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The Islamic state

interesting american army report here https://publicintelligence.net/usarmy-trisa-isil/ about isis tactics.

Executive Summary

• ISIL is an evolution of an insurgent group that has changed its name to reflect an increasing geographic vision.
• ISIL’s advantage to date has been an increasingly large number of fighters and deep cash reserves to fund its operations. This provides greater capacity to organize, train, and equip like a military organization.
• ISIL executes military tactics to the best of its capability. This is a greater capability than that shown by previous insurgencies in the area, but still not best practice in a number of warfighting functions and key tasks.
• High value targets for ISIL have included such infrastructure as dams and oil refineries, which also contribute to its cash flow.
• Social media use has reached a new level of refinement as ISIL has capitalized on Western recruits’ language skills and a new generation of technically savvy apprentices.

Nothing gets past them.
Ive watched about half that interview. The 'banality of evil' came to mind. He seems quite pathetic but also normal, not like a monster or anything, but quite easily led, the way he talks about doing 'research' seems like conspiracy theorists or something. Its easy to see how someone like that could be totally in awe of the structures of ISIS and all these supposedly scholarly types, and feel they are part of something really important. I am sure the same is true of neo-nazis etc.
According to the Chadian news websiteTchadinfos, security forces have been ordered to go through markets and burn all the burqas they find.

Chad is a majority Muslim country, but some may wear the burqa as protection from the sun and sand.

Inside Israel’s Secret War in Syria

It was a random, friendly encounter between a soldier and a convicted terrorist. In February, Sudki al-Makt was driving through the Golan Heights, a mountainous plateau that Israel has occupied since 1973, when he arrived at a military base near the Syrian border. An Israeli soldier came out to ask him to turn around, and the two struck up a conversation.

A resident of the Golan and a supporter of Syria—Israel’s longtime enemy—al-Makt, 48, spent more than two decades in prison for plotting to attack Israeli military bases. Three years ago, when he was released, he allegedly intended to help the Iranian-backed Syrian regime in Damascus and its Shiite Lebanese ally, Hezbollah. The Israelis, he believed, were working with Sunni Islamist rebels across the border, and al-Makt allegedly set out to prove it.

The soldier he met that day, Hillal Chalabi, 19, was in his first month of service in the Golan, and he and al-Makt had something in common: They were both Druze, members of a small sect of Islam that exists mainly in Israel, Lebanon and Syria. Most of the 120,000 Druze in Israel are citizens and serve in the military. In the Golan, however, many refuse to accept Israeli citizenship and remain loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

During that brief conversation, al-Makt allegedly turned the young soldier into his informant. He told him Jabhat al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda’s militant group in Syria, was threatening Druze on the other side, and that to save them, he needed Chalabi’s help. The soldier gave the older man his phone number, and later that day al-Makt called for his first tip. Several injured Syrian rebels, Chalabi allegedly told him, were crossing into Israel for medical treatment—a policy Israel says is purely humanitarian. Chalabi allegedly told him where to wait to film the Israelis transporting injured rebels to a hospital.
Please leave this thread alone if you haven't got anything constructive to say.

Sorry if my post came across to you as curt - I just wandered into the thread and wondered what the mood was like (hoping it hadnt gone sour or turned into a bunfight, when the issue is so serious). Having worked with muslim students over the past year, I made it my business to educate myself on Islam and surrounding issues of 'what is the Islamic state?' So anyway, on with thread...
What do you think it is? Actually this thread has been fairly good with few arguments on the whole Cheesypoof ,tonnes of links as well.

Well, I think firstly, its a weird kind of expression to use and very generalist, given that there are 1.4 billion Muslims around the world. I'm sure, like me, most folks on Urban have friends who are Muslim, or have worked directly with individuals of that faith. I find the expression kind of reductionist as there is no one, 'Islamic state' - im not sure what academics like Myriam Francois Cerrah would say about it (i dont always agree with her, but I watch a lot of her interviews and read her work and am interested in what she has to say, as a Western convert.)
Well, I think firstly, its a weird kind of expression to use and very generalist, given that there are 1.2 billion Muslims around the world. I'm sure, like me, most folks on Urban have friends who are Muslim, or have worked directly with individuals of that faith. I find the expression kind of reductionist as there is no one, 'Islamic state' - im not sure what academics like Myriam Francois Cerrah would say about it (i dont always agree with her, but I watch a lot of her interviews and read her work and am interested in what she has to say, as a Western convert.

