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The Islamic state

Why join Islamic State?

Mohammed Hafez and Creighton Mullins (NPS):The Radicalization Puzzle: A Theoretical Synthesis of Empirical Approaches to Homegrown Extremism. Shiraz Maher on the roots of radicalisation: It’s identity, stupid. Want tounderstand the jihadis? Read their poetry. To defeat the Islamic State, the West must understand the grievances that fuel the movement: Robert FordreviewsThe Jihadis Return: ISIS and the Sunni Uprising by Patrick Cockburn. Why join Islamic State? Patrick Cockburn investigates. Her Majesty’s Jihadists: More British Muslims have joined Islamist militant groupsthan serve in the country’s armed forces — how to understand the pull of jihad. From Belgium to ISIS: Why are teen-agers joining ISIS? Joanna Paraszczuk on Valdet Gashi and the martial arts champions of Islamic State. Meet Gulmurod Khalimov, the elite U.S.-trained special forces chief who just joined ISIS. Anne Speckhard (Georgetown):Female Terrorists in ISIS, al Qaeda and 21st Century Terrorism. Ladies, ISIS is coming for you with kittens, Nutella, fun emojis. ISIS and the lonely young American: For months, Alex had been growing closer to a new group of friends online— the kindest she had ever had — who were teaching her what it meant to be a Muslim. Lorenzo Vidino and Seamus Hughes on how to stop ISIS from recruiting American teens. Igor Volsky and Victoria Fleischer on how Imam Mohamed Magid has kept Americans from joining the Islamic State. The FBI has been rounding up more potential “lone wolf” terrorists, Congressional leaders and the Justice Department say.
Why join Islamic State?

Mohammed Hafez and Creighton Mullins (NPS):The Radicalization Puzzle: A Theoretical Synthesis of Empirical Approaches to Homegrown Extremism. Shiraz Maher on the roots of radicalisation: It’s identity, stupid. Want tounderstand the jihadis? Read their poetry. To defeat the Islamic State, the West must understand the grievances that fuel the movement: Robert FordreviewsThe Jihadis Return: ISIS and the Sunni Uprising by Patrick Cockburn. Why join Islamic State? Patrick Cockburn investigates. Her Majesty’s Jihadists: More British Muslims have joined Islamist militant groupsthan serve in the country’s armed forces — how to understand the pull of jihad. From Belgium to ISIS: Why are teen-agers joining ISIS? Joanna Paraszczuk on Valdet Gashi and the martial arts champions of Islamic State. Meet Gulmurod Khalimov, the elite U.S.-trained special forces chief who just joined ISIS. Anne Speckhard (Georgetown):Female Terrorists in ISIS, al Qaeda and 21st Century Terrorism. Ladies, ISIS is coming for you with kittens, Nutella, fun emojis. ISIS and the lonely young American: For months, Alex had been growing closer to a new group of friends online— the kindest she had ever had — who were teaching her what it meant to be a Muslim. Lorenzo Vidino and Seamus Hughes on how to stop ISIS from recruiting American teens. Igor Volsky and Victoria Fleischer on how Imam Mohamed Magid has kept Americans from joining the Islamic State. The FBI has been rounding up more potential “lone wolf” terrorists, Congressional leaders and the Justice Department say.

That's like a link Glastonbury.

Jordan is preparing to set up a security zone in southern Syria to prevent a jihadi victory in the area, carving out the first humanitarian “buffer zone” for rebels and refugees in four years of civil war.

The main aim of the operation will be to create a safe area on Jordan’s border, stretching across the southern Syrian provinces of Deraa and Suwayda, and including the city of Deraa, where the Syrian uprising began in 2011, according to people familiar with the plans.

People familiar with the situation say that Jordan is also considering a militarised zone that will segregate the buffer area from Syrian regime forces to the North. It will be manned by existing fighters in the anti-Assad rebel southern brigades, reinforced with a brigade of troops currently being trained in Jordan. The Jordanian military — one of the most capable in the Middle East — will provide support.

The plans are backed by key members of the international coalition against Isis, who are expected to provide behind-the-lines military support and advice but it remains unclear whether Washington will sanction the move: many in the Obama administration are hesitant about backing a ground operation in Syria.

Although an official no-fly zone is unlikely to be established in support of the Jordanian operation, warnings could be sent to the Assad regime that any attempt to strike at the area by air would be met with a response.

