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The Islamic state

Let's see how this plays out - or doesn't/isn't:

Sunni tribes join Shiite militias in battle for Iraqi town, a rare show of sectarian unity

BAGHDAD — Sunni Muslim tribesmen, Shiite militia fighters and Iraqi security forces set out Saturday to recapture a key city in Anbar province and stop Islamic State atrocities against a local tribe in an extraordinary coalition that could stir sectarian tensions or potentially serve as a model for future cooperation against the militants.

The operation to liberate Hit, about 90 miles west of Baghdad, could reshape the situation in Anbar in a way that would impact the mission of U.S. troops who are being deployed to the province from among the additional 1,500 U.S. military advisers the Pentagon said it is sending to Iraq at the end of the year.

“This is a dramatic change,” said Hisham al Hashimi, a prominent Iraqi defense analyst. “We have the Sunni Arab tribes fighting hand in hand with the Shiites.”

Accepting offers of assistance from the Shiite militias, notorious for anti-Sunni atrocities, is a measure of the Albu Nimr leaders’ desperation to stop the slaughter of their people by the Islamic State in retribution for the tribe’s stiff, months-long defense of Hit, which capitulated in October.

The Islamic State, thousands of whose fighters come from across the Muslim world, Europe and North America, has murdered at least 522 Albu Nimr members since Hit fell, al-Gould said. Between 600 and 700 others are missing.

“I welcome them,” he said of the militias. “Why? Because they will help us get rid of Daash.”

Accepting offers of assistance from the Shiite militias, notorious for anti-Sunni atrocities, is a measure of the Albu Nimr leaders’ desperation to stop the slaughter of their people by the Islamic State in retribution for the tribe’s stiff, months-long defense of Hit, which capitulated in October.

The Islamic State, thousands of whose fighters come from across the Muslim world, Europe and North America, has murdered at least 522 Albu Nimr members since Hit fell, al-Gould said. Between 600 and 700 others are missing.

Possibly a case of jumping from the frying pan into the fire? Sunni tribesmen/Shiite militia defeat IS then Shiite militia turns on tribesmen?
"There are more British Muslims serving in Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s army today than in our own armed forces."
Piece in the New Statesman by Shiraz Maher doing the rounds on twitter, driven by that quote. It's an interesting & detailed explanation of the route from England to Syrian jihad, & the role of social media in propagating the jihadi line & lionising its consequent dead, but Maher deals more with the how than the why (or the why not).
From that "Twitter" thing the young people are keen on:

Mishtenour Hill on Kobani's southern side recaptured by YPG, according to official sources. IS seem under severe pressure - repeated reports of combatants surrounded and trapped by YPG advances, & corpses turning up with bound hands. Executions will presumably continue until morale improves.

Mishtenour Hill on Kobani's southern side recaptured by YPG, according to official sources. IS seem under severe pressure - repeated reports of combatants surrounded and trapped by YPG advances, & corpses turning up with bound hands. Executions will presumably continue until morale improves.

Being reported they also managed to cut one of the beardies main supply routes to their remaining fighters from the south of the country - road behind the hill.
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Another link - interview with PKK commander Cemil Bayak by Patrick Cockburn in The Independent. Bayak repeats concerns that Afrin Canton has been encircled by Jabat Al Nusra fighters and is vulnerable. Cockburn typically combines good journalism with odd references to his own world view - the piece contains this line "Small though the siege is it compares to other sieges in history from Londonderry to Stalingrad which have acquired significance as symbols of courage and determination." And again, same as his recent piece for the LRB, Cockburn implies the YPG is a local subordinate to the PKK, and makes no mention of the Cantons' autonomous politics.
Uh-oh - if accurate this suggest an expanded war with turkey coming in at the price of destruction of the cantons and replacement with buffer zone is on the table:

Sources: Obama seeks new Syria strategy review to deal with ISIS, al-Assad

Among the options being discussed are a no-fly zone on the border with Turkey and accelerating and expanding the Pentagon program to vet, train and arm the moderate opposition.

