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The Islamic state

Yeah given the rehabilitation of al-qaeda as some sort of 'good' jihadis (israel have just admitted trauning al nusra ffs) and given our past track record i am not overly confident the ptb won't quietly 'forget' about Daesh and focus on the iranians/houthis and turn a blind eye to the house of saud's 'unique' take on the war against terrorism.

Once perhaps, but the antics of IS are going to make that impossible (lets not forget that they flunked that the first time around, when the West was posed to bomb Assad) and one would hope that even Washington would have noticed that one of their supposed enemies is providing vastly more support for current US foriegn policy than almost all of its regional allies are.
Armed US drones now oked to be deployed from İncirlik - maybe - according to a few sources. In october we were told that the US airforce were cleared to use it for whatever they want. They have been using a few unarmed drones from there up till now. A drone-ification is not going to be good for anyone.
I think it's way past time for Incirlik to be used to hit ISIS from the air..... both droned & manned USAF & other "coalition" attack aircraft......one carrier in the gulf just isn't enough. Erdogan has been a large part of the problem. Good if he's loosening up or facing reality.
Looks like Idlib is going to fall to the opposition, extent to which the city has been taken seems to be disputed but it seems to be accepted by most that the city is going to fall.
Non-isis islamist coalition (Ahrar al Sham, Jund al Aqsa, Liwa al Haqq, Jaysh al Sunna, Ajnad al Sham, and Faylaq al Sham) - Jaish al-Fatah.
IIRC a lot of religious minorities fled other areas to go to Idlib, not great for them to say the least.
Two or three of the groups who took part in the operation (under Jaish al-Fatah control) are FSA linked. The various strengths of each can only be guessed at right now - though safe to say Nusra Front would be the currently strongest.
Two or three of the groups who took part in the operation (under Jaish al-Fatah control) are FSA linked. The various strengths of each can only be guessed at right now - though safe to say Nusra Front would be the currently strongest.

Given that the former leader of the FSA moderates is coming out with stuff like this it's becoming even harder to distinguish between Nusra and 'moderates'

Quite detailed piece on the shia militias and iranian influence - reading between the lines (as you must to FP pieces) the article is possibly calling/preparing for and inflation in US boots on the ground - but think then, how the below would react to such a move?

The U.S. Is Providing Air Cover for Ethnic Cleansing in Iraq

Kataeb Hezbollah may be the only Iraqi Shiite militia in Iraq to be designated a terrorist entity by the United States, but that hasn’t stopped it from driving around in Abrams tanks, Humvees, armored personnel carriers, MRAPs, and toting M4 and M16 rifles — all the accidental largesse of Uncle Sam, which has sent $1 billion in military equipment to Baghdad, but has no oversight as to which actors, foreign or domestic, ultimately receive what. An abundance of U.S. weapons hasn’t dissuaded Kataeb Hezbollah from openly inciting violence against the American-led coalition to destroy the Islamic State.

“Recently we had them accusing the United States of supplying [IS] via helicopters,” said Smyth. “Kataeb Hezbollah then came out with a bullshit article claiming that they shot down a British cargo plane carrying arms to [IS]. They also said they were going to move antiaircraft missile batteries in Anbar and north of Baghdad to counter U.S. airdrops to [IS]. Whenever they sense too much of a U.S. influence in Iraq, they start to threaten American soldiers.” Kataeb Hezbollah, it bears mentioning, is headed by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, an Iranian spy who is widely believed to have planned the bombings of both the U.S. and French embassies in Kuwait in the 1980s. There’s even a photograph of him holding up a Kuwaiti newspaper fingering him for this act of international terrorism. Kataeb Hezbollah has also been caught on video playing bongos with severed human heads.

“Many of the people in Mosul will stand with [the Islamic State] if Shiite militias invade,” said Gen. Najim Jibouri. “Eighty percent of the population is does not like [IS], but if the militias are involved — 80 percent will stand very strong with [IS]. I told the Americans before, the image now is not like it was in 2003. Now the Sunni people want American forces. They will throw the flowers on them now, because the battle now is not between them and the United States and [IS], it’s between the Sunnis and Iran.” Yet far too many Sunnis still see the United States as aligned with Iran against them, Jibouri said.

