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The job hunting support thread

Well, I've...
  • had tests and an interview with the civil service and have passed, so am now on a 6 month reserve list for a job due to 'an unprecedented number of high quality applicants"
  • have just been informed that I have an interview for a Cybersecurity role

Well, today I have ...
  • attended my first Cybersecurity interview - it felt like it went well - will find out in 7-14 days :thumbs:
  • been offered a job at the DWP in a field I didn't apply for that's a two-and-a-half-hour commute away :confused:

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The internal 2nd interview definitely won't be chat and an offer, as there is another person in the running. External one could be.

I ended up having 3 interviews for my last-but-one job (partly as a 2nd role had opened up during the process) and the last one was more like that - I wasn't actually offered on the day but they did seem just to be explaining more about the job to me.
The internal 2nd interview definitely won't be chat and an offer, as there is another person in the running. External one could be.

I ended up having 3 interviews for my last-but-one job (partly as a 2nd role had opened up during the process) and the last one was more like that - I wasn't actually offered on the day but they did seem just to be explaining more about the job to me.
I had 4 interviews for my last one, well sort of as I went the 4th one thinking it was another interview and it was the 2nd person. Had been HR person, then line manager, then director, then it went to a panel of cos of some external investors, one of the Stanley ones can't remember which, then another one with line manager as she was now director lol. Didn't mention I already had the job til halfway through the 4th one which was confusing.
Did a behaviours type test (Thomas) for the internal one earlier - this one scores on dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance. I imagine I score low on the first and higher on the other three; don't imagine it'll have too much impact either way but I guess that was the task they were talking about. It's a relatively short half hour in the diary tomorrow, so not sure what they'll dig into there.

For the external role I'm looking at their website and LinkedIn in case they want to ask me for feedback on that, also swotting up a bit on content strategy so I can sound convincing. Also found a good list of STAR questions to make notes on so I'm less likely to be taken by surprise.
Did a behaviours type test (Thomas) for the internal one earlier - this one scores on dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance.


is that the sort of thing where you have to try and guess which stock personality type some HR nurk has picked out of a list as being right for this job / organisation?
External interview just happened... this was with a different team, more marketing based and I did worry it could go south if they got too technical, but it was OK although not as positive as first. I think if they have another candidate with more marketing-y background then that candidate would get it over me - my suspicion is I'm not landing this one and I'm OK with that in itself. I I would absolutely take it if offered but it's not that exciting a role at the end of the day - just a shame it's tumbleweed on other interviews front right now.

Internal role interview late this afternoon - going to go to the gym soon and then prepare for that, although again I have no idea what to expect! I think maybe my best shot is to come over as enthusiastic as possible!
I quite like the 16 Personalities test and think my results (Protagonist ENFJ-A) are fairly spot-on.

Mind you, I happily believed myself to be a Pisces for many years until someone did my astrological chart and it turned out I’m Aries.
Second interview went... surprising well. I was feeling kind of vague and not sure what to do with myself beforehand and then the actual event was pretty casual, they seemed quite enthusiastic and I think i made a fairly strong finish. The way they talked about it did seem to suggest they were using a generic job spec but didn't want that exact skillset anyway - that they were looking for someone to provide support to the general team function with some of those things, and that with the more commercial/client-focused aspects they understood that would be something to be picked up along the way.

I'm not getting that 'Yes, they're going to offer' feel I've had with some roles, but it feels more possible than I expected.
I'm feeling really unenthusiastic about this job interview again, despite the fact it's a very impressive job and really well paid.

My enthusiasm for climbing the greasy pole, or exerting myself in any way at all really, is extremely low right now. A few years ago I was very go-getting and doing a lot of upskilling in my spare time to try and better myself. These days I've got used to a comfy rut. Not that it's that comfy a rut any more.

Or perhaps I'm just old. Or demotivated by everything that's happened at work recently.

Or not keen on putting myself through the palaver of another interview and giving up my spare time to write another presentation without much hope of actually getting the job. Oh and security clearance if I do.

Anyway a recruiter friend is going to help me prep by throwing lots of STARR questions at me. The final R apparently is Reflection. Someone from the department rang me up to check I was ok and talked me through it a bit.
Have applied for a 12 month FTC role for a senior content editor at a business that owns a lot of the house selling portals - quite a good one for my industry knowledge but they'll probably want somebody with more consumer content background, as I'm more professional/business-to-business.

Got a no thanks from one thing I applied for that I thought might be a goer, although there was one fairly niche aspect of it I didn't match. I know they looked at my linkedin, so I suspect I might have been longlisted but not shortlisted. Really want something else to turn out but there's only one or two that feel like they might bit, but then again, I didn't have the first interview from yesterday down as a place that was going to respond.

