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Terror Plot


Sources: August terror plot is a 'fiction' underscoring police failures

<huge page-long , FAQ-busting cut and paste from the all censoring Nafeez Ahmed removed>
So that's:

1. One huge pageful of cut and paste after repeated warnings
2. Another pageful of cut and paste after repeated warnings

which can only lead to:

3. Ban

And you've only got yourself to blame. Act like an arrogant cunt, get treated like an arrogant cunt.

Why have you c+p'd all that shit?

You know it's against the faq's, you've been told many times.

Is there something specific in there that you want us to read, cos I'm not wading through the whole fucking lot?
Spymaster said:

Why have you c+p'd all that shit?

You know it's against the faq's, you've been told many times.

Is there something specific in there that you want us to read, cos I'm not wading through the whole fucking lot?
Too late I'm afraid as he's been banned for at least a week now.

He even managed to cut and paste it all into the wrong forum too!
Jonti said:
A Martyr for the Cause of Truth.

I tell ya, Galileo had nothing on the guy!
Yes, except that in this case A23 taps the ground and says, 'And yet it is still the static centre of the cosmos.'
Spymaster said:
He must have done that on purpose. An obvious suicide attempt.
Now that I've spotted the third massive cut and paste today, I'm thinking that too.

He'd been warned about his endless FAQ-busting many, many times, so if the mods do decide to make it a permaban, it'll be because he was acting like a fucking arsehole and repeatedly causing extra work for the mods, and not because he was 'speaking the truth/censored/gagged/unfairly banned' etc etc
Ah well I hope the mods can forgive him (again!) altho seems unlikely now. He's nuttily amusing or is that amusingly nutty?
I like him, although I think he's as mad as a hatter. He needs to be getting help IMO rather than posting on here, because some of the things which he has posted have made me worry about him :(
I will miss Azrael23's open-minded world-view & the way he could effortlessly remain polite and progressive in the face of overwhelmingly (to me) aggressive close-mindedness, hypocrisy, ridicule & outright abuse.
yeah, i am quite fond of him, and agree with you re the hypocrisy ...

but still think he's bonkers though.
He's a gullible paranoid whining woe-is-me cunt and a permaban might wake him up to some semblance of reality.

And he can take that twat Prole with him.

Plenty of other websites for his anti-semitic theories.
Psychonaut said:
I will miss Azrael23's open-minded world-view & the way he could effortlessly remain polite and progressive in the face of overwhelmingly (to me) aggressive close-mindedness, hypocrisy, ridicule & outright abuse.

Do you not agree he was breaking the FAQ though?

I hope you don't imagine he was 'unfairly censored for speaking the truth' or something.

Your post reads like that of a fellow-conspiracist -- what's 'hypocritical' about finding bonkers made up nonsense from well dodgy sources tedious?

Can't say I'm too sorry if Azrael's ban ends up being perma -- obviously bonkers conspiranuts discredit and get in the way of GENUINE research and get in the way of proper questions aimed at applying a TRULY sceptical eye to the establishment. I'm a sometime historian trained in assessing ALL sources critically and sceptically, and trained in assessing the credibility or not of various sources**, and who from that knows how to assess the believability or not of EVIDENCE (or lack of it :rolleyes: ). In that role, I found the way Azrael uncritically and unquestioningly regurgitated any old bollocks dragged off prisonplanet and similar, while abusing anyone sceptical about his 'alternative versions' as gullible dupes of the establishment, to be totally cringeworthy and a total embarassment.

**Can't say I possess the necessary sense of application and hard work to follow these principles throughthese days :oops:, but I know a dodgy source and a made up 'theory' and a COMPLETE avoidance of Occams Razor when I see them!

And as for 'closedmindedness' ... people should mind that their 'minds' are not so 'open' that their brains fall out, in a much repeated but entirely valid axiom .... in this context.

In the paper on Sunday ...

Conspiracy Theorist ... One who disbelieves everything they read in the newspapers, but believe everything they read on the internet ....

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