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whats an unreasonable amount of veg plants to have? For anything remotely common to have.
More than you have space to grow / can give away (plus a few spares to allow for plants failing) or more than you can eat / store / give away the produce from (plus a few spares).

Apart from peas. Can never have too many peas. Every year I sow more and every year I'm lucky if a dozen pods even make it out of the field and into the kitchen, never mind lasting long enough to freeze :oops:
More than you have space to grow / can give away (plus a few spares to allow for plants failing) or more than you can eat / store / give away the produce from (plus a few spares).

Apart from peas. Can never have too many peas. Every year I sow more and every year I'm lucky if a dozen pods even make it out of the field and into the kitchen, never mind lasting long enough to freeze :oops:
Also, something to remember is succession planting - I'm very bad at it!

newme don't sow all your seeds for a particular crop all at once. Do some at a time and then some more later.

If you don't, you'll end up like me the first time I grew lettuces from seed and had 30 plus lettuces all ready at the same time with only me to eat them!
Apart from peas. Can never have too many peas. Every year I sow more and every year I'm lucky if a dozen pods even make it out of the field and into the kitchen, never mind lasting long enough to freeze :oops:
It's not just you! Dammit peas! I'm lucky if I get a servings worth each year :D

Possibly not too late to plant some more?? (I'm asking myself?!)
It's not just you! Dammit peas! I'm lucky if I get a servings worth each year :D

Possibly not too late to plant some more?? (I'm asking myself?!)
IME, peas work much better as a cold weather crop in the first half of the year.

Worth waiting a few months and then sowing an overwintering variety in November for a really early harvest next year though...
IME, peas work much better as a cold weather crop in the first half of the year.

Worth waiting a few months and then sowing an overwintering variety in November for a really early harvest next year though...
I've always sown peas late autumn down south, but I have some June sown peas in the hot half of the polytunnel doing brilliantly up here :confused::D
whats an unreasonable amount of veg plants to have? For anything remotely common to have.
There's never too much IMO. You can always make friends and neighbours or the local community kitchen happy with any surplus, give it away on Olio etc. Then obv there's marrow jam, chutney, frozen veg (I've taken to making mine into things like lasagnes and soups for the freezer), storing things in the meter cupboard etc etc.
Also, something to remember is succession planting - I'm very bad at it!

newme don't sow all your seeds for a particular crop all at once. Do some at a time and then some more later.

If you don't, you'll end up like me the first time I grew lettuces from seed and had 30 plus lettuces all ready at the same time with only me to eat them!
Too late for that! I bought stuff and planted everything, can barely make new beds as fast as more stuff needs planting lol. Got 2 up, 1 to go, hugelkutur to build and a possibly a swimming pool to convert into something lol. 30 maybe severely underselling it based on the seeds that went in!
There's never too much IMO. You can always make friends and neighbours or the local community kitchen happy with any surplus, give it away on Olio etc. Then obv there's marrow jam, chutney, frozen veg (I've taken to making mine into things like lasagnes and soups for the freezer), storing things in the meter cupboard etc etc.
Yeh theres some church community garden thing up the road, church isn't my thing but I would assume they know who might need some extras or can definitely spread it about better than I can.
Also, something to remember is succession planting - I'm very bad at it!

newme don't sow all your seeds for a particular crop all at once. Do some at a time and then some more later.

If you don't, you'll end up like me the first time I grew lettuces from seed and had 30 plus lettuces all ready at the same time with only me to eat them!
Too late! I have just gone full steam ahead with planting as soon as I made the space for it, I have an absolutely dreadful ability with growing things from seeds so have gone overboard with it since its my first year trying anything outside I am trying everything I can think of all at the same time lol. Am relying on me hating wasting food for then having to use whatever is ready and potentially give some away then sort it out better on whatever needs replanting v stays about.
Everything will grow especially successfully if you've gone overboard I reckon newme ...just to spite you :D
I hope so! I have way more to go in yet. So far, mizuna, watercress, baby pak choi, chinese cabbage , heritage corn, san marzano toms
yellow cherry toms, valencie beefsteak toms, 2 lots of random grandparent donated toms, Sweet pepper plants, garden peas (early/main crop), swiss rainbow chard, Mixed leaf Mesclun lettuce mix, White Lisbon Spring Onions, Lettuce Seeds, whatever that means, Chives, Basil. Already have a giant Rosemary bush and apple tree (tho it was not great for cider tbh and is likely to be compost). Not much root veg cos well thats cheap but I have celery and carrots ready to go in, want basics for italian stuff and stir fries if nothing else, my bamboo is the wrong type.

