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The Beast Revelation

If the Bible was a reliable account for predicting future events, then there wouldn't be a million different interpretations of the supposed prophecies contained within. All sorts of different figures have been pointed at as being candidates for Beasthood, from the Roman Emperor Nero onwards. So many different failed attempts at predictive models, using source material that is in itself deeply suspect. The Bible contains predictions that have been proven outright false, such as II Samuel 7:10 which predicted that the Jewish people will never lose their homeland (they did), or Isaiah 17:1-2 which predicted that Damascus would cease being a city, yet which has remained continuously inhabited over 27 centuries.

Astronomers, on the other hand, have really nailed the game of providing accurate predictions. The positions of the Sun, Moon, and other celestial bodies can be predicted thousands of years into the future, using a handful of models that have been collaboratively refined over the last few centuries. Instead of millions of wildly different interpretations, a distinct progression from Keplerian, to Newtonian, to relativistic models can be seen, each building on the other to produce ever-more accurate predictions of future events.

Until all these biblical interpreters can build anything remotely resembling a consensus on what future events the Bible purports to predict, then they have nothing useful to offer to anyone with or without faith. Speaking of which, it seems odd to me that anyone who truly claims to trust in God would scrabble through the Bible in an attempt to dredge up answers beyond those which can be plainly read on its pages.
I think we can be sure that John the Revelator did not think

1) Jesus's death atoned for humanity's sins
2) This would usher in an apocalypse that would end all sin (and sinners) and suffering
3) But this apocalypse would occur in 2000+ years time
4) So in the meantime good luck with all the sin and suffering

Nobody ever predicts a distant future end of the world. It's always imminent.
If the Bible was a reliable account for predicting future events, then there wouldn't be a million different interpretations of the supposed prophecies contained within. All sorts of different figures have been pointed at as being candidates for Beasthood, from the Roman Emperor Nero onwards. So many different failed attempts at predictive models, using source material that is in itself deeply suspect. The Bible contains predictions that have been proven outright false, such as II Samuel 7:10 which predicted that the Jewish people will never lose their homeland (they did), or Isaiah 17:1-2 which predicted that Damascus would cease being a city, yet which has remained continuously inhabited over 27 centuries.

Astronomers, on the other hand, have really nailed the game of providing accurate predictions. The positions of the Sun, Moon, and other celestial bodies can be predicted thousands of years into the future, using a handful of models that have been collaboratively refined over the last few centuries. Instead of millions of wildly different interpretations, a distinct progression from Keplerian, to Newtonian, to relativistic models can be seen, each building on the other to produce ever-more accurate predictions of future events.

Until all these biblical interpreters can build anything remotely resembling a consensus on what future events the Bible purports to predict, then they have nothing useful to offer to anyone with or without faith. Speaking of which, it seems odd to me that anyone who truly claims to trust in God would scrabble through the Bible in an attempt to dredge up answers beyond those which can be plainly read on its pages.
I understand that, in principle, it is possible that the Earth, or another planet, could be ejected from the Solar System. It is something to do with the three-body problem.

I think that you are comparing apples and cabbages. Predictions about social/political events are not comparable to predictions about the motions of bodies in space.

The "prophecies" in the Bible are assertions that have to be understood in the context of the time, and it is dishonest for people to try to retrofit them to contemporary events. These "predictions" were wrong, and it has to be accepted that they are wrong.
I understand that, in principle, it is possible that the Earth, or another planet, could be ejected from the Solar System. It is something to do with the three-body problem.

I think that you are comparing apples and cabbages. Predictions about social/political events are not comparable to predictions about the motions of bodies in space.

The "prophecies" in the Bible are assertions that have to be understood in the context of the time, and it is dishonest for people to try to retrofit them to contemporary events. These "predictions" were wrong, and it has to be accepted that they are wrong.

As I understand it, The three-body problem relates to our ability to produce solved equations predicting the long-term behaviour of orbital bodies using their initial positions and velocities. However astronomical models have developed sufficiently to predict previously undiscovered objects such as Neptune, and solar and lunar eclipses can currently be predicted up to a millennium in advance.

Even if we are talking about predicting social and political events, a prediction and the likely soundness of the methodology used to produce it can be demonstrated as valid or invalid by the course of events. Maybe there really is a means of interpreting the Bible which can consistently produce precise, detailed (and therefore potentially falsifiable) predictions of future events ahead of time. The problem is that no such thing has ever been demonstrated.

