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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

TBF I want the meth problem sorted too. Banning psuedoephedrine means every winter's a grim snotty struggle. I have to get visiting whanau to smuggle me some sudafed.
Yeah, I read that earlier. Does this mean that they've completely turned away from the murder, gun running, and extortion they've been into since the 60s or is this a good bit of PR from elements of one or two chapters? Either way, is allowing outfits like MM involvement in social protection a good idea? As you know, they've been involved in some horrific shit over the years. This is akin to the Krays saying they'd turned over a new leaf and now want to be nice to people.

If New Zealanders see the light and legalise weed next year MM and BP become legit big time businesses.
If New Zealanders see the light and legalise weed next year MM and BP become legit big time businesses.
Only if they legalise methamphetamine, extortion, racketeering, and gang rape, too. Fucks sake guys, just cos they said some nice things about muslims does not make these boys a bunch of fluffy cunts!
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No-ones saying they're fluffy cunts tbh. They're still shady as. But there's a lot of other work going on that's not in the news that gets out tbh.

It's probably down to proximity aye. I'm in South Auckland, we've got gangs here.

TBH we should really focus on the Mormons ;)
peterkro, Balbi While watching these scenes, I've cried. And many times I've cried. They make me cry through my eyes. I really don't know how to thank you guys and to all those people. All these people are the hope and source of inspiration to the new generation. As a Muslim, I hope peace will come to the world. I wish you peace from the burdens of your mind and heart. I wish you peace, strength and hope. The hearts of these people will save the world. The situation of these people will save the world.

Today, we suffer. The suffering brings sadness. The hatred brings destruction. Lives fall down and crash into pieces. However, no matter what the conditions, we did not lose our hope. Our determination, our ambition, and our talent. Most importantly, we did not lose our self-confidence. That leads to good results. Because sometimes a great disaster, bring people together in a spirit of peace and reconciliation, and bring peoples and countries closer together, as we see. Broken pieces of words that flow out of a child's mouth can turn into miracles. God willing, peace will bring tranquility again. And God the Almighty bless you all.
Six days on, Ardern has announced a full ban on all semi-auto and assault weapons, high capacity magazines and any tools used for conversion of weapons into these guns. These weapons will be immediately reclassified as E License, and no E licenses will be issued at this time - effectively banning the sale of these weapons immediately.

Buyback scheme of owned weapons - but registration of them required for the moment.

Big fines, sentencing for illegal weapons.
Six days on, Ardern has announced a full ban on all semi-auto and assault weapons, high capacity magazines and any tools used for conversion of weapons into these guns. These weapons will be immediately reclassified as E License, and no E licenses will be issued at this time - effectively banning the sale of these weapons immediately.

Buyback scheme of owned weapons - but registration of them required for the moment.

Big fines, sentencing for illegal weapons.

That sounds a very sensible compromise: means those who want rifles for target shooting, hunting, or pest control can legally hold a firearm that will comfortably do the job, whilst preventing anyone legally holding the sorts of firearms that make mass casualty incidents easier to deliver for those determined to do so.
That sounds a very sensible compromise: means those who want rifles for target shooting, hunting, or pest control can legally hold a firearm that will comfortably do the job, whilst preventing anyone legally holding the sorts of firearms that make mass casualty incidents easier to deliver for those determined to do so.
It's helped by the fact that the NZ population seem largely sensible on the issue. Meanwhile you have the NRA in the US still massively misunderstanding their own constitution:
In response, National Rifle Association (NRA) spokeswoman Dana Loesch cited the Second Amendment of the US constitution, which gives Americans the right to carry guns.

"The US isn't NZ," she tweeted. "While they do not have an inalienable right to bear arms and to self defense, we do."
It looks like they are banning military style semi autos (MSSAs) and assault rifles. Need to find out the definition of "military style" because not all semis are MSSAs or assault weapons. A lot of scumbags will likely just keep the weapons though because at the moment they're not registered so there's no way of knowing how many are out there and who has them. It's impressive though. It took the UK a year after Dunblane to get to this point.
It's helped by the fact that the NZ population seem largely sensible on the issue. Meanwhile you have the NRA in the US still massively misunderstanding their own constitution:

It looks like they are banning military style semi autos (MSSAs) and assault rifles. Need to find out the definition of "military style" because not all semis are MSSAs or assault weapons. A lot of scumbags will likely just keep the weapons though because at the moment they're not registered so there's no way of knowing how many are out there and who has them. It's impressive though. It took the UK a year after Dunblane to get to this point.

How do you mean the NRA misunderstand the second amendment?
Yeah, I was going to bang on about the militia thing but they've ruled that individual ownership is enshrined too haven't they.
US constitutional law is bonkers. Serious people addressing with a straight face what they believe was in the Founders' heads (always capital F, of course). A whole set of law based on the ideas of men over 200 years ago who expressly ruled in favour of slavery! Reading their judgements makes my head hurt at the absurdity of the whole basic premise.

France is on to its fifth republic. The US never even got on to its second.
US constitutional law is bonkers. Serious people addressing with a straight face what they believe was in the Founders' heads (always capital F, of course). A whole set of law based on the ideas of men over 200 years ago who expressly ruled in favour of slavery! Reading their judgements makes my head hurt at the absurdity of the whole basic premise.

France is on to its fifth republic. The US never even got on to its second.

Elizabeth Warren wants to get rid of the electoral college, which while indefensible to any sane person is in the un-amendable bit of the constitution so technically can never be changed.
US constitutional law is bonkers.
unlike british constititional law i suppose
Serious people addressing with a straight face what they believe was in the Founders' heads (always capital F, of course). A whole set of law based on the ideas of men over 200 years ago who expressly ruled in favour of slavery! Reading their judgements makes my head hurt at the absurdity of the whole basic premise.

France is on to its fifth republic. The US never even got on to its second.
nor has britain for that matter
Front page of the main Christchurch daily paper today:

some gun nuts are obsessed with having enough weapons to fight the US government if it turns tyrannous although most of their critics point out if it's a right-wing tyranny they'd be queuing up to join in the fun:mad: Exercise Jade helm getting really angry about ex Walmarts being turned into camps. But when they did turn Walmarts into camps and separated kids and chucked them is not a peep.
you can go on youtube and see videos of these asshats walking the streets with a rifle that looks like an assault rifle ( how dare you call it an assault rifle :rolleyes:your a scared libtard its all mil-spec but as it can't fire fully automatic its a sporting carbine:facepalm:) whining they get hassled by the police who mostly ask them wtf are they doing and why and could you not do this as it scares folks and wastes our time.
Re rifles they will probably ban any centre fire rifle with an easy detachable magazine the M1 Granard is semi-auto its the WW2 us army rifle has an 8 round internal magazine and the Russian SKS has a 10 round mag as issued there's probably a few others which are pretty obscure.
you can get .22 military style rifles that let you do all the target shooting you could possibly want while not being remotely as lethal
.22lr is a tiny round .223/.556 isnt much bigger in diameter buts about 10Xthe size in bullet weight and powder behind it and is the Nato military round. Its not considered a humane hunting round for anything much bigger than a fox.
yes but it doesn't count if its too brown and yellow people or brown and yellow don't count as people I'll leave that question to philosophers:mad:
anything that remotely stands in their way of getting enough firepower to start a small war is evil.
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