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Possible 'false-flag' terror as prelude to World Cup 5th-6th June

Jazzz said:
I'd like you to check on the IP addresses for the Icke login. If you cannot do so I have to conclude you are covering for the culprit.

edit: I don't know, and we don't have an independent source for that claim.

Jesus, with jumps of logic like that, it's no wonder that everyone thinks you a nutjob

Wouldn't you think your time better spent by checking up the credibility of the sources you're linking to - once again you've been left with egg on your face as you quote yet another laughable, delusional nutjob with a laissez-faire attitude to accuracy and honesty. And here you are demanding IP Checks from the editor here, yet you can't even make the most rudimentary checks into your own sources.

You're having a laugh aren't you?
Jazzz said:
I'd like you to check on the IP addresses for the Icke login. If you cannot do so I have to conclude you are covering for the culprit.
Fantastic logic:

Jazzz: "Oy! Here! I want you to go out of your way and do something for me, even though you are not obliged in any way at all to give up your precious time on a frivolous matter of no concern to yourself"

editor: "No - I'm too busy, I don't give out personal info on request and, frankly, I can't arsed"

Jazzz: "That's all the proof I need of a cover up!"

You're turning into a fucking idiot. Don't you fucking dare accuse me of "covering up" for someone just because I can't be arsed to jump when you say so.


:mad: :mad: :mad:
I asked you very patiently and it was something I was accused of, I also suggested I ask fridgemagnet if you were too busy. It's not a 'frivolous matter'.

This is something you do very easily most of the time.

Oh well, I'm off to move house. Fingers crossed there are no major incidents! :)
Jazzz said:
It's not a 'frivolous matter'.
It is to me. Why should I give a fuck about the IP address of a non-posting member?

I do hope you'll be quick to apologise for your utterly groundless accusation that I was "covering for the culprit" because I'm just about fed up with your bullshit.
Feeling generous, I went out of my way to check the IP address of the David Icke log in.

It doesn't match pk or any other obvious anti-moonfruit posters (if that's what you were accusing me of "covering up").

So now what, Jazzz?

An apology, perhaps?
Thanks editor, yes that was a hasty remark of mine. And to pk, I also shouldn't have indulged in making implied accusations no matter what comes my way.

i saw a message on icke's site (im not a fan btw) a couple of weeks ago saying that he doesnt post on message boards and that anyone claiming to be him is not him (apparantly its happened a few times)
I'm gonna party like it's 1427 :)

2 hours left BST-xtian calendar i say we must be on Islammer Time:cool: :D

My new calendar;)
Jazzz said:
James Stewart, who was offered £50,000 a year to stop warning people about possible terror attacks after predicting the date of 22nd July 2005 is warning of a possible terror attack in the days before the World Cup, specifically the 5th or 6th of June. He specifies either Germany or Chicago.
Right, that's that then. Another spectacular non event.

Please be sure to tell that deluded, lying, bullshitting cunt with the talking terrier to keep his fruitloop fantasies to himself from now on.

And if you dare start another scaremongering thread on these boards based on the clueless witterings of this gormless moron, you will be banned.

I thought you'd hit rock bottom with your idiotic 'mini-nukes in Parliament' bullshit but you've now surpassed yourself with this latest piece of vacuous drivel for the terminally gullible.

As a reminder to others about how gullible you are, here's the stinking pile of shit posted up by the talking terrier:
All of the details on this page & links confirm that there is an extremely high likelihood of a Staged "False Flag" Atrocity on or around the 5th June 2006 – not necessarily on 6/6/6. Although it could happen anytime in that period, more evidence points to 5th June 2006 than 6th June 2006 and particularly if you include the required element of surprise. Everyone will be watching on the 6th, no-one will be watching on the 5th.
Link: http://www.threeworldwars.com/june06-2006.htm
Subsequently Added: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Governments
Link: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/destruction_of_the_trade_centers.htm
And that threeworldwars site really takes the biscuit for sheer deluded idiocy. Listen to this load of fruitloop garbage:
June 6, 2006 is the 62nd anniversary of D-Day. The Normandy invasion, codenamed Operation Overlord, remains the largest seaborne invasion in history involving almost three million troops crossing the English Channel from England to Normandy in then German-occupied France. Conspiratorial History buffs will know that WW2 was planned in order to bring International Communism to the fore. What better way to commemorate the anniversary of a major WW2 event than a human sacrifice using a planned disaster 62 years later to the day? June 6th is also exactly 40 years since June 6, 1966 (6/6/66) - 40 years being associated in the Bible with a period of testing. Has the Earth been tested for the past 40 years? Hmmm.
From an Email Subscriber:

