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Galloway wary of 'staged terror attack'

Kaka Tim said:
Its not really fare to say Galloway is actively warning about a staged terror plot - he was going along with the questioner in his usual way of smoozing his hosts (i.e 'we salute your indefatigability ..etc').

It was a very significant comment he made - there would have been no need to describe the scenario as 'a very real danger' had he not believed this to be the case. Have a listen to the audio clip, and listen to the way his voice darkens when he makes the comment.

Also, have a look at www.prisonplanet.com, and note the politics of the radio station that George Galloway has endorsed by appearing on.
DrJazzz said:
It was a very significant comment he made - there would have been no need to describe the scenario as 'a very real danger' had he not believed this to be the case. Have a listen to the audio clip, and listen to the way his voice darkens when he makes the comment.

Also, have a look at www.prisonplanet.com, and note the politics of the radio station that George Galloway has endorsed by appearing on.

You're so right - Galloway is certianly not the sort of person to make overblown comments off the cuff is he ?

Oh - actually ....
I am gone on a road trip for a while and look at how silly it gets, well Ok I cant keep it from being silly, some are determined to be that way.

So many Want GWB to attack Iran just so they can say I told you so.
Why is that ?
Is your life so boring ya just gotta find something to get upset about?
But Wait
The United States has NOT invaded attacked or done anything to Iran
so, every one is just getting ready to complain just in case.

So If Iran Really Does do something Stupid (just like they always do)
and the United States takes action, (Like we should)
Your Ready to complain.............

It must be nice for you to have such silly things to concern yourself with.
Rentonite said:
I am gone on a road trip for a while and look at how silly it gets, well Ok I cant keep it from being silly, some are determined to be that way.

So many Want GWB to attack Iran just so they can say I told you so.
Why is that ?
Is your life so boring ya just gotta find something to get upset about?
But Wait
The United States has NOT invaded attacked or done anything to Iran
so, every one is just getting ready to complain just in case.

So If Iran Really Does do something Stupid (just like they always do)
and the United States takes action, (Like we should)
Your Ready to complain.............

It must be nice for you to have such silly things to concern yourself with.

Fuck me it's back :rolleyes:

You don't think your govt capable of engineeing a fake attack on America or more likely the UK as it's population is far more pliable due to our newspaper ownership system. You must be living in cloud cuckoo land.
Notwithstanding DC's eminient capability of pulling such a stunt I think this is just Galloway trying to stay ahead of the game but as many here have said his run too far ahead, even if DC were contemplating it, it would be THE stupidest thing they ever did and that's a fucking large piece of stupid.

Now if he'd reigned it in a bit and said a similar thing but added the words 'Isreal' and 'strategic bombing' then he'd be onto something but typical Galloway, sensationalist and over-inflated.
nose blower said:
Just goes to show the depths to which Galloway is willing to sink to push his own agenda. The guy reminds me of Hitler/Stalin/Mao.

So who does Bush remind you of, Jesus and your dad?
First the US (even with the UK) couldn't support occupying Iran as well as iraq, and invading the former would make the entire region far far more dangerous to them. If the US/UK attack it will be done by air, power stations and transformer stations, bridges, comand centers and transport links will be hit as well as any military forces that can be found.

As to the military-industrial complex staging a terror attack, i seriously doubt it would happen. It smacks of conspiraloon:
You don't think your govt capable of engineeing a fake attack on America or more likely the UK as it's population is far more pliable due to our newspaper ownership system. You must be living in cloud cuckoo land.
I don't, and i have no idea where the fuck you are living. :p

All the US/UK have to do is wait, iran will do something silly, the US/UK will pick up on it and declare it unacceptable, then bomb the hell out of them, far easier, safer and more reliable than staging a terrorist attack.
DrJazzz said:
It was a very significant comment he made - there would have been no need to describe the scenario as 'a very real danger' had he not believed this to be the case. Have a listen to the audio clip, and listen to the way his voice darkens when he makes the comment.

Also, have a look at www.prisonplanet.com, and note the politics of the radio station that George Galloway has endorsed by appearing on.
Who gives a fuck what Galloway thinks? He is the last person who would have any inside information on what the White House is planning to do.
TeeJay said:
Who gives a fuck what Galloway thinks?

Well lots of Americans for a start. At the last count more than 12,000 emails had been sent to him at the Houses of Parliament from grateful US citizens, thanking him for having had the courage and stand up and tell the truth before that toad laden McCarthyist Senate hearing in Washington.

He is the last person who would have any inside information on what the White House is planning to do.

What has "inside information" got to do with anything?
bigfish said:
Well lots of Americans for a start. At the last count more than 12,000 emails had been sent to him at the Houses of Parliament from grateful US citizens, thanking him for having had the courage and stand up and tell the truth before that toad laden McCarthyist Senate hearing in Washington.
They probably like him because he was anti-war and gave an admittedly good speech. But those 12,000 emails weren't about his analysis of Iran were they? My point is that what does it matter what Galloway says about US intentions in Iran? Unless he has some evidence or any kind of analysis to offer then its just his opinion and guesswork that the US will rig up some 'outrage' as a pretext for invading Iran. What basis did he offer for saying this? None as far as I can see.
TeeJay said:
... My point is that what does it matter what Galloway says about US intentions in Iran? Unless he has some evidence or any kind of analysis to offer then its just his opinion and guesswork that the US will rig up some 'outrage' as a pretext for invading Iran. What basis did he offer for saying this? None as far as I can see.

Perhaps his opinion, like that of many others, rests on the bizarre absence of any kind of convincing evidence supporting the official 911 yarn. Maybe he's taken time to consider the symmetrical, demolition like, collapse of WTC7 into its own footprint and has concluded, like many others, that there is something highly suspicious about this event, bearing in mind building 7 wasn't hit by any aircraft. Nor is it beyond the realms of possibility that he has likewise taken time to consider the Pentagon attack and has concluded, again like many others, that it is most unlikely that a Boeing 757 actually hit that building. In which case, it is not unreasonable for him not to rule out the possibility that 911 was an inside job, just like the sinking of the Main, or the Gulf of Tonkin incident, were inside jobs. Finally, as a public servant, then perhaps he realizes his moral and fiduciary duty is to warn the general public that the same type of skulduggery could be deployed again in relation to Iran.
Perhaps his opinion, like that of many others, rests on the bizarre absence of any kind of convincing evidence supporting the official 911 yarn.
Entirely plausible unfortunately. I can see the headline: Galloway in tinfoil hat shock.
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