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tenants rights wrt estate agent managed properties


Well-Known Member
we've been renting a house for the last couple of years, 7 months ago the lights in one of the bedrooms died while tripping the fuse box, we told the estate agents, they sent round an electrician who looked in the attic and condemned all the upstairs lighting. rodents had got in and had a twin and earth eating party.

what needed to happen was pest control, clear out and rewire, the pest control guy stuck a load of poison in the attic and buggered off for about a month so we started to try to get hold of the estate agent to ask what was going on... the estate agent ignored loads of the emails we sent, we didn't want to rock the boat and potentially just get kicked out so we just dealt with it for the first couple of months, easy enough in summer. then we started emailing more and more, generally either being ignored or being fobbed off with 'we have to talk to the (overseas) landlady, will get back to you'

finally the lights get fixed after a day and a half job for the electrician 7 months after they were first condemned, and just after we were served with a notice of possession for 2 months time.

just wondering if anyone here know if we have any rights we could flex to stitch up the estate agent on our way out, ideally resulting in some compensation. i do remember they don't like you threatening to report them to the property ombudsman when they know they're clearly in the wrong.
That was a really lousy situation, but in your shoes I might be worried about them being vindictive as regards providing references for your next landlord. I'm a coward, though, so I'm sure there will be wiser advice along in a minute. Best of luck. :)
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