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The Islamic state

They did OK before they had it. A battle for Mosul would surely be a massive blood bath for all concerned, withdrawing to consolidate other areas could be a sound tactical move.
But one helluva morale booster for the ISIS opposition, and conversely a blow to ISIS morale and the confidence in their leadership.
But one helluva morale booster for the ISIS opposition, and conversely a blow to ISIS morale and the confidence in their leadership.

Yeah but they marched in with little opposition once and probably think they can again in the future, just because the Iraqi army has seemingly got it's shit together doesn't mean it will long term. it might be a long game being played here or of course it could just be that he genuinely believes Mo visited him in his sleep, or the whole story is incorrect, who knows really?
There is a a very good article in the I today, maybe the Independent as well, 'Inside the Islamic State' examining what it is like to be a 'citizen' of the IS day to day and the consequences of not conforming, etc.

no link to the I
Knowledge = true, justified belief.

Personal experience = anecdata.

So that's a "yes" to the original question, then.

Knowledge,Peer reviewed scientifically proven fact.
Justified belief, the rapture is a coming.
Unless you are directing a bit of sarcastic irony in the diamond geezers direction, if so apols:D
'PKK Fighters in the Sijar' documentary filmed for French channel Arte on youtube - film maker Xavier Muntz spent 20 days on Mount Sinjar with the YPG. Includes interview with Jordan Matson, & I think includes brief footage of the Barnsley volunteer at the 25 minute mark. Brief French language interview with Muntz here.
This is interesting, the Wisconsin fighter with the YPG Jordan Matson is answering questioning in an AMA on the Syrian Civil War subreddit. Isn't the modern world weird!

Some interesting comments by Jordan about politics. He says that prior to joining he was a conservative, not surprising given how excited he was about Rand Paul's endorsement of the Kurdish cause, but that fighting with the YPG has challenged his views.
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LONDON,— An eight strong volunteer unit of former British servicemen are preparing to travel to Syrian Kurdistan to fight against militants from the Islamic State group (IS/ISIS) militants, it has been claimed.

The ex-soldiers – some of whom have Special Forces training – call themselves the International Volunteer Force and will fight alongside the Kurdish resistance in the north of the country.

Images posted on social media purportedly show the men taking part in special training exercises in Europe ahead of their journey to Syria, where they join an estimated 100 other Western volunteers to have joined the Kurdish peshmerga and YPG armies in the fight against IS jihadists.

The images were posted on a Facebook page titled ‘Sgt Tom’, which carries the colours of the Kurdish flag and disguises the faces of all the men photographed.

The images show the men wearing military fatigues and clothing suited to fighting in a desert environment while clutching large assault rifles.

Alongside captions making threats towards IS militants, one image appears to act a as the group’s manifesto, identifying the leader as the aforementioned ‘Sgt Tom’ who says he is a former serviceman travelling to ‘defeat you [ISIS] and the evil you stand for’.

‘Poor foreign policies, weak government and law have allowed the spread of a cancerous, perverted form of Islam to our shores,’ he adds.

He goes on to state that IS ‘do not have the right to claim Islam as their own property to pervert and undermine a magnificent that to true Muslims, is based on peace’.

‘I am not right wing, nor fascist, I am not anti-Islam nor anti any religion,’ Sgt Tom says before adding ‘I am a free man in a free country and free to fight for freedom and democracy’.

‘Your heinous crimes have stirred my inner morality, I will not turn against peaceful Muslims but I am sickened by what you [IS] do and as such…I volunteer my skill-set to the people of Kurdistan.’
a bunch of utter walts. 'call of duty' weapons handling skills, an upside down knife taped onto a shoulder strap - if there's more than 5 days service with the army cadets between this pox of fantastists and loopers i'll be stunned.

utter fucknuggets.

That's a tourniquet Sole survior stylee the combat knife upside down is so 90's :). Any idiot can find a landmine once and then the Kurds can rob their corpse of anything useful.
i am reminded of the last lot who posted their crap all over facearse - with photo's that looked suspiciously like they'd been taken in a quarry in Wiltshire.

there's a couple of pie theives in the group as well - skipping sports on a wednesday afterrn won't be a problem, but i fear that elevensies of tea and bacon butties will be sorely missed.
The ex-soldiers – some of whom have Special Forces training – call themselves the International Volunteer Force and will fight alongside the Kurdish resistance in the north of the country.

Getting closer to 'The International Brigade'
a bunch of utter walts. 'call of duty' weapons handling skills, an upside down knife taped onto a shoulder strap - if there's more than 5 days service with the army cadets between this pox of fantastists and loopers i'll be stunned.

utter fucknuggets.

Would you consider going if you were now in civvy st?
'The army, the navy, and the IVF' I can see a couple of problems with their nom de guerre - & 'I am not right wing or fascist' is an odd thing to say.

Its 'IVFOR' I don't think they are that naïve.

Sgt Tom

on the contrary Jack Scht , i am not a psychopath and have not committed any crimes . I am simply going to lend my professional skill set , have you not seen ISIS intentions , shiria law for all and if you do not conform , your butchered in the most unthinkable way , from babies to grandmothers . Its not just syria , kurdistan or Iraq is it , why are Jordan and Iran fighting against ISIS. I'll tell you why , ISIS / Daesh are the worst thing since the Nazis they are intent on genocide of all on believers. Look what happened when nobody challenge Hitler in the early days of WW2.
Shall we wait upon it to land on our very front doors before we care ? maybe wait for a few babies to hung from tower bridge ??
Disgruntled Englishman - yes , psycho - no !


btw, they reply to their critics in the comments after the ES article
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