More worrying is the thought that this might provide the precedent necessary for Turkey to establish a 'security zone' in Rojava.
ISIS (and others) as expression of Tolkienesque urging for transcendental rebirth as reaction to modernism and decmocracy. Rather like some readings of fascism as modernist anti-modernism - plus Griffin's idea of fascism as "palingenetic rebirth". This article doesn't touch on it but this is also behind the thinking behind the traditionalism end of third position politics - most clearly seen in that nonce Evola.

Return of the king

Far from being a parochially Islamic impulse or a nerd’s fantasy – something you can get involved in from ‘your mama’s basement’, as one counter-terrorism expert has said – the myth of the Caliphate echoes dreams of transcendent legitimacy that are deeply embedded in European culture and literature. To find a story of a sovereign authority long lapsed in kingship but still entitled to the allegiance of all the just, and fated to reappear at an auspicious moment, we need look no further than The Lord of the Rings (1954-55).

As European political and religious institutions teetered, frayed or fell altogether, a desire for irrefutable alternatives was perhaps to be expected. Stories that could collapse past and present across the fallow years in between, stories in which the lost heroism and inherent legitimacy of the past overwhelm the compromises and half-measures of the present, had a new urgency. From Aslan to Captain America, sleeping heroes and lost scions arose to fulfil that desire. Ancient and undefiled kingship – even the consciously anachronistic echo of such kingship – could perhaps claim the loyalties of people riven by class struggle and pauperised by failed leaders. Modern echoes, in the Muslim world and beyond, are not hard to hear.
ISIS (and others) as expression of Tolkienesque urging for transcendental rebirth as reaction to modernism and decmocracy. Rather like some readings of fascism as modernist anti-modernism - plus Griffin's idea of fascism as "palingenetic rebirth". This article doesn't touch on it but this is also behind the thinking behind the traditionalism end of third position politics - most clearly seen in that nonce Evola.

Return of the king
ia! ia! cthulhu fhtagn!
Israel is fond of claiming there's a political, cultural and military link between ISIS and Hamas. Many of us have pointed out that this is bollocks, yet the Israelis persist with this notion mainly as an attempt to further blacken the name of Hamas and the Palestinian cause generally but also to deflect from its own use of brutal force in the occupied territories and Gaza. This article from the Guardian claims that IS has "threatened to topple Hamas".

Israel is fond of claiming there's a political, cultural and military link between ISIS and Hamas. Many of us have pointed out that this is bollocks, yet the Israelis persist with this notion mainly as an attempt to further blacken the name of Hamas and the Palestinian cause generally but also to deflect from its own use of brutal force in the occupied territories and Gaza. This article from the Guardian claims that IS has "threatened to topple Hamas".


Yup, ISIS have been in gaza a while now.
Really? I thought that was Israeli propaganda.

Nope, Max Blumenthal's mate was kidnapped by them for a few days last year. He was saying this in the context of showing how the zios actions have caused the breakdown of society...very definitely not propaganda, although im sure the government of the jewish state in the levant are dying for this to happen so they can go in again
Nope, Max Blumenthal's mate was kidnapped by them for a few days last year. He was saying this in the context of showing how the zios actions have caused the breakdown of society...very definitely not propaganda, although im sure the government of the jewish state in the levant are dying for this to happen so they can go in again
So what are the numbers and approximately how long has this been case?
So what are the numbers and approximately how long has this been case?

Not sure, it was in one of max blumenthal's talks, which might have been posted on the gaza attack thread, otherwise I'll find it and link it when im back home. Hamas have arrested and rounded up a load of daeshbags too last year afaik
Not sure, it was in one of max blumenthal's talks, which might have been posted on the gaza attack thread, otherwise I'll find it and link it when im back home. Hamas have arrested and rounded up a load of daeshbags too last year afaik
Shouldn't Israel be cheering at the arrest of these daeshbags? Very telling that they aren't.
Jaish_al_Islam have released a video of a number of mass executions of ISIS members ISIS style - they have the executioners wearing the orange jump suits ISIS make its victims wear and the victims ISIS style black executioner clothes.

Not posting pics or vid for obv reasons.
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The israelis are probably hoping isis take out hamas then they can go even more murderhobo than they already do with the perfect excuse with isis having slaughtered any westerners UN aid worker etc who might be witness to the IDF.
Few fucks will be given :mad::(
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