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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

skinny boi is off to kennels for a week over half term and I can't work out if his vaccinations are up to date...

They want: DHP, L4/L2 and kennel cough.

He's up to date for L4 and KC.

Does L4 cover DHP or is DHP a different vax?

Thanks :)

Hound for attention - caught between digging at the ground and seeing a squirrel:

Just a note re vaccinations, mungo went for his jabs today and the vet is now offering L4, (until now he’s been having L2) but will need a booster in 4 weeks so that he has full immunity. I know Sweet FA you’ve said Blue is up to date with L4, but this would have caught me out if I needed him fully vaccinated for kennels in the next couple of weeks.
Also they advise me having blood test for him for something I now can’t remember the name of, as he’s from mainland Europe. Apparently its a relatively new concern re dogs from other countries, and they now wouldn’t perform surgery on him without an all-clear. Another £60
Bloody dogs
Edit to add, I’ve looked it up, its Brucella, and very unlikely to apply to Mungo but can understand why vets would prefer to know that the dog doesn’t have it
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They're different things. L4 vaccinates against four strains of leptospirosis and DHP is for distemper, hepatitis and parvovirus.

Just a note re vaccinations, mungo went for his jabs today and the vet is now offering L4, (until now he’s been having L2) but will need a booster in 4 weeks so that he has full immunity. I know Sweet FA you’ve said Blue is up to date with L4, but this would have caught me out if I needed him fully vaccinated for kennels in the next couple of weeks.
Also they advise me having blood test for him for something I now can’t remember the name of, as he’s from mainland Europe. Apparently its a relatively new concern re dogs from other countries, and they now wouldn’t perform surgery on him without an all-clear. Another £60
Bloody dogs
Edit to add, I’ve looked it up, its Brucella, and very unlikely to apply to Mungo but can understand why vets would prefer to know that the dog doesn’t have it
Thanks both :)

He's covered. I misplaced his vax record and the DHP was on there...vet emailed vax record over and all good.
Mrs Loom’s sister asked us to look after her dog this weekend. I don’t know what it is that she has brought round - it might be an exotic rodent, it could be the business end of an innovative mop, as marketed exclusively through the Home Shopping Channel - but it is certainly not a dog.


That said, it does have some major advantages over dogs. It has no interest in stealing food. Even if it did, it would be completely unable to reach tables and work surfaces unaided. It tolerates novel lifeforms - even posties - without barking.

If we do replace Maximilien de Robespierre with a new dog, and it’s been two years now, reducing the risk of constant comparison against the best dog that has ever been, it will not be with a creature like this. But some of those traits might be worth considering when we decide upon our preferred breed.
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