Aiming to get in raspberries and strawberries soon, got Jute string (mainly cos it was in Jeeves and Wooster) to make some frames up, build a Hugelkutur, another raised bed, see if I can convert the old pool and hoping all the red, white and micro clover fills in all the gaps. Pond is looking way better now. Need to fix the rotary mower tho as it seems to be jammed solid somehow after 4 months.
Dig the soil out around it enough to cut through the roots holding it in place. I'd start digging maybe 12" out from the base.

So I did this. Cut all the root I could find/get at but it was sitting on/melded to a rock, and also must be rooted under the path and after all that was still rock solid. I forgot to take a photo.

So i ended up putting stump killer on it and filling the hole again. But now what?
Apart from peas. Can never have too many peas. Every year I sow more and every year I'm lucky if a dozen pods even make it out of the field and into the kitchen, never mind lasting long enough to freeze :oops:

I remember the one time in 50 years some of dad's peas made it to the table. They are all 'stolen' usually. Mostly by us but we once came back from a holiday to see a couple of village kids heading away from ours their pockets stuffed. :D
I had two plants in the conservatory and have had about 15 pea pods this year the first time I've had any. :thumbs: I put some seedlings in the greenhouse and the mice ate them, I put some seedlings in the garden and the mice and slugs ate them. :mad: I'm not sure how people grow them outside. :confused:
Anyway, guess who might've been daft enough the other day to very fleetingly think a thought that, if it'd been in words, might've vaguely resembled the sentence "we're doing alright with courgettes so far, not sure if we'll get that much of a glut this year" ? Yep, this twat right here did :thumbs:

Hopefully gonna have loads of squashes to store for winter too though
newme apols & please ignore if you've already said what you're doing or just want me to fuck off with unsolicited advice :) but with the densities you've sown some of that lettuce and oriental salad mix, you're probably better doing a few cuts starting now as baby leaves rather than letting it get too dense and leggy in any area (most plants you'll get a few cuts from if you don't start too high; if you have time to be fussy cutting leaves out individually they'll go on for a fair bit longer). It'll be tasting good now and you should get a regular supply for longer, rather than a big glut right before it's all gone over.
I had two plants in the conservatory and have had about 15 pea pods this year the first time I've had any. :thumbs: I put some seedlings in the greenhouse and the mice ate them, I put some seedlings in the garden and the mice and slugs ate them. :mad: I'm not sure how people grow them outside. :confused:
Hanging baskets! But you can fit many in and need to water a lot. Seems better for slug avoidance!
newme apols & please ignore if you've already said what you're doing or just want me to fuck off with unsolicited advice :) but with the densities you've sown some of that lettuce and oriental salad mix, you're probably better doing a few cuts starting now as baby leaves rather than letting it get too dense and leggy in any area (most plants you'll get a few cuts from if you don't start too high; if you have time to be fussy cutting leaves out individually they'll go on for a fair bit longer). It'll be tasting good now and you should get a regular supply for longer, rather than a big glut right before it's all gone over.
Nah please continue, I have little idea what I am doing other than usually when I grow stuff it does badly lol. Hence the ridiculous overseeding. Idea was that I could continuously harvest at least something so that works perfectly and saves buying salad each week, gets me outside in the garden with a task. Have a 12 foot cover for the main two beds, one for the one to go in with mesh under the cover until the height is an issue (planning on transplating toms and peas then fruit and make a massive trelise) and then a 8 ft high and long hugelkutur that may be open air. Plus probably more to go in if I run out of space. Have another fence for climbers should it be needed.

I can always transplant some things into pots or whatever, seem to have loads about plus plenty of space for more beds, could even make the side of the shed extend over with spare corrugated plastic sheets I have and make it into a U shaped bed inside with jute string climbing bits all over for vines. All on what time and effort goes into it now. Have to shift a lot to get new stuff in. Weather is not agreeing with this idea.
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I just looked at my courgette patch for the first time in a few days - looks like I will soon have an excuse to visit families and friends.
Not nearly as crazy as last year, but at least I'm not out there watering every day ...

I haven't found myself motivated yet to stand over a sauté pan so they're being wasted grated in salad and just disappointingly boiled with everything else... I suppose if I had any tomatoes or French beans producing I might be more motivated -but I will have to soon as I bought some decent tomatoes ...

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