trundling along for months (and will mean moving) has now got to a definite offer and they want to talk start dates.

I wish I felt remotely inspired by it.

with mumtat not getting any younger, I'm going to need to move back to SE London sooner or later (this potential move is in the opposite direction) - and I'm not sure if the point at which I'll never be able to afford to isn't going to pass very soon (assuming it hasn't already passed)

although my chances of getting work in London seem close to zero - the employers in my kind of field seem now only to recruit new graduates.


Jobsearch still grinding on.

and on.

Had a couple more unsuccessful interviews, albeit for posts that didn't really suit me anyway.

Suitable vacancies for my specialism(s) are pretty sparse so been chucking out applications for all kinds of tenuously related things but unsurprisingly not getting anywhere with these either. Despite being "willing" to halve my salary to do 'em. Overqualified and the wrong experience sadly :(.

Churning through agencies like there's no tomorrow. Always the same routine. See job, find out out its via agency, bung 'em my CV, they call me up all excited and talk up my chances and provisionally arrange a meeting/interview. Never hear from them again.

Been looking for almost 2 years now with little to give me any serious cause for optimism.

Oh well. Working's overrated anyway innit?
...there are currently around 20 vacancies for my specialism in the entire country. None within commutable distance. Okay, its a quiet time of year but at the peak of recruiting season last year there were less than 100 vacancies.

I was speaking to a friend who is involved in recruiting for my sector the other day and he reckoned that of the couple of hundred applications for every advertised vacancy they get about 60 to 70 credible candidates who they'd happily hire. Grim. I'm doing remarkably well to get shortlisted when I do in these conditions.

*Tightens belt another notch*
Had a skype interview for a job. was in just the kind of area i was interested in. matched up well with my history and me and the guy seemed to be on the same wave length as i talked not only about the teaching side of things but showed understanding about the funding routes and challenges faced.

didn't get it.

this has kinda got me down as if i can't get this kinda stuff what can i get?
Ah ok. Is it the sort of thing that the OU, hotcourses, coursera, futurelearn etc run courses in, or is that completely different?

What do you mean?

As in do I work in that field?

If so, no.

In theory I could work as a bog standard teacher in a bog standard school.
I was just looking for a thread like this and saw it come up in most recent posts.

Arrrgh! I can't stand this! I have fuck all to live on. I'm not even being picky. I went back to uni in my late 20s, graduated this year and now right back to square one. I'm not even being picky, I'm applying for customer service jobs but the trouble is so is every one else so I never hear back. Applied for a voluntary position and got invited for an interview ten minutes later! Couldn't believe how quick it was. Hopefully I'll get that for the experience and just to get out of my flat and interact with human beings.

Does anyone else get a sense of foreboding whenever they sign on? I do everything they ask of me, my 'adviser' says my job search is excellent but I still worry they're gonna sanction me. That's the whole point of it though isn't it?
...and to make matters worse.

There was a job I applied for recently that I liked the sound of, and was confident I had a chance in (y'know having lowered my expectations and so on).

I've just done some rough calculations and it looks like I'd be £50 odd down very week just on childcare costs alone. I can't afford to pay to go to work...even if I wanted to.

*resigned sigh*
Recruiters are finding that, because Job Seekers requires claimants apply for at least two jobs a week, they are receiving many more than usual CVs per vacancy. They are being swamped, often by CVs that have no genuine chance of winning an interview. This is what a recruitment consultant told me just a couple of months ago. Basically he said, to even get your CV read, you need to telephone as well.
...and to make matters worse.

There was a job I applied for recently that I liked the sound of, and was confident I had a chance in (y'know having lowered my expectations and so on).

I've just done some rough calculations and it looks like I'd be £50 odd down very week just on childcare costs alone. I can't afford to pay to go to work...even if I wanted to.

*resigned sigh*

Can your skills be transferrable to other roles, where there might perhaps be more vacancies?

People kept suggesting this to me when I was recently looking. Mind you, it used to piss me off no end so I stuck to my guns! :)
Can your skills be transferrable to other roles, where there might perhaps be more vacancies?

