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The gardening thread

My dead hedge is doing well the dog hasn't escaped for several days (🤞 ) after I blocked up the last hole he was burrowing through. I've added some branches from the triffid today to bulk it out a bit.
I patched ours up like 5 times, then got a facebook message from someone I had no idea existed telling me the dog was by the front door! It was, I am still not sure who they are, why they know my name or where the hell they live lol. Is a small village tho and I walk him most days being rather loud about name of said dog. Who is a rather unusual mix based on the 400 times someone asked me that, I explained and then noticed absolutely nothing about them, their dog and certainly not their names.
My last dog was aggressive when I got her, so whenever we were on a walk and met other dogs I had to scramble to get her on the lead. I ended up never recognizing dog owners on the walk, only dogs.
My neighbour leaves theirs and the birds go nuts when it's nesting season.
Hum, it's going to have to get trimmed as it's a little too wild for this garden. And I'm not sure it's an idea place for birds to nest, but it's small enough for me to check before I cut it. I think I'm supposed to wait until the chance of frost is over.
Already got an excessive amount of moving air today, and the forecast is for a very wet afternoon.

Which means I wasted the dry day yesterday ... although the ground is still absolutely sodden.
and [probably] more branches / twigs to clear away [grumble mutter] - they end up in somewhat untidy piles in the wildwood.

However, got masses of bulbs coming up, especially the snowdrops. After they've flowered, I'll move a few. I'm going to have quite a collection of loose ones that need replanting.

Need to get into the greenhouse(s) to finish the spring clean and do some preparation for planting of seeds.
Hum, it's going to have to get trimmed as it's a little too wild for this garden. And I'm not sure it's an idea place for birds to nest, but it's small enough for me to check before I cut it. I think I'm supposed to wait until the chance of frost is over.
Apologies as I don't think I explained myself very well
.The birds love the fluffy stuff for nesting material. Cut it back after frost and maybe keep the heads. I put stuff like that in hedges for them to collect.
Apologies as I don't think I explained myself very well
.The birds love the fluffy stuff for nesting material. Cut it back after frost and maybe keep the heads. I put stuff like that in hedges for them to collect.
Too late, I've just had a first hack at it. But it dawned on me what you meant as I was cutting it back :D. It has been neglected and is going to need quite a lot of work to make it nice again. I know it's a bit early to cut it, but I'm down south, it's very sheltered and if it dies I'll put in something I like better.
Humane one?
Yes indeed. They don’t sell hideous gin traps now. The term humane has always seemed like an excuse for often gross behaviour though.

Anyway once you catch a grey squirrel you can’t by law let it go. Shot in the back of head or bludgeoning in a sack (two blows max).

I will gut, skin and freeze them. BBQ in the warmer weather.
Met a bloke in the woods years ago who shot grey squirrels for restaurants locally. Can't argue with that really.
Met a bloke in the woods years ago who shot grey squirrels for restaurants locally. Can't argue with that really.
As someone who went out with my dog and lifted all the mole traps from a local public gardens , I can . I like to live in harmony with all critters. No slug pellets, traps or any other killing method.
As someone who went out with my dog and lifted all the mole traps from a local public gardens , I can . I like to live in harmony with all critters. No slug pellets, traps or any other killing method.
No slug pellets but I will kill them, have an air rifle for the rats but apart from that - agreed.
Rats destroyed pretty much my entire crop of beans for drying this year. They've chewed into hundreds of pounds worth of horticultural mesh/fleece/membrane and polytunnel sheeting that was stored in a shed and one of the barns. The people who own this place have lost income because you can't charge people to stay in a rat-infested holiday let. It's extremely difficult to fully rat-proof a load of old farm buildings and other structures in varying states of dilapidation. I don't like to kill stuff (no problem delegating the pest control to other creatures though - the chickens love eating slugs) but there's things I'll make exceptions for.
you politely didn't mention that they piss everywhere and carry diseases :(
Least of my worries tbh. Starlings were shitting in my kitchen before I closed the windows for winter, and I still sometimes find a chicken in here if I've left the door ajar and turned my back for a second. I ran through a list of all the main diseases they're known to carry and couldn't find any that aren't killed by boiling, so I've been making soup from all the packets of lentils they'd chewed open in the farm shop but mostly not touched :oops:
Rats destroyed pretty much my entire crop of beans for drying this year. They've chewed into hundreds of pounds worth of horticultural mesh/fleece/membrane and polytunnel sheeting that was stored in a shed and one of the barns. The people who own this place have lost income because you can't charge people to stay in a rat-infested holiday let. It's extremely difficult to fully rat-proof a load of old farm buildings and other structures in varying states of dilapidation. I don't like to kill stuff (no problem delegating the pest control to other creatures though - the chickens love eating slugs) but there's things I'll make exceptions for.
I fucking hate rats. We are by farmland so unavoidable but next door have a concrete dog house thats got a nest under it. They chewed my fucking concrete so badly the council had to rip up and repour the pad. This is why everything I grow is covered. I don't trust them not to piss and shit in it and I'm not eating that. We bought a zapper trap, I don't like it but we had one come in the house. Nope. Hasn't caught a single one tho. Looking into growing stuff they hate by borders at the moment. Also noting I have some cement going spare.
I'm surrounded by farms. When they cut the crops it's like watership down. My neighbours car was destroyed by them chewing through all the wiring.
Its like 4 miles square fields behind us. Caused an issue since apparently it all drains into our garden.... I've dug a 80ft trench and built a wall now. Council refused to so anything despite it flooding my shed and nearly coming in the back door til I ripped a fence down 4ft deep.in water.
I have no idea what to plant. Last years went to shit cos of caterpillers and now fucking rats got into a mini poly tunnel. Got 3 setup 12ftx 3ft raised beds under cover in Cornwall. Thousands of seeds and im wondering why i bothered to begin with now.
I have no idea what to plant. Last years went to shit cos of caterpillers and now fucking rats got into a mini poly tunnel. Got 3 setup 12ftx 3ft raised beds under cover in Cornwall. Thousands of seeds and im wondering why i bothered to begin with now.
It's still very early for a lot of stuff. Have you had a play about with this calendar for veg yet? (Go to the menu at the top of the page to adjust frost dates for your area first)
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