He looks like a possumI got two dog farms shut down around here last week. 105 in one and 90 in another.
So we took in another puppy.
Hasn't got a name yet as he only arrived today.
View attachment 323783
He looks like a possum
The Right Way to Pet a Dog, According to Veterinarians
Yes, that German shepherd is adorable, but there’s a specific protocol you should follow when approaching dogs you haven’t met before.getpocket.com
My parents had a Newfie and completely worshipped her. I never did get used to the slobberI just met my first ever Newfoundland and I'm in love and covered in slobber.
A couple spreading the ashes of their dog were seen by a photographer who asked for permission to take a snap and shop it.
Here's the result:
View attachment 326423
Oh I love him tell him from me he's a good boy x
The other nice thing about having a dog is slowing down to their pace* and noticing all the things around you in natureDoes everyone else talk to the dog when they’re out walking quite a bit?
View attachment 323545
Here he is enjoying the view
Oh I love him tell him from me he's a good boy x
Dog Dub can have all my fiversbut don't lend him a fiver...
Persnickety is a much underused word.
I like how he's trying to do :srs face: but the tail is just a blur behind him