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Slug identification weekend - only £50

I did have to google "can humans get lungworm" recently when it occurred to me that I should probably wash my hands/gloves in between touching slugs and licking overripe fruit off my fingers :oops:

(Apparently they can but we don't get that species of lungworm in the UK)
How do you know they taste disgusting..? :hmm:

They have to. Just look at them.

Actually, I was wondering about that as I wrote it. Well, we eat snails, or at least some people do, but not slugs. I ate snails once. I was in Brussels, and persuaded my travel companion to try them, as he would eat anything, so I could cadge a few. Or to be honest, exactly two, enabling me to say that I have tried snails. They were rubbery and didn't have much of a taste, and what taste they did have was not exactly nice. They reminded me a bit of whelks, and whenever I've eaten those, I debate whether I actually like them and decide the answer is no. The garlic butter made the snails just about edible.

Fun slug fact of the day: the German word for slug is Nacktschnecke, or 'naked snail'.

Edited, because I am a tired idiot who originally wrote 'snail' for 'slug' originally in the last sentence, turning it into nonsense, but you were all too polite to point it out.
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I was trying to pull it off a thyme plant and then it showered me with slime and went very rigid and stopped moving. I thought it was just its defence mechanism but it stopped moving and I think it may have died. It was really weird and disturbing:D
These sort of organisations are absolute gems, aren't they? The Field Studies Council, even the name sounds like some precursor to a better way of living where knowledge is shared freely and we frolic through sunlit uplands trying not to step on anything squishy.
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