happy mew year
Yay to job offer
There's absolutely no harm in applying for one or both of the other roles. There's also no harm in accepting the job offer you have right now and seeing how things go. It might not work out, but you'll have been earning for a bit, and in the meantime something else might come along that suits you better.
My experience is that companies move a lot slower than is optimal for this type of thing.
Thanks - didn't notice this last week
Still nothing on paper to confirm last week's offer (don't see anything sinister in this - sounds like their HR process is kinda ) - big snag with that one is it will mean moving house (or at least renting somewhere near where it is short term - and to the whole renting process)
I did apply for the other (more local) one which had Sunday as closing date, interview invite landed this afternoon, interview wednesday. For the public sector, this is quite in terms of speed.
Second (and more local) has closing date next week but still intend to apply.