The Bible was written by mortal men who were products of their time, so it is fundamentally absurd to expect them to have any insight into events occurring after their death. But even if one accepts the possibility of divine intervention merely for the sake of argument, the value of an orchard is in the fruit it produces, and nothing of substance has ever fallen out of those trees.
If the Bible was a reliable account for predicting future events, then there wouldn't be a million different interpretations of the supposed prophecies contained within. All sorts of different figures have been pointed at as being candidates for Beasthood, from the Roman Emperor Nero onwards. So many different failed attempts at predictive models, using source material that is in itself deeply suspect. The Bible contains predictions that have been proven outright false, such as II Samuel 7:10 which predicted that the Jewish people will never lose their homeland (they did), or Isaiah 17:1-2 which predicted that Damascus would cease being a city, yet which has remained continuously inhabited over 27 centuries.

Astronomers, on the other hand, have really nailed the game of providing accurate predictions. The positions of the Sun, Moon, and other celestial bodies can be predicted thousands of years into the future, using a handful of models that have been collaboratively refined over the last few centuries. Instead of millions of wildly different interpretations, a distinct progression from Keplerian, to Newtonian, to relativistic models can be seen, each building on the other to produce ever-more accurate predictions of future events.

Until all these biblical interpreters can build anything remotely resembling a consensus on what future events the Bible purports to predict, then they have nothing useful to offer to anyone with or without faith. Speaking of which, it seems odd to me that anyone who truly claims to trust in God would scrabble through the Bible in an attempt to dredge up answers beyond those which can be plainly read on its pages.
The bible is clear that you will you will either go to heaven or hell forever and that satan will be defeated.
The good news is God's holiness. Love, mercy, forgiveness grace and a power that cannot ever be shaken. Salvation eternal paradise. All yours through grace. Nevertheless most angrily reject it.

Can't speak for most, but personally, I reject the fucker because they are a genocidal, murderous, evil, callous, spiteful, spineless piece of fucking garbage that's heaped misery upon misery on humankind for millennia.
Can't speak for most, but personally, I reject the fucker because they are a genocidal, murderous, evil, callous, spiteful, spineless piece of fucking garbage that's heaped misery upon misery on humankind for millennia.
That's confrontational, but your choice.
Well, they started it.

A most confrontational, demanding tyranny throughout the ages.

They deserve to be on trial for crimes against humanity.
There's quite a lot of comments on Urban that are too dumb too parse without going into fits and paroxims of despair. They are frequent nowadays, but yeah here's one.
There's quite a lot of comments on Urban that are too dumb too parse without going in into fits and paroxims of despair. They are frequent nowadays, but yeah here's one.
Agreed. This exact point was discussed and conceded to on a different, but recent thread. The poster you quote is cantankerous, refuses to cede any point and has a huge chip on their shoulder
Agreed. This exact point was discussed and conceded to on a different, but recent thread. The poster you quote is cantankerous, refuses to cede any point and has a huge chip on their shoulder

You bloat up threads with links and content free nonsense, post sectarian and bigoted poison and expect no consequences?


ETA: and you haven't actually made any points. Just judgemental and reactionary right wing shite against modern Ireland, people who died of AIDS, and atheists.
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I've got more in my little finger than 99% of yous. Jog on.

It's not a pissing competition, silly.

If you want to wank on and on about your favourite things, that's fine. If you want to have conversations with yourself that makes zero sense, that's fine, too.

Occasionally your bullshit will be challenged, though.
It's not a pissing competition, silly.
My 'output' is what it is. Don't need to check in with you. More than you will ever have. A few people know and move out my way.

Don't mean fuck ALL what your 'be nice to him so I can insult him later stick is about.'

probably going on ignore.
My 'output' is what it is. Don't need to check in with you. More than you will ever have. A few people know and move out my way.

Don't mean fuck ALL what your 'be nice to him so I can insult him later stick is about.'

probably going on ignore.

As I've said, post what you like, you usually do. But other urbanites will challenge you on it from time to time.

Especially if you're on a mission to promote pure evil.

After all, a chara, why should your hot take on god be the one, true take?
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