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The job hunting support thread


Approved by toads
I've looked around, but I couldn't find a thread like this, to my surprise (could have sworn there was one at some point?) So a place to blow off steam, ask advice, generally support one another.

Anyway, I'm an editor and I have known for about a year now, ie just before I went on maternity leave, that my role was at risk, but there was some chance another one might be found in the interim. It hasn't been and I'm just about to be made redundant. Applied for a three or four things since April, but no joy - probably, I realise, as my CV was a bit shit and the one that was a really perfect match for me (basically the same job with one of our demi-competitors) wasn't willing to budge on paying less than I'm on currently, though I was hoping they might consider it.

CV now been considerably improved, after a very brief chat with some CV-reviewing people I got via www.thecvlibrarycom - they obviously do it for free as a way of trying to get people to pay for their pricey CV-writing services after free consultation, but the latter was enough to give me some good ideas. Seems to have worked, as I've just been offered my first interview, even though I dashed the application off in 20 mins as the agent was trying to find someone urgently (had been thinking about the role, but prioritised other ones). Also says something that maybe a concerted, one-shot go at a job application may sometimes be more effective than a microanylsed, multi-drafted one.
What irritates me is that on the job boards I am using they do not show closing dates. Sometimes I bookmark a job ad to look at the next day and by then it is GONE!!!
Yeah, I've noticed some don't do that.

Or really annoyingly, you find a great job on an employers' website. Which closed for applications seven months ago.
I am finding agencies want me to consider jobs like the one I did 15 years ago. I have moved on from then and don't want to do that sort of work anymore.
Agents are being OK - some are quite proactive, and some are 'check our website and call us if you see anything interesting' - ie, 'we have far, far more people on our books than we have jobs'.

The depressing thing for me is seeing stuff that looks good and appropriate, then realising/finding out it's less money than I'm on now. Publishing pay's always shit, but it looks like everyone's trying to get away with paying the minimum they can offer, so I might be looking at the tiddliest payrise.

Sent off today for a charity editorial job I'd really like, as I've long wanted to do publications stuff for charities (I like a varied workload, and I think I like the idea of being less concerned about sales/bottom line etc), but most jobs along those lines ask for a PR/Marketing person or a online person more than they do an editor, but this one doesn't. I'd like to get to interview, but for all I know my application is totally the wrong tack for charity work and/or they'll have dozens of applicants from already in editorial for charities. It's barely a payrise, but it's also only 4.5 days a week, which could be really useful if they'll be flexible with the hours, plus, as I said, it's a direction I'd like to take.
In the last 48 hours I have lost both my jobs :( Not sacked nor made redundant.
I was just getting back on my feet after being made redundant from a job I was in for 13 years. I knew both new jobs may not be forever but had decided to try and relax and go with the flow as I realised that applying for jobs through the normal routes never worked for me and just sucked my soul. Maybe they would lead somewhere, I thought. I have only ever got jobs through word of mouth. I applied for over 350 in the last year and nothing but got 2 from recommendations.

And now. Fuck. That soul sucking waste of time application process again or wait for more word of mouth? Cannot wait so soul sucking it is. Very very unhappy
I'll take all the support I can get, thanks :)
Either I have a problem with my email address or agents are lying to me.

I spoke to one the day before yesterday and asked him to email me the job spec and I would call him back yesterday. The email never arrived and I don't have his name or number to contact him.

Thing is, my email address is at the very top of my CV. surely copy and paste is not beyond these people?
... I have only ever got jobs through word of mouth. I applied for over 350 in the last year and nothing but got 2 from recommendations. ....
vauxhallmum that is not a good ratio, I am not surprised it got you down. How many of those 350 resulted in interviews?
Well that is creative, not sure I could do the same though I have been recommended to linkedin ...
It wasn't personal. I was working backstage in the theatre and show closed so we all lost our jobs. But unfortunately the management didn't deem backstage staff important enough to ask us to the after show meeting :eek:
It's been running for over a decade btw so I thought we might be safe for a while..
Oh sorry VM You found out you lost the last job on FB .... I misread and thought you found your last job on FB :) my mistake.
A bit stressed out about getting the pre-interview exercises done. Have finished the most substantive bit, but it's so difficult to get this shit done with kids around, and I need to finish it tomorrow night. Haven't even done any research on the place yet, so will have to try on Monday, when I still have both kids to contend with. It's a tricky time, as my parents are away for six weeks now, and the friend who usually provides the back up childcare is with them for a week or two - luckily my sister can have the kids while I have the interview on Tuesday, as her husband will be at home.

