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The Grand Tour

watched it at work, instead of doing any actual work.

i liked it, it was good, you could see where the money and ambition went - it had slightly clunky, hammed-up bits and it wasn't entirely smooth - but it was decent entertainment. i prefered the challenges on top gear to the studio episodes, so i'm looking forward to those...

the biggest thing about was that it showed up in 4k technicolour how awful, woeful, dreadful and appalling the Chris Evans et al re-boot of TG really was. if i was the beeb i'd be asking the lawyers to see how cheaply and quietly we could ditch it, as the comparison is just embarrassing.
It appeared on Kodi this morning. Ill probably watch it, more for the cars than anything else. I got hugely tired of their latter day Mail/Sun banter but James May stayed fairly tolerable.
The American is no substitute for the stig. Shut your stupid face and just drive. Comedy is not your forte.

Many of the set comedy bits were dreadful. The drone and the airforce bits especially.

The cheeky references to the BBC past stopped being funny the moment you realised how much they were overusing it in a lazy attempt to find comedic material.

All in all it was 50/50 good bits and bad bits.
Just watched it via torrent. It was the same as ever, which I liked. Yes, they come across as tossers because they are, but it has great visuals and is an easy viewing with pleasurable features and daft laughs. I like fast cars, beautiful scenery and low level humour sometimes; if people want to pay huge money for me to have an hour a week of it for free, more fool them. I liked that they didn't differ from the English colloquialisms, their new audience can learn some useless patter along the way.
it is top gear in a different name

watched half of it remember why the format got stale

better than Chris evens stab at it mind
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I notice he had a pop at gypsies in the opening monologue. I suspect this was a message/fuck you to the critics of his "un-pc" behaviour on the BBC
I watched it yesterday and thought that it tried too hard to be TG, and missed. We need a Stig not The American, I don't see that it would be hard to modify the Stig idea and make it work for GT. Maybe have a known driver, or at least one who is not anonymous.

I'll give it a go for a week or two, but don't have a lot of hope. It was, after all, TG on tour.
They found a way to male a TV show and it worked, 10 years ago.
Its the same jokes, the same cars, the same cunts presenting it.

And you know what?
I quite liked it.
It had everything that the new Top Gear didn't, at least Clarkson knows when correct moment to shout is.
Do I think it will last?
Not really.
Do I think Jeremy Clarkson is a fucking right wing gobshite, who has merely surrounded himself around with yes men, similar to Radio1 DJs in the 90s?
Will I buy Amazon Prime to watch it, unlike this time when I saw it on Facebook?
Fuck no, don't be fucking stupid.

It's purile, derivative bullshit, nothing more nothing less.
Watching it I wondered how anyone,including the producers, could possibly find 'the American' funny. Then watching episode two I thought maybe he's not supposed to be funny, perhaps he's just a representation of what they think of Americans? A sort of veiled insult that was meant to fly over the heads of the US audience? I'm probably wrong, I often am.
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I watched them on Kodi and have to say the second one in particular was fucking dreadful - especially that massive overly long stupid special forces training thing. Haha Clarkson's trousers have fallen down, oh look now he's stuck in a window because he's so fat, lol now he's getting raped! The scripted 'banter' seems to be getting progressively worse too. At one point it looked like it was going to get interesting when they had a bit about spinning in South Africa - was perhaps too much to hope they might actually speak to any of the people involved instead we just got May looking grumpy. Because he likes driving slow and sensibly haha. Do you get it?
wasnt as impressed with the 2nd one. much weaker - the american needs to go, he is shit and forget "conversation thingy - its 1980s studenty humour" just go to the news stuff. I can kind of see what they were doing prog wise though

intro - local news for the local audience - nod to hey look at us we are bring you stuff here in the tent relevant to the local audience... no... stop it now its going to get tedious REALLY fast. Stick with the dicking about in cars - forget trying to be clever keep it simple.

early days yet though and they need to get the sticking two fingers up to the BBC out of their systems as well as seeing just how far they can push it with what worked on TG without the BBC getting all lawyered up.
So they've given up being a car show already then?

80's situation comedy instead. They don't like it up em mr mainwarring!
episode 1 seems to have been the zenith of a pretty shoddy and expensive gamble for amazon. unfunny constructed scenarios and overly long scripted tugfests between the one dimensional charachters is tiresome. utter shit for people who like michael macintire
Without having had the (dubious) benefit of watching any of these on Amazon - this does feel remarkably like when Morecambe and Wise went from the BBC to ITV and Kenny Everett went from ITV to the BBC (I'm sure that there's another one as well, but can't for the life of me remember who). There's a missing "something" on the new station that the original station had - now, I'm not for one second comparing the comic genius that was Morecambe and Wise, and to a lesser extent Kenny Everett with Clarkson, May and the Twat - but once again, it would appear that simply chucking a large budget at an existing "formula" rarely makes a better show, often it makes a bigger budget worse show
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I used to like Top Gear once upon a time. Then it became rather formulaic and predictable and just not funny anymore.

I was hoping a change of scene and a shit load of money thrown at it would help bring it back to life. It has in fact gotten worse.

I'd say time to put the presenters out to pasture but i think even that time has past and it should be straight to the glue factory them them all.
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