Casually Red
tomorrow belongs to me
Please do, I'd really like to read that.
The thing is, no atheist or agnostic can really understand the motives that impel young men to give up promising futures in the West to join a far-away war, in which the chances of them getting killed must be extremely high, no matter how much success their army is having.
We tend to assume that they must be motivated by avarice or lust, because those are the only factors that motivate people in Western society. But we would be foolish to think that the rest of the world feels the same.
Muslims are plainly not being oppressed by Kurds Yazidis Turkmen villagers etc. its a free for all safari just a cheap holiday flight to Turkey away . Cynical greed and lust is just as much a factor in Saudi society as it is in western matter how much religious flannel is used to give it legitimacy. Afterall thats were most of the women girls and boys the pious are selling into sexual slavery ...once theyve had ther own perks ...are being shipped to .
pimps and nonces with beards