No need to be that stressed really - this is not my ideal job and I almost certainly won't get it, but I suppose it makes me worry about how I'll deal with the prep for any other interviews and looking after the kids, although I guess they won't all involve as much as this. Or maybe they will at this level. If I'm still at this in a couple of months, Ez will be at school, I suppose.
Not sure if I should start a new thread but I'll ask here first....:)

So I need to write a personal statement -

The Person Specification is not just 'Experience Required' it also has 'Core Behaviours' and I'm not sure how to deal with answering the question (with real life examples of how I've done it too) as there is some overlap.

I have gone through the 'Experience Required' and answered it point for point, do I now need to answer 'Core Behaviours' in the same way? It does say continue onto a separate sheet if required but I'm worried it's going to end up really long and like I'm repeating myself/waffling. :hmm:
Can you rewrite so you address both in one statement? This way you won't overlap or repeat. I think that might be what they are asking
It says to give examples, so I'd go ahead and give examples.

it's probably easier for the people doing the short-listing if you address it point by point from their specification (even if that means a bit of repetition)

Also remember that for many jobs, some of the relevant experience / competencies can be pulled from life outside work, e.g. volunteering (in its widest sense - possibly things like being a union rep and so on), study, in some cases caring for family etc.
Can you rewrite so you address both in one statement? This way you won't overlap or repeat. I think that might be what they are asking

It's more that I think there might be someone with a red pen going through to check you've answered them and will just be going down the list

It says to give examples, so I'd go ahead and give examples.

it's probably easier for the people doing the short-listing if you address it point by point from their specification (even if that means a bit of repetition)

Also remember that for many jobs, some of the relevant experience / competencies can be pulled from life outside work, e.g. volunteering (in its widest sense - possibly things like being a union rep and so on), study, in some cases caring for family etc.

Yeh it's more the repetition but I'm concerned about, but like I said above do people in public sector tend to just go down the personal spec and tick off what you've said in the same order?? :hmm:
Had my first interview on Tuesday. It went OK - I suppose it was less challenging than some might be, as they were a not-for-profit organisation, so no scary questions about budgets or sales or the like. I doubt I'll get it - it's not my ideal, but yeah, I'd take it if by some chance it were offered - but it was a good one to ease back into the whole thing.

Heard back that I've not got interview for one I sent off to last week, but I'm OK with that as the more I thought about it, the more I felt it wouldn't be appropriate. It was commissioning for a pretty radical political publisher and you'd really need to be in line with their politics to do it, but I'm just not.

That leaves one application outstanding now, publishing role in a charity - the one I'd most like to get an interview for, but probably won't, I expect.

One new thing came up yesterday that's interesting - also for a charity , but only a 2-month contract initially, which seems a bizarrely short run, but anything's worth trying at the moment. The main hitch is I think it wants someone ASAP and with an approaching holiday, and childcare to arrange, it's unlikely I could start anything before September, but I'll probably apply anyway - not going to agonise over making the perfect application, though.

Job finding mission for today is getting in touch with a local Jewish employment support charity - they do general support and advice for unemployed people and I'd like to get a proper CV going over and some interview skills reviewed sooner rather than later.
It's more that I think there might be someone with a red pen going through to check you've answered them and will just be going down the list

Yeh it's more the repetition but I'm concerned about, but like I said above do people in public sector tend to just go down the personal spec and tick off what you've said in the same order?? :hmm:

Can you give some details on what the position is, that would influence the approach I'd take FWIW.
Oh, the charity role people have called me to interview! :) Dead pleased about that - must be doing something right somewhere along the application line.

Got an appointment with the employment charity for a week on Monday and also got my redundancy offer in writing - they're calling my leaving date 31st, then they can get me the payout on 1 August. Now I need to get in touch with my manager and see if we can arrange drinks or something to say goodbye to the folks who knew me, as I don't want to just vanish after 8 years there. Been cheated of my big goodbye speech, dammit. ;)
I've done it now. It was 1600 words :eek: :D
Just seen your question about person spec in public sector

in education they do go down the list ticking off and its much quicker for shortlisters to have everything there point by point even if theres repetition and its long

i reckon public sector the same

good luck
Drafted an email to my manager now all my paperwork's through and I've agreed to it. My 'last day' is 31st, payout to follow the next day. Just waiting for confirmation from HR lady that my team know - I expect they will tomorrow and that my manager knows already. I've realised it's probably no good trying to get goodbye drinks in before September due to holidays and the Olympics, but heck, I've been away so long that waiting a month or so's not really going to matter.

I'm also asking if she can send me a few work-related documents so that if I do get interviewed for another commercial job, where I'm likely to be asked about budgets, sales etc, I actually have the real figures to mentally refer to.
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