Expecting a no from yesterday morning's interview and not sure about afternoon one - I'd hope to hear by end of the week but I guess they may need a few days to get relevant people together to make a decision.
Now it's all gone through and I'm good to go the panic has set in... this is going to be the first time ever I've had the equivalent of full time office based hours... and it's going to be over 6 days a week not 5 days because it's across two jobs... money will be good and no commute but difficult not to stress out now. Still really happy but ahhhhh!!!!
Good luck muscovyduck !

No news on either role from this week yet, but thankfully I have a new interview come in for next week, which is content and comms with a 'Magic Circle' law firm. It's a nice role and after my last content & comms interview I am now forewarned to prepare myself much better around comms and have already picked up more knowledge. So even if nothing from this week comes off, the job trail isn't completely dead, which always sucks when that happens.

Applied for a role I really like the sound of at McKinsey that I think I'd be really suitable for but felt frustratingly unable to get that over well in my application so I'll probably not be shortlisted, but worth a try. Have got 4 applications out this week now.
I've got someone text contacting me about a very vague job that will take very little time and is entirely online. No verification of company they claim to be from and trying to move this to WhatsApp. Hmmmm lol.
I've got someone text contacting me about a very vague job that will take very little time and is entirely online. No verification of company they claim to be from and trying to move this to WhatsApp. Hmmmm lol.
:hmm: Yeah, that's a scam definitely if trying to move straight to whatsapp.

No word from last week - looks like HR guy for internal one is off today (and maybe some other days) so not expecting anything from them today, and expecting a 'no' from the external one.

Applied to a few more things including a rather curious one via an agency for membership organisations - my job before last was with one for 9 years. It's an editor/comms job, for a global org that has fewer than 700 members, but pays well considering, albeit the upper level is what I'm on now, managing some sort of quarterly member publication and doing other comms. The kind of work I like doing and I would be surprised if I wasn't interviewed for it. Might be a bit 'dead end' though so not one to stick with for too long perhaps. I assume it's some sort of organisation for senior leaders in some field or other.

Researching for my interview on Thursday which I realise will be my first in-person interview in over 10 years - got last job via two zoom calls. Tomorrow more of same, Weds might be my day off as the kids have an INSET day, so I'll probably take them somewhere.
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Yeh they went silent once I got bored playing with them and said this sounds exactly like every scam job I ever saw.

Went and renewed cv on a bunch of sites cvlibrary, indeed, LinkedIn and glass door since that's where I get most contact from overall.

Idk what last interview result was they won't know if they won contract or I won interview either yet. So ignoring
So they sent me more details on the curious job... gsv was (semi) joking it would be for gaming (aka gambling) businesses, who he refuses to work for. But it's not that - turns out it's a business association for trade in aromatherapy and essential oils. Which is intriguingly bonkers, and I'm definitely surprised they are paying so much but I'd definitely give that a shot. It is home-based which is a bit of a shame, as I'd prefer hybrid, but I guess I might ask if they do have any office space or if not how often they get staff together. So an odd one, I guess it opens up roles in wellbeing business/organisations potentially. Also if I might be able to get cheap/free aromatherapy oils off doing it, I'm all for that!

Anyway, yes, I will call them back about it tomorrow.
So they sent me more details on the curious job... gsv was (semi) joking it would be for gaming (aka gambling) businesses, who he refuses to work for. But it's not that - turns out it's a business association for trade in aromatherapy and essential oils. Which is intriguingly bonkers, and I'm definitely surprised they are paying so much but I'd definitely give that a shot. It is home-based which is a bit of a shame, as I'd prefer hybrid, but I guess I might ask if they do have any office space or if not how often they get staff together. So an odd one, I guess it opens up roles in wellbeing business/organisations potentially. Also if I might be able to get cheap/free aromatherapy oils off doing it, I'm all for that!

Anyway, yes, I will call them back about it tomorrow.
You prefer hybrid? I guess location as general reading stuff means London somewhere (idk shit about where what is lol unless the sw/wales/the North).
Here hybrid us extremely different. Like main city is Plymouth and that would take me hours to get to, 9am might be a struggle lol. Plus it's a shithole.

I turned down 15 miles down the road before. Couldn't make it in time on public transport lol
I've read more closely about the job - although the assoc has 'essential oils' the title, it's not (just) about woo - the whole association is for anyone in production and distribution of anything that goes into scents and flavours, which is actually kind of interesting. I was thinking that if I got a home-based job maybe I'd use this thing some people are setting up in our synagogue of 'circles' of people with similar interest and suggest a WFH 'circle' where maybe we take turns to have a day where we all work from someone's house? We could get another 3 or 4 people round our dining table (more if extended).

Still no news from last week - HR contact at internal is still off, so that might be why, but will definitely chase up with someone else on team if not heard by tomorrow afternoon.

Kids have an INSET tomorrow, so taking some time to take son to Legion exhibition at British Museum. In meantime am preparing for Thursdays interview and annoyingly for my first face to face in over 10 years, I seem to be developing 3 prominent spots on my face. Thanks perimenopause. :rolleyes:
I think the interview for the big job went OK but I'll be amazed if they offer it to me.

