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The Eagle landed 50 years ago: Apollo 11 anniversary thread

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
Moon landing special


This thread is for all your news about relevant links, films, TV specials, as-it-happened social media accounts, and so on.

Add your tips, such as “Radio Times this week has a pullout of their edition of the time.”

BBC - BBC will celebrate 50 years since the first moon landings with a series of programmes across TV, Radio and online - Media Centre

I just checked and it was only on for three days! WTF!
See it on a regular screen anyway.
I think the Science Museum has the shorter (first steps) version on in 70mm for a longer period over the summer as has the Bradford IMAX?
Going to see that film tomorrow night, despite the fact that I’m certain it was a hoax. :)

However, I do take the view that they decided to film on location.
I'd recommend these two books which include excellent explanations of how to navigate in space:

How NASA learned to fly in space

Digital Apollo: Human and machine in spaceflight

(those are both links to Amazon - other book sellers are available and preferred)

For a proper insight into the Apollo Guidance Computer I recommend the following:

And "Curious Marc" has a whole series of videos about restoring an AGC

Shortly starting, an evening of anniversary viewing:

Neil Armstrong – First Man on the Moon, 9pm, BBC4

The Sky at Night: the Moon, the Mission and the BBC, 10pm, BBC4

I’ll be out of radio contact for a while, Huston.
Moon landing special

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This thread is for all your news about relevant links, films, TV specials, as-it-happened social media accounts, and so on.

Add your tips, such as “Radio Times this week has a pullout of their edition of the time.”

BBC - BBC will celebrate 50 years since the first moon landings with a series of programmes across TV, Radio and online - Media Centre

No offence, but why can they not put the fucking dates and times of any shows in the first part of the page? I am scrolling and scrolling to find out details of when these things are on - we need channel, date, and time. It is all very well having a nice site with a lot of nice descriptive content about what the programmes are about, but ffs put the schedule at the bloody top of the page and add a calendar or at least a search function - dear god.
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