Hello Gardeners.
I’ve got a woodland patch in my garden and I’d like to add some plants that will grow under trees, especially spring flowers. I’m thinking of British woodland plants like native bluebells, snowdrops, primula, wood anemone, lesser celandine, maybe some cyclamen and so forth.
I‘ve already got Lords and Ladies, lily of the valley, lesser periwinkle and stinking iris growing there.
I‘d love some more suggestions.
But mainly I’m hoping that someone can point me towards a good place to buy such plants. So many big brash providers out there and I know when I buy from them I’m financing their advertising and marketing, and all the other bullshit I’d rather not plough money into.
The area has an ash tree that’s about 30 years old and appears to be free of ash die back, so far *. A couple of lilac trees, a forsythia that really needs to be moved, and a magnolia. I’ve recently built a retaining wall around the area and built up the soil level. It’s bordered to the back and one side with a wooden fence, and a brick wall on the other side. Dappled sunshine during the day, or proper shade, late evening sunshine towards the end of the summer, when one corner catches the sunset as it pushes in at an angle.
I‘m considering the addition of something white or blue to climb up the rear fence, to extend and gladden the eye, but what would grow up that back wall? I wondered about a climbing hydrangea. Plenty of ivy there at the moment but meh. Happy to keep some of course (home for spiders and other beasties, and food for bees in the winter), but it can be gloomy.
*if /when the ash tree succumbs to ash die back. I’ll probably put in some rowan , maybe a linden tree. In the meantime I just need to take care of it and keep an eye on it. This fence is against the street so whatever is growing above the fence line benefits the streetscape.