Btw the link in there about ISIS ieds is worth a read,esp bearing in mind what's surely coming in mosul and raqqa...
Two or three of the groups who took part in the operation (under Jaish al-Fatah control) are FSA linked. The various strengths of each can only be guessed at right now - though safe to say Nusra Front would be the currently strongest.

Kurdish commentators, including previously-mentioned source r3sho (who has returned), are describing the Islamist-led victory as disastrous for a secular resistance that is now linked irrevocably with al Qaida - just as Assad hoped/planned. Twitter thread here.
On a (very) slightly more amusing note just because of how weird it is... here's a Jahbat al-Nussra cooking video

Everyone with an ounce of sense warned that 'coalition' airstrikes that targeted JAN/Nusraas well as ISIS would lead a growth in support for Nusra Front - the opposition itself angrily said that this is what would happen and that this would eventually help slit their throat - that's been happening with Nusra clearing out secular or non-islamic groups over the past few months in the NW around idlib and now taking the city itself - any non-islamic groups involved are very much their at their sufferance. And to think the FSA-Syrian Revolutionary Front kicked ISIS out of the whole ISIS region themselves only one year ago.
there is certainly arse covering going on.

Im really not comfortable with the school being dragged into a copper/ security matter and being accused of what appears ton be negligence by the families

I see that the Daily Mail has run a "sow and ye shall reap" article about one of the teenage girl's fathers, (Abase Hussen). The Mail has him at Choudary rally with fellow attendee Michael Adebowale.

Hmmm...on the face of it, that does rather undermine the line that the radicalisation occurred exclusively as a result of grooming and at school?
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Interesting little claim in this Spiegel piece:

Although the IS adheres to strict rules, its strategy is pragmatic. In the Syrian town of Kobani, the jihadists fought to the last man, but elsewhere they often quickly withdraw. The bloodlust they often stage in front of cameras belies the cool cost-benefit calculations that make them so successful.

The commander of the Badr militia, Hadi al-Ameri, reported in late January, for example, that his men had recaptured the northeastern Iraqi province of Diyala from IS. But, unlike the battle for Tikrit, there had hardly been any fighting. A bookkeeper for the IS explained what happened: "Hadi al-Ameri paid several million dollars for the withdrawal from Diyala." Sunnis who had fled Diyala, he said, were made liable for the sum paid to the jihadists. "They had to pay roughly $30,000 (€27,500) per village if they wanted to return," says the bookkeeper.

IS would hardly have been able to hold Diyala -- a Sunni-Shiite province -- because it shares a border with Iran. So the jihadists preferred to take the money and retreat. In the past, they've frequently withdrawn from areas for similarly pragmatic reasons, only to recapture them later on. Their current goal seems to be the consolidation of their territory, and this requires money and combatants, not unnecessary fighting
I see that the Daily Mail has run a "sow and ye shall reap" article about one of the teenage girl's fathers, (Abase Hussen). The Mail has him at Choudary rally with fellow attendee Michael Adebowale.

Hmmm...on the face of it, that does rather undermine the line that the radicalisation occurred exclusively as a result of grooming and at school?

its well relevant. shame its the fucking mail that has to come out with it.
its well relevant. shame its the fucking mail that has to come out with it.
Well, the real shame is that the girls became indoctrinated to the extent they have left to join ISIS. It is a further shame that the parent's case about the sources of that indoctrination have so easily been undermined by the right-wing scum press...but they have.
Well, the real shame is that the girls became indoctrinated to the extent they have left to join ISIS. It is a further shame that the parent's case about the sources of that indoctrination have so easily been undermined by the right-wing scum press...but they have.
not sure undermined so much as blown out of water
im not taking any pleasure out of reading that article - shitty shitty situation - my original post on the matter did also being my unease with the finger pointing at the schools ( and to a degree, the coppery ) that I did feel were an easy and probabaly undeserved target for the families.

another dog whistle article for the benefit of mail readers
I see that the Daily Mail has run a "sow and ye shall reap" article about one of the teenage girl's fathers, (Abase Hussen). The Mail has him at Choudary rally with fellow attendee Michael Adebowale.

Hmmm...on the face of it, that does rather undermine the line that the radicalisation occurred exclusively as a result of grooming and at school?

Wonder if that story was gifted to the Mail by the security services to exonerate the cops/school?
Who else is filming and putting names to faces? You see these people filming - it's not for a record of their lovely day out you dicks.

edit: dicks not being pats and brogs.
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