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The Dark Knight Rises (SPOILED)

I've found nearly all Nolan films to be most enjoyable on the second viewing.
The Prestige is the only one I re-watched but I had totally the opposite experience to you.
I liked it first time around but re-watching it just showed up all the flaws in it and made it clear that there wasn't rally all that much there.
Just got back from it. Seriously floppy plot, lots of earnest acting and writing thats not as clever as it thinks it is. The punching and the flying and the driving and the explosions were great though. Boff! Kapow!

But it just didnt make me care about the characters or the plot. Superhero movies that try and play it straight only make the ridiculousness more ridiculous. I think I prefer Tim Burton's version tbh. Theatrical and a little bit camp, which is better fitting to a story of a man who dresses up as a bat and punches people in prosthetic makeup.

Did anybody else notice that the rope in the unclimbable well went all the way to the top? It's a prison for idiots who can't climb ropes. Also, the policeman army has the worst urban warfare tactics I've ever seen.
... Superhero movies that try and play it straight only make the ridiculousness more ridiculous.

Did anybody else notice that the rope in the unclimbable well went all the way to the top? It's a prison for idiots who can't climb ropes.
It didn't play it straight, it made out Bane was the child.

If the rope didn't go all the way to the top...how would all the other prisoners get out, why do you think they chanted hoping someone would make it? Talia obviously left them there, Bruce fixed the rope for them to escape.
Whenever any prisoner tried to escape, the rope around their waist was tied to a point higher than the "leap of faith" ledges, right at the top. Just climb the rope to the top.

When I say "played straight" I mean the tone and internal logic, not the bluff in the plot. It wants to be a gritty, realistic, dramatic, emotional movie. About a gravel voiced man in fancy dress who punches people in makeup. Your standard kaboom-filled blockbuster is usually a little bit self aware, but these batman films want to be taken completely seriously. It's not a serious subject!
Did anybody else notice that the rope in the unclimbable well went all the way to the top? It's a prison for idiots who can't climb ropes. Also, the policeman army has the worst urban warfare tactics I've ever seen.
Yeah I did love the "lets just charge at people with tanks and semi-automatic weapons" tactic.
quick question, did they film some of this at Senate House, London? The scene where they take the SWAT team to visit Lucius and Miranda Tate, I'm sure I saw "William Beveridge Hall" written on the wall...
quick question, did they film some of this at Senate House, London? The scene where they take the SWAT team to visit Lucius and Miranda Tate, I'm sure I saw "William Beveridge Hall" written on the wall...
Yes, loads of it. It was also used for Batman Begins.
Yeah I did love the "lets just charge at people with tanks and semi-automatic weapons" tactic.

And packing everyone into a single narrow street, where half a dozen grenades could have wiped out the lot of them, was just mental. Stuff like that really bugs me, there's suspension of disbelief and then there's pure stupidity.
And packing everyone into a single narrow street, where half a dozen grenades could have wiped out the lot of them, was just mental. Stuff like that really bugs me, there's suspension of disbelief and then there's pure stupidity.

In fairness if your enemy isn't going to open fire until you're 20 metres away, then a mass charge might work ;)
If a nuke is about to go off killing everyone you have to attack directly, no time for anything else.
As for Batman making it out alive at the end, I read into it that Kyle planted the pearls on Batman in their embrace before he flies off, he sets it on autopilot and then she goes and picks him up wherever he jumped out, tracking the pearls as happened earlier in the film. They get mentioned as missing when they are going through the will. Or have I made something up in my head that just couldn't have happened?
I thought it was a neutron bomb. That would give a decent amount of flash and booom (not as much as conventional, but enough), and everyone exposed would die of the radiation later.
Other observations after a second viewing:

I didn't have a problem with the rope climb. The rope was higher than the ledge, but the wall above could well have been unclimbable.

Bane has completely raised the bar for super-villains leaving a hero in an escapable trap and then ignoring them while getting on with executing their masterplan.

Blake throwing his police badge away could be un hommage to High Noon, a bit like the Shane reference from The Dark Knight.

Apart from people's mysterious knowledge of the countdown clock, the only plothole I really noticed was Talia meeting Bruce after he's come back and apparently not telling Bane, so that he's surprised when Batman announces his return. Only really affects a bit of acting rather than the actual plot unfolding though.
Apart from people's mysterious knowledge of the countdown clock, the only plothole I really noticed was Talia meeting Bruce after he's come back and apparently not telling Bane, so that he's surprised when Batman announces his return. Only really affects a bit of acting rather than the actual plot unfolding though.

Talia would surely have just detonated the bomb as soon as she knew that Bruce had returned. The reason the league didn't do so initally was to torture Bruce by making him watch Gotham get destroyed but at the point he starts to lead the resistance they had everything to lose and nothing to gain by continuing to fight. Unless of course some sort of physical victory over batman prior to the destruction was part of the MO of their revenge. On that last point why would Talia have wanted to avenge her father's death given that he cast her and her childhood protector out into the cold?
Apart from people's mysterious knowledge of the countdown clock

Weren't Morgan Freeman and Random Board Member present when the Russian scientist switched on the bomb and mentioned the timer? They could have told other people.
Watched it over the weekend.

Was "fine" I suppose. Definitely the weakest of the trilogy - some great individual scenes, but the pacing and flow was all over the shop and it just didn't grip me like the other two. Oddly it didn't feel particularly long and I reckon that it may have worked better if it had been longer still, allowing some of the key plot-lines and character development arcs more room to grow and breathe.

Not bad, not great - just mildly disappointing.

I suppose then that by default, if one (correctly) ignores the existence of Insomnia, it claims the title of "worst Nolan movie".

Saw this a couple of days ago, and still think it was very meh. Third best superhero film of the summer.
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