Daesh call themselves the Islamic State because they are claiming to have set up the only 'true' Islamic state there is and for that (IIRC) to be the resurrection of the state Mohammed set up when Islam was originally formed (their flag is supposed to be a replica of the Seal of the Prophets, that's why it's a weird rough circle with handwritten words inside it). However, many other Muslim scholars dispute their claims.
Well, I think firstly, its a weird kind of expression to use and very generalist, given that there are 1.4 billion Muslims around the world. I'm sure, like me, most folks on Urban have friends who are Muslim, or have worked directly with individuals of that faith. I find the expression kind of reductionist as there is no one, 'Islamic state' - im not sure what academics like Myriam Francois Cerrah would say about it (i dont always agree with her, but I watch a lot of her interviews and read her work and am interested in what she has to say, as a Western convert.)
You don't know what the fuck the thread is on about. Don't waste our time.
Well, I think firstly, its a weird kind of expression to use and very generalist, given that there are 1.4 billion Muslims around the world. I'm sure, like me, most folks on Urban have friends who are Muslim, or have worked directly with individuals of that faith. I find the expression kind of reductionist as there is no one, 'Islamic state' - im not sure what academics like Myriam Francois Cerrah would say about it (i dont always agree with her, but I watch a lot of her interviews and read her work and am interested in what she has to say, as a Western convert.)
there is one islamick state. tell you what, go to northern iraq - perhaps to raqqa - and ask the people there how many islamick states there are. you'll get an answer, of that you can be sure.
frogwoman - i'm not contributing anything to the thread, given the abuse of butchers just there. I will take a look at the links though, thanks.
frogwoman - i'm not contributing anything to the thread, given the abuse of butchers just there. I will take a look at the links though, thanks.
This thread is about the really existing islamic state in syria and iraq (and some isolated spots) and the political and militarily fight against them and other related issues it brings up. It's not about the idea of an islamic state or you pretending to read what a double oxbridge revert has to say. If you have anything on the former, brilliant.
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Well, I think firstly, its a weird kind of expression to use and very generalist, given that there are 1.4 billion Muslims around the world. I'm sure, like me, most folks on Urban have friends who are Muslim, or have worked directly with individuals of that faith. I find the expression kind of reductionist as there is no one, 'Islamic state' - im not sure what academics like Myriam Francois Cerrah would say about it (i dont always agree with her, but I watch a lot of her interviews and read her work and am interested in what she has to say, as a Western convert.)

Oh my god.

Interesting point of view here on british women joining daesh. It mirrors a lot of what i've read (most of which ive posted on here). However, i am not convinced it's the full story especially since many muslims (and jews and christians) around my age are far more socially conservative and 'radicalised' than their parents were.
Also im not at all convinced that david camerons latest bollocks is gonna have the intended effect, at all. I had the flu a while back and watched a series of documentaries about the Prevent strategy and UK jihadis, most of it was fucking laughable and about the least effective means to fight terrorism I could think of.

Interesting point of view here on british women joining daesh. It mirrors a lot of what i've read (most of which ive posted on here). However, i am not convinced it's the full story especially since many muslims (and jews and christians) around my age are far more socially conservative and 'radicalised' than their parents were.
I've heard that since i was a kid but all the muslims i knew were drinking in the same pubs as me. The breakdown in this country is of institutions that integrate and channel social anger - primarily the labour party and unions (and union based work). This is the thatchers work.
I've heard that since i was a kid but all the muslims i knew were drinking in the same pubs as me. The breakdown in this country is of institutions that integrate and channel social anger - primarily the labour party and unions (and union based work). This is the thatchers work.

Yup. Tony blairs govt has a shitload to answer for here too.
Yup. Tony blairs govt has a shitload to answer for here too.
Obv the fact that this a pretty global thing suggest i don't just mean the named guilty parties, but neo-liberalism. That people are travelling also from areas that haven't even got to neo-liberalism means a) religion is a real material ideology b) it's not solely directed by economic conditions. So the question of immigrants of msulim parents being more/less conservative than parents is pretty by the by apart from a few local things - important but not key.
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