Turkey has called for a no-fly zone, both to protect its border and to provide relief to Syrian rebels facing airstrikes from the regime, but officials said Turkey so far has been vague about what troops and other assets it is willing to contribute to the effort.
Uh-oh - if accurate this suggest an expanded war with turkey coming in at the price of destruction of the cantons and replacement with buffer zone is on the table:

Sources: Obama seeks new Syria strategy review to deal with ISIS, al-Assad

'But we saved you - you owe us'. And the price is the Cantons turned into a militarised zone, the attempted autonomy swamped by FSA soldiers, Nato military advisors, black water mercs, 21st century sutlers & camp followers

HDP translated a speech by co chair Demirtas last night - the full text is on their twitter feed. Couple of interesting points, including a reiteration that Kobani never called for military intervention, but for an access corridor inside Turkey; an intention to set up HDP embassies in European countries to enable Kurdish diplomacy; & a suggestion that Ocalan 'may convene a disarmament congress by March as the government still fails to provide a roadmap'.
Interesting 'little' piece:

One degree of separation with a dead militant

It is difficult to process what shifts occurred in this man's mind to sway him from trying the rather bankrupt Jordanian "left," which still stubbornly stands with Assad in his systematic extermination of the Syrian people, to aligning himself with Jordan’s Islamists, to fighting for al-Qaeda in Syria. I imagined this young man being lent a worn copy of the Communist Manifesto, margins littered with notes and lines, and him having conversations with his leftist mates about class struggle and social justice.

Then I imagined him absorbing al-Nusra's doctrine in a Syrian town, now seeing that their vision for Syria and the so-called "ummah" is the only way to achieve social justice. Having tried the different flavours of the overwhelmingly tasteless Jordanian political spectrum, he chose to embrace action, even if it meant the very reversal of his previous political tastings.

But then we cannot strip this story of all context. The climate in Jordan in 2011, which saw the birth of a wide-spectrum pro-reform (and at times revolutionary) movement known as the Hirak ushered a moment of unprecedented political agitation. Weekly protests, frequent and frank citizen-led debates, highly vocal and widespread political dissidence cultivated a fertile environment for new, bold voices to emerge, and for political action to materialise.
Almost every single comment under the RT breaking news article on Kassig's murder is a load of disrespectful shite about it clearly being the faked work of the Jews and the US and how anyone who believes it to be real must be stupid.

How do you go about countering this nasty drivel?
looks like the blokes on either end are Brits - Help for Heroes wristbands... i'd lay odds on the bandana wearing chap with the M-16 being the American. the moustache/fag combination, plus cloosing an M-16 and wearing a bandana, swings it. he's also got a couple of US issue pouches, the one that gives it away is the light grey one - its in a pattern called ACU, it was developed for the US Army in Iraq and Afghanistan at enormous expence, and was so successful that they started replacing it two years later with a pattern based on the greeny-tan looking pouch on the other side of his belt.

wild speculation says the septic has used a rifle before, but is more 'Call-of-Duty' than he is Delta Force, i reckon the two brits have some military experience from the way they hold their rifles (though i'm not sure the big bushy beard smacks of paying close attention to the local politics). not sure about the other, presumably the German...

the uniform they are all wearing looks like a commercial rip-off of the USMC's MARPAT uniform - its got more light coloured bits in it. it doesn't exactly look ideal for the environment they're in..

war geek mode off/
Will they have the risk of not being let back in the country for going off to fight overseas, or is that rule just for jihadis?
Will they have the risk of not being let back in the country for going off to fight overseas, or is that rule just for jihadis?

unlikely...they appear to be mercs of the kind HMG likes to send when it doesnt want its mitts dirtied . They could very well have been helping the opposition too until recently given what HMG have been up to in Syria ...and would turn on them at the drop of a hat..or coin to be more precise. kurds are either mad or desperate to tolerate scum like that . Theyre not fighting for the kurds..theyre fighting for money . Dark dubious murky cunts with Christ knows what real agenda

Will they have the risk of not being let back in the country for going off to fight overseas, or is that rule just for jihadis?

