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The Islamic state


Heres another article although I think it's saying pretty much the same stuff i and others have been saying on here for ages.

I am also not convinced by the malajusted misfit thing either given most ISIS recruits were not radicalised entirely online and in many cases went out with groups of mates. Its undoubtedly the cause for some of them, but not all.

Heres another article although I think it's saying pretty much the same stuff i and others have been saying on here for ages.

I am also not convinced by the malajusted misfit thing either given most ISIS recruits were not radicalised entirely online and in many cases went out with groups of mates. Its undoubtedly the cause for some of them, but not all.
i think the maladjusted misfit bit is intended to weed out maladjusted misfits who think they have finally found somewhere to belong and ship them all off to isis where they can be er weeded out
I don't imagine many people are being persuaded to abandon their lives in the West purely and directly by ISIS propaganda, but by the sort of second wave of word of mouth, whereby influential people in relatively small social circles are able to convince people close to them based on what they "know" about life inside the IS territory, how it's the only place women are protected etc.
for future reference: there is rather more to documents than the executive summary, which is in essence an abstract of the contents.

You'd hope so, but if you desire to engage the reader you might hint at it. That's a summary for readers who may have missed the TV news for the last two years.

Its a very strange story indeed. Nothing about it makes any sense. But looking at other "jihadi brides" stories - NONE of them make any sense. All of them describe fairly ordinary young women, bright and politicised but nothing out of the ordinary who ran bloodthirsty social media profiles that none of their real life mates seems to have picked up on and thought "hey, I better have a wee chat with them about this". Its kindof like some kind of split personality.

Dozens of young women some with children have now disappeared, thought to be in the Islamic State, many of them were already on terrorist watchlists, had been interviewed by police or security services. We hear little from those who return. Tareena Shakil is the only one I can think of who has returned, but the last news from her is that she is on bail.for child endangerment and there are no real answers to questions of motivation or logistics.

Increasingly people are making links between this and sexual grooming, which is also a phenomenon that affects young women and women alone with children. I dont understand it at all. A form of kidnapping and/or blackmail (unislamic teen photos for example)? This wouldnt be the case for the Bradford sisters but perhaps an affair if one of them was estranged from their husband?

I just dont buy this whole "gone to Syria to fight for ISIS" as a full and complete explanation of what is going on there. You dont take 9 children with you to go fight a war - quite apart from love of your children, logistically it makes no sense. You dont devote your life to the cause of the Caliphate and then not wear a headscarf in public. You dont run away from your husband or parents because some handsome jihadi has caught your eye and your hormones are aflutter.

Something very strange is going on here.
Something very strange is going on here.

Perhaps - though if people are being told about the desirability of a genuinely and authoratively Islamic way of life, then perhaps it shouldnt be a surprise that some of them try to go to a part of the world where someone proclaims that such a thing has come about.

edit: to change should to shouldnt
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Perhaps - though if people are being told about the desirability of a genuinely and authoratively Islamic way of life, then perhaps it should be a surprise that some of them try to go to a part of the world where someone proclaims that such a thing has come about.

This, and they are told they will be given a house and be provided for.
i hate that fucking phrase, "jihadi brides". Its really sexist and patronising, and it also makes them out to be some sort of mindless sheep rather than the ISIS loving scum that a lot of them are in some cases.

I could be wrong but isn't it the case that these girls, for they mostly are girls, want to be jihadi brides? Their role in the umma is to give birth to children suitable for jihad. Hence, jihadi brides.

More than happy to be disabused of that notion but they are generally strictly forbidden from handling weapons or going anywhere near a battlefield or doing anything but taking part in society in the most strictly chaperoned manner. Further, when they arrive they are coralled, if not married already, into houses where they remain, isolated among other unmarried girls, until a marriage is arranged, upon which they can leave.

I suppose the broader point is this - "jihadi brides" may, understandably, sound sexist but in that way these girls appear to choosing sexism.
They're choosing sexism but they're not just going there to get married are they? They're going because they believe this shit.
They're choosing sexism but they're not just going there to get married are they? They're going because they believe this shit.

What, precisely, is the difference?

