Well-Known Member
It seems like they are trying to say that this might even be a desirable outcome. Like it seems like its almost bordering on apologism tbh.
Under the Islamic State, he said, life can be brutal, but at least it seems more stable for those who can avoid crossing the group’s leaders. “Here they are implementing God’s regulations,” he said. “The killer is killed. The adulterer is stoned. The thief’s hands are cut.”
Ignoring for one second that is a good thing (islamic sectarianism has known no bounds in history) it isn't as simple as declaring oneself to be juridical authority and employing arbitrary punishments at will. While I make no apologies for islamic law, one can't just march around stoning adulterers or amputating the hands of potential burglers. This thuggish attitude to islam will hold the people back, at least he's the owner of a shop so no biggy right? He's not going to starve under daesh rule when they start coordinating the attack of our class brothers and sisters (if they haven't already.) Petty-bourgeois onanism. Despicable.