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The best frozen vegetables?


Seaside Queen
I find it difficult to shop just once a week as I like my fresh vegetables. I've got plenty of food in the fridge and freezer, but none of it is particularly healthy.

Peas are great, but they are the only frozen veg that works for me.

I've tried frozen sprouts, spinach and broad beans and they have all been awful.

I like Aldi's cauliflower cheese, but wrapping it in cheese sauce seems to defeat the purpose of eating vegetables.

Can anyone recommend me some decent frozen stuff?
Frozen peas are the only frozen veg I buy.

I do get Leeks, Carrots, Cabbage, Broccoli and occasionally other things when they are very reduced in the #haggleshelf

Got some big bags of spuds last week for 11p each.

Mashed some, roasted some and sautéed some then froze them all up. Bit of a faff to do but good to have for less than 50p (plus a bit of oil and butter) and will likely last me for a month.
Frozen peas are the only frozen veg I buy.

I do get Leeks, Carrots, Cabbage, Broccoli and occasionally other things when they are very reduced in the #haggleshelf

Got some big bags of spuds last week for 11p each.

Mashed some, roasted some and sautéed some then froze them all up. Bit of a faff to do but good to have for less than 50p (plus a bit of oil and butter) and will likely last me for a month.
Ah OK, freezing your own. Hadn't thought of that, but I can't see frozen cabbage being edible. Although I've frozen spiced red cabbage very successfully, might have a go at that.
Sweetcorn is good.
Broccoli is ok as long as you don’t over cook it.
I used leeks recently and they were really watery which was no good for the dish I was making.

Green beans go really grey which I don’t like.

I often have onion/garlic/ginger/chillies in the freezer, it’s really handy.
Ah OK, freezing your own. Hadn't thought of that, but I can't see frozen cabbage being edible. Although I've frozen spiced red cabbage very successfully, might have a go at that.
I don't freeze loads and generally freeze it (not spuds) raw. Only when fresh veg is very cheap.
To buy frozen? Peas and sweetcorn. Sliced runner beans seem to be ok too (but the less fibrous green beans tend to go a bit mushy).

I freeze my own root veg (carrots/parsnips/swede) - the peel can go a bit tough in the freezer so I peel and cut into suitable shape/size pieces and parboil - works particularly well for dumping into stews towards the end of the cooking time, or roasting from frozen (if you leave the bits fairly big).

I deal with a lot of stuff that doesn't freeze too well by itself by batch cooking and freezing - a load of courgettes and peppers and tomatoes become ratatouille - which can also be used as a base for a pasta sauce or veggie curry.
Broccoli is okay if bought frozen. Tastes the same as fresh when cooked.
I disagree.
Though frozen it's easy to get a soft texture quicky. The taste is never there and by the time it's thawed it's too soggy and soft for me.
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Frozen cabbage is great for stews etc.

Had some frozen broccoli recently but the florets were mush and the stems woody and indelible.
broadbeans, and edamame beans, carrots are OK too. Have bought frozen shredded cabbage (OK in bubble and squeak) and chopped spinach is OK too. O, just noticed you weren't keen on broadies (which, as one of my fave veggies with the shortest fresh season, I use a lot. depends how you use them a lot.
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I buy these things frozen: mushrooms, peppers, cabbage, peas, onions, cauliflower and those bags of what Mr Sainsbury calls casserole mix. Those are good for soups.

I buy fresh garlic and ginger and coriander and lemon grass and chillis and freeze all of those. You need to peel and slice the garlic and ginger and freeze them flat before chucking them in their respective freezer bags.
They do bags of frozen Mediterranean veg in either Tesco or Sainsburys - I forget which - that are pretty good for slamming in the oven and then mixing with pasta and pesto.

Ive had some frozen sliced peppers recently as well which were absolutely fine in a chilli.

Frozen green beans are good as well to put in stews and the like.

Obviously none are quite as good as fresh but I've found all of them to be a reasonable substitute to have in the freezer.
Chopped spinach in those little bricks. Heat them gently with a knob of butter and when they've melted they're ready.

Also the best spinach to use for saag curries.

Ooh yes I agree, had forgotten about that although I always keep some in the freezer - perfect for curries or for pasta fiorentina
Broad beans, spinach, methi, karela, okra, peas, all ready frozen and if there's a bag of kale in the whoopsies I'll freeze that. I'll also freeze big bags of tomatoes if they're cheep in the greengrocers as they're fine if you're cooking with them.
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