Could WWIII start in 06/06/06? That day including 666 in many contest: it is 36 day from Beltaine(36 is 6x6 and when we sum numbers 1 to 36 total is 666.). Next day 06/07/06 is 136 days and 136 years after vision of Albert Pike in 1870, 6 days, 9 months and 66 years from beginning of WWII and 15(1+5=6) days, 6 months and 6 years before end of Mayan calendar. 06/06/06 is 9 days, 11 months and 91 years from beginning of WWI, 444 days from second anniversary of Iraq invasion, there is 333 days between London's bombing and that day and 222 days from French's Muslim riots.
And it gets better - this 'be prepared for 06/06/06' page is right off the scale of nutjobbery:

Post up this kind of moonfruit shit again and you're outta here, Jazzz. Enough is enough now.
Jazzz said:
If we get to the 12th June without a terror atrocity I'll stop posting for a week. And I will be very pleased to do so.
Hold on. Your thread title specifically states 5th-6th June, as does the fruitloop sites you referred to and, of course, the talking terrier with the lying fake charity master.

So why are you trying to stretch it all the way until the 12th?
TeeJay said:
To be completely fair it is still only 6.28pm in Chicago... ;)
I think it's already been established that terrorists always plan their atrocities to GMT!

Either way the talking terrier had already insisted that it was going to happen yesterday: "there is an extremely high likelihood of a Staged "False Flag" Atrocity on or around the 5th June 2006 – not necessarily on 6/6/6. Although it could happen anytime in that period, more evidence points to 5th June 2006"
editor said:
I think it's already been established that terrorists always plan their atrocities to GMT!

Zulu Time - perrrlease!

All proper military forces operate on Zulu Time.

Unless there's been an outbreak of Political Correctness Gorn Madd lately and they've renamed it Diverse Time...
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I haven't read the whole thread: somewhere in there, does it explain exactly what a 'false flag' atrocity is?
If you want to get utterly depressed and lose the will to live, you could read the dire financialoutrage site where the owner of the barking terrier goes on about the:
The Illuminati Fraud Of The Century: Initially perpetrated by a secret Elite Group of 13 Zionist families of International Private Bankers, the Illuminati, who gained control by using secret ancient knowledge to illegally create money out of thin air.......

....[the nasty lizard people] have financed and perpetrated "False Flag Atrocities" to induce every war since the Napoleonic War, and who now perpetrate "False Flag Terrorist Atrocities' in New York 9/11, Bali, Madrid, London 7/7, Egypt, Jordan and the Tsunami to further their agenda which is a One World Government controlled by FALSE fear of a terrorist 'Bogeyman' organisation that does NOT even exist.
er editor did you note the word 'possible' in the thread title? And the idea was to stop it happening. It's a bit much to go bananas now (especially after waiting to make sure nothing happened). :)
Jazzz said:
er editor did you note the word 'possible' in the thread title? And the idea was to stop it happening. It's a bit much to go bananas now (especially after waiting to make sure nothing happened).
I'm not having you posting up any more fucking moronic scaremongering threads here.

Keep your idiotic, fact-free, 'false flag' fruitloop fantasies to yourself from now on or post elsewhere.

Post up any more garbage from the talking terrier with the fake charity and you're out of here.
Jazzz said:
er editor did you note the word 'possible' in the thread title? And the idea was to stop it happening. It's a bit much to go bananas now (especially after waiting to make sure nothing happened). :)
Oh you are fucking kidding.

Jazzz, saviour of the world!
There is an extremely high likelihood of another staged false-"false-flag"-terror-attack-hype-attack around 11 September 2006.

You read it here first.
Jazzz said:
er editor did you note the word 'possible' in the thread title? And the idea was to stop it happening.
You succeeded! Thank God you're around to protect us all.
Jazzz said:
er editor did you note the word 'possible' in the thread title? And the idea was to stop it happening. It's a bit much to go bananas now (especially after waiting to make sure nothing happened). :)

Complete and utter BS like the post starting this thread

1) encourages anti-semitism, by continual garbage about Mossad--who when all is said and done are not more important than CIA etc.

2) acts to devalue any genuine advance warnings of atrocities that might arise

3) serves to discredit anybody looking at genuine 'false flag' operations by debasing the term, and making it subject to ridicule.

In short, if you were running a spook disinformation snow-job operation, these are exactly the sorts of threads that you would put up. The point of course is lost on Jazz, who is so utterly naive that when real-life spooks and liars (Machon/Shayler) waltz into his milieu, he accepts them at total face value.

If all this wasn't so serious, it'd be almost funny. But it isn't.
Jazzz said:
er editor did you note the word 'possible' in the thread title? And the idea was to stop it happening. It's a bit much to go bananas now (especially after waiting to make sure nothing happened). :)

This is just more evidence of your nuttiness. It didn't happen = we stopped it.
Do you enjoy being a laughing stock?
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