they run the risk that todays' freedom fighter is tomorows terrorist. blind eyes were turned towards people who went to Syria in the early (hopeful?) stages of the rebelion 4 years ago, and it seems that if returnees both left when it all went bad, and spilled what they knew to 5/6 when they got back, they avoided prosecution. if YPG is on the bad-boys list then they could be in trouble...
'But we saved you - you owe us'. And the price is the Cantons turned into a militarised zone, the attempted autonomy swamped by FSA soldiers, Nato military advisors, black water mercs, 21st century sutlers & camp followers

those 2 brits in the pic are probably the tip of that shitty spear
they run the risk that todays' freedom fighter is tomorows terrorist. blind eyes were turned towards people who went to Syria in the early (hopeful?) stages of the rebelion 4 years ago, and it seems that if returnees both left when it all went bad, and spilled what they knew to 5/6 when they got back, they avoided prosecution. if YPG is on the bad-boys list then they could be in trouble...

hmg are still helping the opposition with a great deal more than blind eyes to a few amateurs looking to slip the parental leash ..theyve been doing it for four years while spinning yarns about moderates .
The brits will be there with government approval . The only people who might end up n trouble are the poor sods theyre embedded amongst .
hmg are still helping the opposition with a great deal more than blind eyes to a few amateurs looking to slip the parental leash ..theyve been doing it for four years while spinning yarns about moderates .
The brits will be there with government approval . The only people who might end up n trouble are the poor sods theyre embedded amongst .

i know you can provide evidence of HMG providing anything more lethal than a box of body armour and some NVG's to any of the various groups..?
looks like the blokes on either end are Brits - Help for Heroes wristbands... i'd lay odds on the bandana wearing chap with the M-16 being the American. the moustache/fag combination, plus cloosing an M-16 and wearing a bandana, swings it. he's also got a couple of US issue pouches, the one that gives it away is the light grey one - its in a pattern called ACU, it was developed for the US Army in Iraq and Afghanistan at enormous expence, and was so successful that they started replacing it two years later with a pattern based on the greeny-tan looking pouch on the other side of his belt.

wild speculation says the septic has used a rifle before, but is more 'Call-of-Duty' than he is Delta Force, i reckon the two brits have some military experience from the way they hold their rifles (though i'm not sure the big bushy beard smacks of paying close attention to the local politics). not sure about the other, presumably the German...

the uniform they are all wearing looks like a commercial rip-off of the USMC's MARPAT uniform - its got more light coloured bits in it. it doesn't exactly look ideal for the environment they're in..

war geek mode off/
War geek mode/ on, the only one who seems to have 'experience' IMO is the bloke on the left, the others seem more keen to show their guns, something that dies off after the first few months of basic?

THE PATHFINDERS GROUP is a new Business specializing in Surveillance and Intelligence operations initially put together by Jamie Read and James Hughes. We have conducted extensive research and studies in where we hope to deploy our solutions. Our aim is to provide specialist intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance services with the aim of targeting both the UK and worldwide markets.TCRC center will focus on most of the world’s conflicts and terrorists groups.Terrorism is a global threat sitting back and doing nothing is not the answer and needs to be addressed by the global community. What we plan to do is give the world the knowledge it needs to protect itself from these groups by supplying detailed information and briefs. Deploying to these areas and gathering up precise information and shearing with our online members. We are providing information that can help protect people or businesses, this information could also be used to help the government understand more about the groups activities in turn helping a nation protect its citizens. This information will also be useful to counter terrorism research companies and university’s to study the effects of terrorism and conflict.
THE PATHFINDERS GROUP is a new Business specializing in Surveillance and Intelligence operations initially put together by Jamie Read and James Hughes. We have conducted extensive research and studies in where we hope to deploy our solutions. Our aim is to provide specialist intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance services with the aim of targeting both the UK and worldwide markets.TCRC center will focus on most of the world’s conflicts and terrorists groups.Terrorism is a global threat sitting back and doing nothing is not the answer and needs to be addressed by the global community. What we plan to do is give the world the knowledge it needs to protect itself from these groups by supplying detailed information and briefs. Deploying to these areas and gathering up precise information and shearing with our online members. We are providing information that can help protect people or businesses, this information could also be used to help the government understand more about the groups activities in turn helping a nation protect its citizens. This information will also be useful to counter terrorism research companies and university’s to study the effects of terrorism and conflict.
Aye, useful to be able to separate the wolves from the sheep:thumbs:

They're named here on twitter - described as 'combat photographers' in another post, which makes a change from 'military advisors'. So they're either there because of a) ideology (pro-rojava or anti-islamist), b) adventure, or c) as hired guns - but hired by who? Emerging Markets Inc?
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