They believe this shit and, fundamentally, that involves becoming jihadi brides.

It is part and parcel.

Or perhaps, we can steer away from all this stuff by agreeing this - they are idiots...
If true, it does sort of lead one to wonder how many Islamist fighters have recieved medical treatment from Israel, what happened to them afterwards, and how a request was made for their treatment in the first place.

Thousands of them, it's been going on since day one . And they've interned a journalist simply for reporting on it . And as soon as they're patched up and ready to go they're sent straight back to the war . No questions asked . One would assume the initial requests came via Turkey and Saudi . But as one of the Syrian council spokesmen was publicly congratulating Netanyahu on his election victory and looking forward to the day the zionists Independence Day is celebrated in Damascus ...what he says rebel victory will entail..then it could have came from them too .
It can also be taken as pretty much read that Zionist assistance goes beyond medical .
Meanwhile the jihadis do the zionists favours not merely in hobbling Syrian forces and killing Palestinians and Hezbollah . But in attacking and removing UN peacekeepers in the Golan too . Serious amount of backscratching going on there .
Thousands of them, it's been going on since day one . And they've interned a journalist simply for reporting on it . And as soon as they're patched up and ready to go they're sent straight back to the war . No questions asked . One would assume the initial requests came via Turkey and Saudi . But as one of the Syrian council spokesmen was publicly congratulating Netanyahu on his election victory and looking forward to the day the zionists Independence Day is celebrated in Damascus ...what he says rebel victory will entail..then it could have came from them too .
It can also be taken as pretty much read that Zionist assistance goes beyond medical .
Meanwhile the jihadis do the zionists favours not merely in hobbling Syrian forces and killing Palestinians and Hezbollah . But in attacking and removing UN peacekeepers in the Golan too . Serious amount of backscratching going on there .

Zionist - wrong, or no?

And provide your reasoning.
All is not what it seems with ISIS.

After being exposed the zionists have made a number of excuses claiming they have a tacit understanding with the rebel groups that they'll keep the extremists away from the border . Which is utter bollocks . UN troops sent reports to the security council that black flag waving jihadists were parading outside their posts waving severed Syrian army heads . While the black flags were also clearly visible across a number of hilltops in the Golan. They also reported armed fighters and IDF troops were regularly meeting one another , that the IDF troops were handing over un identified boxes of supplies to them and at one point the IDF even crossed the border in some numbers and built a bloody camp for them before withdrawing . Unsurprisingly after these reports to the UN the jihadists began kidnapping peacekeepers forcing many of them to withdraw .
Now senior members of the Zionist lobby in the states are soft soaping Al nusra for example , calling it the good Al Qaeda pretty much .

then we have the case of Sedki Al Maket . He was living on the occupied side of the Golan and was publicising this stuff on Facebook . He claimed to have gotten hold of a video showing a meeting on the Golan between Al Qaeda and IDF officers . It seems he was being helped by an Israeli soldier with Druze origins . He was then arrested incommunicado , with a media ban slapped on his arrest and is now facing charges of running a spy ring .

So it seems to me at least that when the Syrian army were showing the world captured Israeli equipment they took from the rebels they wee telling the truth . And when the zionists repeatedly bombed sites in Syria they were nothing more than Al Qaedas airforce . Or to be more correct Al Qaeda appear to be their ground troops in Syria .
The sooner everyone realises they are a death cult with a window-dressing of Islam run by ex-Baath party military types who have a long and unsavoury history of gross human rights abuses, the better.
Syria Kurds seize town from Islamic State near its 'capital'

Kurdish-led forces in Syria seized a town from Islamic State on Tuesday after capturing a military base overnight, aided by U.S.-led air strikes in some of the most dramatic gains yet against the militants.

The Kurdish march deep into the heart of Islamic State territory follows their capture of a town on the Turkish border last week, reversing the momentum of militants who had seized major towns in both Syria and Iraq last month.

The Kurdish YPG-led forces had taken full control of Ain Issa, said YPG spokesman Redur Xelil. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which reports on the war, said Islamic State fighters had completely withdrawn from the town....
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