Can you tell me about a time when you... No I bloody can't. Or only a really paltry example anyway.
I think paltry examples can work out, as long as you give an answer - I've been a bit surprised at how I seem to have got away sometimes with rather thin or not-terribly-relevant-seeming examples; the important thing was I gave an answer.

For this week's interview I'm preparing a seriously embellished 'communications campaign' story, as I suspect they will ask for one - it's not something I have actually got direct experience of leading but it's also something I understand and 100% could do competently.
Blimey! RIBA Journal role has called me for an interview next week, did not expect that.

It's only a contract mat cover and it's a bit less than I'm on now, but it's a sufficiently cool opportunity that I'd give it a go.

Had discussion about mad essential oils trade federation job with agent, she is sending my CV today - I'll be fairly surprised if I'm not interviewed for that as they probably won't see many people with my skillset/professional membership org experience.

Have sent a message to HR people re: internal to ask if any news/timeline. I suspect it's just the team is madly busy and hasn't had time to convene about choice, or maybe they haven't even been able to speak to the other candidate yet.
Good luck Artaxerxes - good that you have a range of stuff lined up. Just applying for loads of stuff seems to be working OK for me. At this rate I'll have matched in two months the number of interviews I had in 6 months last time I was out of work, so just hope that adds up to a job soon!

Tomorrow is planning for in-person interview at 4pm, need my 'communications strategy' spiel together and I guess we'll see what happens.
Well nothing seems to be happening in my actual field so looked back at local council and theres a role I basically did spread over 3 roles I was in there before. Kind of a bit of everything and I'm probably way overqualified on paper but will have to redo CV to fit cos it really should be something I can do extremely well and easily and its wfh, starting soon and pension contributions do make it look a lot better.

So I am technically rewriting this at the moment and definitely not stalling.
All a bit thumb twiddly here - had three phone-screen type conversations in the last few days that I hoped might lead to interview. First was for mad essential oils trade group and agency was submitting me for the role, seemed to think they might hear back by late last week but nothing, which kind of surprises me as I thought I'd be quite a strong candidate. Other was for a contract role that was more writing for web, also quite nice but sounded like they might not be looking to pay what I was asking, which is suprising as I did state in application but they still called me. Today someone from my erstwhile employer rang about an internal one, but again might not be able to meet pay expectations - it's sales related but it's being maybe a bit more junior might be a better way in for me if it comes through and is at least vaguely comparable on pay (and maybe offering bonuses). It involves helping with bids for public sector so needs serious close checking as I know public sector is incredibly specific about its requirements for contracts on things like your supply chain, ESG targets etc.

Law firm from last week have sent a no thanks as I expected, still nothing from internal 2nd interview from nearly two weeks ago. Will chase HR lady on Teams if no word by afternoon - I have to expect a no at this point or else maybe they weren't sure about me and the other internal candidate and are going external advertising but not saying no to either of us just yet.

I had thought I might give up on applying for internal roles after this month with the clock ticking, but there was a lot of talk about a hiring freeze until April and I guess if this is lifted, there could be a glut of roles needing filling in the next couple of weeks.

Just preparing for RIBA tomorrow - my guess is that this will mainly be about my background rather than knowledge of architecture field, but am preparing talking points for the latter JIC - that might be more of a thing for second stage. Had a good chat with my MIL who works in an allied field and knows a lot about it and was glad that she suggested similar issues to what I was thiking.
I did not get the civil service role to nobody's surprise. They said my answers were too short, which is fair, because the only examples I could bring to mind on the spot of the things they were asking were extremely tenuous and thin.

I think this was largely due to the difference between their context (gov) and mine (sort of agency). I had to think laterally but this isn't easy to do on the fly.
I did not get the civil service role to nobody's surprise. They said my answers were too short, which is fair, because the only examples I could bring to mind on the spot of the things they were asking were extremely tenuous and thin.

I think this was largely due to the difference between their context (gov) and mine (sort of agency). I had to think laterally but this isn't easy to do on the fly.
How you feeling about it all?
How you feeling about it all?
I found these sort of interviews fucking irritating, idk if I have something undiagnosed but like it seems ridiculous.

I had an interview for an equivalent £85k a year role. It was bam we have two left from scaling it down. You have 25 mins on Monday. They asked me nothing about all the nonsensical bits of interview, partner interview. We just talked. I fail a lot of CRAP or whatever it is based interviews. Even in a role made for me I struggled. It was horseshit what they came out with.

Every interview I succeeded at was short. Its easier to get consultant work for twice what they pay plus the pretending we are not an agency premium. Applying at the actual place took 40x as long, was worse paid and also took far more effort.

Edit my pay this last year was the highest ever despite not working for most of it. That is not right at all.
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