People kept suggesting this to me when I was recently looking. Mind you, it used to piss me off no end so I stuck to my guns! :)

This is what I'm trying, but running into the problem of entry level salaries not covering childcare....and being overqualified/over experienced is putting people off (even in my field as if happens!).

Yet all this experience/qualification isn't a good enough fit to move across into similar level work in other industries.

Feel pretty trapped right now.
This is what I'm trying, but running into the problem of entry level salaries not covering childcare....and being overqualified/over experienced is putting people off (even in my field as if happens!).

Yet all this experience/qualification isn't a good enough fit to move across into similar level work in other industries.

Feel pretty trapped right now.
I felt pretty trapped in my recent job hunt, mainly because I couldn't move for work. In the past I have always moved to wherever a suitable job was. I can't do that now. Well I really don't want to. Is that the situation you are in?
I felt pretty trapped in my recent job hunt, mainly because I couldn't move for work. In the past I have always moved to wherever a suitable job was. I can't do that now. Well I really don't want to. Is that the situation you are in?

Yup. Exactly. Though in all honestly I'd probably have to go back overseas. Which I'd happily do if it was just me but can't now.
Does it lend itself to developing distance learning materials and self publishing?

This feels like 20 questions :hmm:

It could.

I could, to be more specific, easily(ish) develop curriculum specific and more general distance learning stuff yes. I haven't seen any opportunities in this field though, just sales and marketing roles.
It could.

I could, to be more specific, easily(ish) develop curriculum specific and more general distance learning stuff yes. I haven't seen any opportunities in this field though, just sales and marketing roles.
I was thinking you could perhaps do this being self employed then selfpublish and/or sell your products.

Edit: perhaps Louis MacNeice could have some suggestions
Agency called today.

'Sorry the job that you're qualified to do, the one that fits in well with your voluntary work, the one that pays OK and is easy to get to is gone now but we have this other job that you're not qualified to do, is miles away and pays shit. Is that something you'd be interested in?'

FFS :rolleyes:
friday's interview - got a "no thanks" and can't really summon up the enthusiasm to ring for feedback. to be honest, it was a bit of a tangent from previous jobs so I'm not that surprised.

the thing that means relocating is getting interesting. they want me to relocate before I start which I guess is fair enough (and frankly I can't face spending 5 hours a day commuting even short term) BUT it appears they can't provide any sort of reference for a potential landlord until after I start. :hmm: :facepalm: :mad: I can feel what a Scottish former colleague would describe as a "gettaefuck" moment coming...

another interview next week for another casual job

a couple of London based things I'm contemplating applying for.

the current weekday job has only a few weeks left before it ends. :(
just had another call, someone likes me for a job, will hear back by monday maybe.
well he said he'd phone me back monday, but he's on holiday this week :mad:

Being put forward for the same job by another agency, so maybe I'll get more joy from them...:rolleyes:
Finally one of the agencies which sent my CV of has got back to me! (a full month after first contact) Got an assessment day on the 9th of december, presumingthat's not an actual interview. I also have to fill in some psychometric test, they want to profile me, how nice. Anyone done one of those before? I'd like to land this job, it's 15grand a year more than my last one, hours a bit shitty, but at this stage I couldn't give a fuck about that!
gsv's contract has been extended to end of Feb, which is good, as that'd much better timing for looking for something else than start of Jan was. He's officially stopping looking for longer term stuff until start of next year now, except for two possibilities that came up from places he'd contacted while he was out of work - one had told him they only promoted internally, the other they didn't have project managers. He interviewed for the first yesterday and it went well. Their top salary is the bottom of his expectations, however it's based in North London somewhere he could cycle to in 20 minutes, so quality of life-wise, it'd be a real improvement.
heh, saw one of my old work mates last night, he'd spent a week in an Amazon warehouse, a job I'd turned down. He'd quit after his first week, said it was fucking horrendous. Glad I didn't even consider it.
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